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Converts Image to DIB Formatted Temporary File

 Keywords: ImageMagickObject COM  udfImgClipPut Convert Image DIB 

Note: This example was written for ImageMagick version 6.x and may not be compatible with version 7.x.
#DefineFunction udfImgClipPut_1 (strFilenameImage)
If !FileExist (strFilenameImage) Then Return 0
AddExtender ("WWIMG44I.DLL") ; Load the WIL Pixie Extender.
strFilenameTemp = FileCreateTemp ("TMP")
If 1 != ImgConvert (strFilenameImage, "DIB:" : strFilenameTemp) Then Return 0
intBBsize = FileSize (strFilenameTemp)
If !intBBSize Then Return 0
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intBBsize)
BinaryRead (hdlBB, strFilenameTemp)
BinaryClipPut (hdlBB, 8) ; CF_DIB = 8.
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
FileDelete (strFilenameTemp)
Return intBBSize
; This user defined function "udfImgClipPut" uses the 'ImgConvert' function of the WinBatch 'Pixie' Extender.
; This function converts an input image file to a DIB formatted temporary file
; and puts the DIB content to Windows Clipboard,
; from where it can be pasted into some graphical application.
; The temporary DIB file is deleted afterwards.
; On success this function returns the DIB size in Byte, on failure it returns 0.
; Detlev Dalitz.20020904.20090717.

#DefineFunction udfImgClipPut_2 (strFilenameImage)
Switch FileExist (strFilenameImage)
Case 1
   objIM = ObjectCreate ("ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1")
   strInfo = objIM.Convert("MIFF:", strFilenameImage, "CLIPBOARD:") ; e. g. strInfo = "174,288,BMP"
   Drop (objIM)
   Return strInfo != ""
Case 2
   objIM = ObjectCreate ("ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1")
   strInfo = objIM.Convert('XC:', '-size', '600x400', 'xc:yellow', '-draw', 'black', '-gravity', 'center', '-pointsize', '20', '-annotate', '0', StrReplace ('"' : strFilenameImage : '"', "\", "\\") : '\nexists, but is currently open\nby another application in read deny mode.', "CLIPBOARD:") ; e. g. strInfo = "600,400,XCP"
   Drop (objIM)
   Return strInfo != ""
Case 0
   objIM = ObjectCreate ("ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1")
   strInfo = objIM.Convert('XC:', '-size', '600x400', 'xc:yellow', '-draw', 'black', '-gravity', 'center', '-pointsize', '20', '-annotate', '0', StrReplace ('"' : strFilenameImage : '"', "\", "\\") : '\ndoes not exist.', "CLIPBOARD:") ; e. g. strInfo = "600,400,XCP"
   Drop (objIM)
   Return strInfo != ""
Return @FALSE
; This user defined function "udfImgClipPut" uses the 'Convert' function of the ImageMagickObject.
; The ImageMagickObject is a COM+ compatible component that can be invoked from any language capable of using COM objects.
; This function converts resp. copies any supported input image file to Windows Clipboard.
; On success this function returns @TRUE (1), on failure it returns @FALSE (0).
; Detlev Dalitz.20080730.20090717.

#DefineFunction udfRunPaint (strMsgTitle)
Run ("mspaint", "")
While !WinExist ("~Paint")
   TimeDelay (2)
If WinExist ("~Paint")
   WinActivate ("~Paint")
   SendKeysTo ("~Paint", "^v") ; Paste Clipboard content to MSPaint.
   Pause (strMsgTitle, "Press OK to continue ...")
   If WinExist ("~Paint") Then WinClose ("~Paint")
   While WinExist ("~Paint")
      TimeDelay (1)

; Test.
; The ImageMagickObject COM object must be installed.

; Test 1
strFilenameImage = DirHome () : "WBOwl.bmp"       ; File exists.

; Test 1.1 WIL Pixie extender.
If udfImgClipPut_1 (strFilenameImage) Then udfRunPaint ("Demo Pixie: udfImgClipPut_1 (strFilenameImage)")

; Test 1.2 ImageMagickObject.
If udfImgClipPut_2 (strFilenameImage) Then udfRunPaint ("Demo IM: udfImgClipPut_2 (strFilenameImage)")

; Test 2
strFilenameImage = DirHome () : "WBOwl.bmp.bmp"   ; File does not exist.

; ImageMagickObject.
If udfImgClipPut_2 (strFilenameImage) Then udfRunPaint ("Demo IM: udfImgClipPut_2 (strFilenameImage)")


Article ID:   W18076
Filename:   Converts Image to DIB Formatted Temporary File.txt
File Created: 2019:12:02:11:30:30
Last Updated: 2019:12:02:11:30:30