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Task Manager Performance 100 percent


When running a WBT executable I've noticed that my PC Performance indicator jumps to 100% CPU usage.... I believe that this creates problems and hogs all my memory when trying to lauch other MS applications. Does anyone know why this is happening...


That depends on what your script is doing.

Most likely some sort of tight loop in the code without a Yield() or TimeDelay() a TimeDelay(0.1) should make a significant difference.

Or doing a RunWait (or something similar) in a Dialog CallBack procedure.

It can use a lot of CPU, but generally should not hog memoery unless your script is asking for lots of memory.

User Reply:

Within the program I am using the WaitForkey command....Could this be the creating the tight loop...


The WaitForKey command is one of several related commands that can give inacurrate CPU Usage readings.

Basically WinBatch is trying to give away CPU time. It no other applications are running, WinBatch can be seen using all the CPU time.

The true test is to launch somethiing like MS Word or Excel and see how well the system works.

Article ID:   W16013
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:42:16
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:42:16