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Recycle Bin

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How to Empty the Recycle Bin

Keywords:     recycle bin


Is there any way to empty the Windows 95 recycle bin through script???


Yes, something like....
You do have a backed up system no? Only problem is it doesn't update the icon--deal with that by changing the "full" icon in the registry to match that of the empty.


I need to fool with some of the parameters of my Recycle Bin in a WinBatch script. So I need to right-click that icon and select "Properties" from the menu that comes up. Is it possible to accomplish this in WinBatch?

What I really want to do is to turn off Norton Protection from my Recycle Bin before starting a tape Backup. How I do this manually is:

Right-click recycle bin
Select Properties
Go to Norton Protection tab
uncheck selection

Trouble is, "Norton Protection" is not a window, so I can't WinShow("~Norton Protection"). If I run WinTop, there is a process called NPROTECT. If I can kill this, that would probably do the trick. Much cleaner to tell Nprotect to switch itself off, though. I cannot find any way of talking to this application which doesn't involve right-clicking the Recycle Bin....


	Run("explorer.exe","/n, /e, c:\recycled")
	SendKey("{tab}{tab} !~")
I don't have a computer with Norton Protect handy, but I suspect that there is a registry value that can be tweaked to simulate the tick box. I have seen settings for NProtrect in the registry. I just haven't taken the time to investigate yet. Look for those settings, tick Norton Protect on and off, and press {f5} in Regedit to see what if anything changes. I expect that the before and after comparison will do the trick.
Article ID:   W13152
Filename:   Empty or Select Item in Recycle Bin.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:52:06
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:52:06