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Ctrl Alt Del Issues

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Do not Allow Closing of Winbatch via Ctl-Alt-Del

Keywords: 	 Ctl-Alt-Del  prevent close Winbatch service


(Ideal Solution)I am looking for a way to allow the user to continue to be able to use the Ctl-Alt-Del key sequence to close programs, but I do not want them to be able to close the winbatch program that is currently running.

(Fallback Solution) I am looking for a way to not allow the user to press Ctl-Alt-Del at all. Thanks.


  1. Not really possible. You can rename the window or the compiled exe file to make it harder to find or give it a scary name.

  2. The best solution found thus far is to develop a reputation for slight mental instability and extreme physical violence whenever your scripts are subverted. Banging a battered baseball bat on a few desks helps. Management is often understanding in these cases.

  3. Or maybe running it as a service could be an option? Make sure to not check the option when setting up the service, "Allow service to Interact with Desktop."

    Note that when you set up a service, you see a "WBT-" box pop up when you are starting up Windows. To hide this so the user does not see it when starting Windows, try adding

    to the top of the script.

    With the 98B compiler is an option check box "Run Hidden" that should take care of the problem better.

    Also see the article:

Article ID:   W13151
Filename:   Do Not Allow Closing of WB with Ctrl Alt Del.txt
File Created: 2017:08:29:11:48:30
Last Updated: 2017:08:29:11:48:30