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Winbatch and SSL Servers

Keywords: 	 SSL Servers


Finally a chance to show WinBatch off at work, perhaps!

I rememeber briefly exploring WinBatch (WebBatch) ability to open HTTP channels, pull pages down... can this be done with an SSL server?

The project demands some method to access a secure server to verify it is up and functioning properly, perhaps even log in (through a form) and do a transaction or two, flash some sort of "red light" if it doesn't work.

Doable? If it was pure HTTP I'd start coding tonite, but I don't have a sandbox right now and need to know HTTPS is viable before I can get one.


IF you have WinBatch 98/99


Any of the following:

  1. Windows 98 or
  2. Windows 95 and MSIE 4.0
  3. Windows NT 4.0 and MSIE 4.0
Then you can use the WinInet extender which is capable of SSL.
Article ID:   W13503
Filename:   Winbatch and SSL Servers.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:54:28
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:54:28