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Get list of users within a group

Keywords: 	  users members list n4ObjectProps


I need a list of users within a group on a Netware 4 server. How can I retrieve this information with winbatch?

I tried using the example in the Netware Extender help file, under the function n4ObjectList, but it is not returning a list of users. It is returning a blank string. Example code:


;Get a list of users within a group on a Novell Netware 4 server
objects = n4ObjectList("", "Group", "User", "")
askitemlist( "List of users within a group",objects, @tab, @sorted, @single)
Any help?


The function n4ObjectList cannot get a list of users within a group. It can get a list of users within a specific context as follows:

;Get a list of users on a Novell Netware 4 server
objects = n4ObjectList("", "User", "", "")
askitemlist( "List of users",objects, @tab, @sorted, @single)

If you need to get a list of users (really MEMBERS) with in a particular group, use the function n4ObjectProps. Here is an example:

members = n4ObjectProps("", "Everyone", "Member")
askitemlist=("Members", members, @TAB, @sorted, @single)

Article ID:   W13600
Filename:   Get list of users within a group.txt
File Created: 2001:03:01:13:49:16
Last Updated: 2001:03:01:13:49:16