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 Keywords: JSON Get Keyname Value List Node WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 MSScriptControl.ScriptControl JScript Eval

; Get JSON string from URL and use it for key=value search.
; Detlev Dalitz.20120419.
; Inspired by WinBatch user Jason Walls.
; Using JScript function "json2txt" from Patrick Fisher,

#DefineFunction udfFileGetFromURL (strFilename, strURL)
; DebugTrace (22, "") ; Allow DebugTrace continuation (inherit the debug mode from the caller).
If strURL == "" Then Return @FALSE
If strFilename == "" Then Return @FALSE
strResponseText = ""
objHTTP = CreateObject ("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
objHTTP.Open("GET", strURL, @FALSE)
ErrorMode (@OFF)
ErrorMode (@CANCEL)
intLastError = LastError ()
If !intLastError Then FilePut (strFilename, objHTTP.ResponseText) ;  FilePutW (strFilename, objHTTP.ResponseText)
objHTTP = 0
Return intLastError

#DefineFunction udfGetJSONList (strJSONData)
If strJSONData == "" Then Return ""
objJSC = CreateObject ("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl")
objJSC.Language = "JScript"
objJSC.AddCode(: `function json2txt(obj,path){var txt='';for(var key in obj){if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)){if('object'==typeof(obj[key])){txt+=json2txt(obj[key],path+(path?'.':'')+key);}else{txt+=path+'.'+key+'\t'+obj[key]+'\n';}}}return txt;}`)
Return objJSC.Eval(: `json2txt(` : strJSONData : `,'')`)
; JS code from Patrick Fisher at "" ; 2012-04-19T03:48:24.

; Test.

DirChange (DirScript ())

strFileJSON = "JSON.txt"
strFileJSONList = "JSON.List.txt"

stateabrv = "WA"
strURL = "" : stateabrv ; : "&jsoncallback"

; Get JSON string into local text file.
If FileExist (strFileJSON) == 0
   intLastError = udfFileGetFromURL (strFileJSON, strURL)
   Terminate (!!intLastError, "Terminated.", "WB LastError = " : intLastError : @LF : "URL = " : strURL)

; Convert JSON string into a list of key=value entries and store the list to local text file.
If FileExist (strFileJSONList) == 0
   strJSONData = FileGet (strFileJSON)
   strJSONList = udfGetJSONList (strJSONData)
   intBytes = FilePut (strFileJSONList, StrReplace (strJSONList, @LF, @CRLF))

; Get the JSON key=value entries into a dim-2 array.
arrJSON = ArrayFileGetCSV (strFileJSONList, 0, @TAB)

; Apply some key=value searches.

strJSONKey = "result.0.City"
strJSONValue = ""
intRow = Arraysearch (arrJSON, strJSONKey)
If intRow != -1 Then strJSONValue = arrJSON[intRow, 1]
Pause ("Demo|udfGetJSONValue", "Key = " : strJSONKey : @LF : "Value = " : strJSONValue)

strJSONKey = "result.715.City"
strJSONValue = ""
intRow = Arraysearch (arrJSON, strJSONKey)
If intRow != -1 Then strJSONValue = arrJSON[intRow, 1]
Pause ("Demo|udfGetJSONValue", "Key = " : strJSONKey : @LF : "Value = " : strJSONValue)

strJSONKey = "result.21.ZipClass"
strJSONValue = ""
intRow = Arraysearch (arrJSON, strJSONKey)
If intRow != -1 Then strJSONValue = arrJSON[intRow, 1]
Pause ("Demo|udfGetJSONValue", "Key = " : strJSONKey : @LF : "Value = " : strJSONValue)


Article ID:   W17965
Filename:   udfGetJSONList.txt
File Created: 2012:04:19:08:25:34
Last Updated: 2012:04:19:08:25:34