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Accessing Mail Control Panel Applet

 Keywords: launch run mail control panel applet 


I've once again hit a speedbump in my quest for WinBatch Nirvana.

I'm trying to access the Mail control panel applet in a Windows 2000 environment. I've tried

Run("rundll32.exe", "shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mlcfg32.cpl")
and also
Run("control.exe", "mlcfg32.cpl")
neither of which works.

Digging a little further, I found the appropriate Microsoft command lines and tried to run those from Start-Run and from MS-DOS window, neither of which works.

The funny thing is that the commands (both from WinBatch and from Windows itself) work fine for any other applet but the one I'm trying to access.

This is not a permissions thing as I've tried this on multiple systems, some of which I am the only administrator for, both in and out of an AD environment, etc., etc.

Not to be defeated, I tried launching the Control Panel by itself, sending "m" to go to the mail and hitting "enter", but for some reason, this only seems to work half of the time. The other half of the time, it's like the Control Panel doesn't get the SendKey ("{ENTER}")

Any ideas or workarounds would be much appreciated. If you can, give it a try yourselves to make sure I'm not having a "Doh" moment here.



Maybe try passing the full path to the mlcfg32.cpl file.
mailapplet = "c:\program files\common files\system\mapi\1033\NT\mlcfg32.cpl"
if FileExist(mailapplet) 
  Run('rundll32.exe', 'shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL "%mailapplet%"')
  Message("Error","Mail applet not found")

Incidentally, to open an email form to send email via RunDll try...
Run("rundll32","url.dll,FileProtocolHandler mailto:%email%")

Article ID:   W15533
File Created: 2012:11:26:09:53:02
Last Updated: 2012:11:26:09:53:02