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n4MsgSendAll and Greater than 300 Users

Keywords: 	  n4MsgSendAll	  300


I'm trying to find a way to perform a message broadcast to everyone currently logged in to our network. To further complicate matters, it has to be fairly speedy, since it's for a Emergency notification system.

I've tried the n4MsgSendAll(servername) to all our servers, and this works to some extent- except for the fact that not all users on the server get it. I presume this is due to the 300 user restriction that the Netware Extender help file mentions. If I could find a way around this restriction, it'd work great, I think. (I'm running WB99C)

I've also tried n4MsgSend(servername,group) where group is a group containing everyone. Same deal, it only sends hit-n-miss to a few users.

I've also tried:

Run(send.exe,"%message% %group%")
...which run's Novells command-line send. This will send messages to everybody in the group, however, it takes a *long* time to send to 2000+ users this way. (Even on a PII 500) This doesn't help much in an emergency situation.

The NT NET SEND would maybe work, except this needs to run from a W95 workstation.

I'd appreciate any ideas... possible directions to investigate. Novell SDK API call, possibly?


Seems like it would be hard to find something faster than:
Run(send.exe,"%message% %group%")
But you might try:
Run(send.exe,"%message% %group%")
I would actually be afraid to try...
Run(send.exe,"%message% %group%")
Also, a user reports the following:

Have a look at the product you have to look for is e/pop (winpop plus).

It is a great messaging product, you can reach users through NT-Domains, NetWare NDS Objects. It contains a lot of functionality.

We use this in an 3000+ user environment, and it works great.

Article ID:   W14276
Filename:   n4MsgSendAll and More than 300 Users.txt
File Created: 1999:10:26:11:22:58
Last Updated: 1999:10:26:11:22:58