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Setting Primary Server in Novell

Keywords: 	   n4SetPrimServ


Does anyone know how to set primary "current server in 3.1" in Novell 32 bit. Using an api to novell .dll is fine if you have. The extender would be better.

When running client 32 or intranetware client, you can right click on Network neighborhood. Then select Netware connections.

This gives you a list of all the Novell Servers you are connected to. There is a concept of Primary server. This is handy, because some programs look for saps from your primary server. For example on PCAnywhere set up with IPX/SPX connections, if SAP filtering is set up, you can only see the hosts on the same segment as the Primary server. In our case we have over 100 offices, so we would have a huge list of PCAW hosts if we opened the SAPS. By changing primary server, we only see a subset of the PCAW hosts.

Primary server also effects Novell to Novell copies. The program runs on the primary server, and you want two hosts copying with the highest bandwidth.

I am trying to find the an API connection that allows me to set the primary server without using the GUI interface.


The developers tell me it is the:
- - - 
The API is NWSetPrimaryConnectionID, but I think he'd have trouble calling
it directly.
- - - 
It's now on the list to get added as a new function.

The following function will be added in WB99D:


Sets the primary server.

"server" specifies a server name in UNC format, eg, "\\MYSERVER".

Returns 1.

Article ID:   W13640
Filename:   Setting Primary Server.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:55:24
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:55:24