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Password Error Trapping for Netware

Keywords: n3Command password Novell 

Password Problems with Novell:

I have a Novell server with password, and my users' passwords expire every 60 days. The users aren't warned because WB doesn't test for it. Is there a way to show the password warning or test for it?

We've added additional error codes for when the password fails. One of several could be returned. Run your script and determine what the error number is being returned from WinBatch. Then setup a script to trap the expected error.

 LastError( )		;; this sets the error memory to zero
 ErrorMode(@OFF)	;;  This tells the WB we are handling the errors ourselves and not to bother the script.  
 N3command("pswd")	;;the one which is failing
 ErrorMode(@CANCEL)	;;   This hands control back to WB which will look for error messages.	 
 If LastError()==1234 then goto badpswd	 ;;looks for the expected error 
You'll need to use WinBatch to ask the user for a new password, check the password and then to drive the SET PASSWORD utility which you normally use when changing Netware passwords.
Article ID:   W13638
Filename:   Password Error Trapping Netware.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:55:22
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:55:22