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LogParser User Demo 1

Log Parser is a very powerful, versatile tool that provides universal query access to text-based data, such as log files, XML files, and CSV files, as well as key data sources on the Microsoft Windows operating system, such as the event log, the registry, the file system, and the Active Directory directory service.


LogParser user manual in PDF: it is 570 pages, and very thorough.

In addition to the excellent input formats LogParser has built in, they offer an extensible API to build custom formats. These can be created with C++, C# or with a lowly .wsc file. I liked the .wsc concept, having worked with it in WB. Of course, the docs say the .wsc HAS to be registered, but I was thinking and hoping that GetObject() could suffice, and therefore WB scripts could parse virtually anything w/Logparser in about 3-4 lines of generic script code.

Bubble was a little burst... LogParser's ExecuteBatch() method just gave errors. Then after re-reading their help file, I found there were methods and properties built in to their COM extension and I could obtain output with the Execute() method.

The attached script will output Hotfixes from WMI via a script and the LogParser Sample qbf.wsc file.

LogParser is an amazing tool for scripting!

This script requires the use of two files: LogParserComDemo.wbt and QFE.wsc


;Microsoft LogParser 2.2 - 'roll your own' - COM Demo
;This script demonstrates using a custom .wsc file to
;parse data that is not one of LogParser's standard formats.
;By use of GetObject(), WB is able to eliminate the need to
;have the .wsc file physically registered on the PC.
;the .wsc file is specific to obtaining WMI records releated to
;hotfixes on the PC
;To download version 2.2
;User guide
;Stan Littlefield, January 22, 2006

;initial setup
cWsc = StrCat(DirScript(),"QFE.wsc")
If ! FileExist(cWsc) Then Exit
cWsc = StrCat("script:",cWsc)
cMsg = "Unable To Create CSV from Query"
cCSV = StrCat(DirScript(),"comdemo.csv")
cSQL = 'SELECT * FROM .'  ;this is the WMI query for local machine

BoxOpen("Please Wait...",StrCat("Processing LogParser Query",@CRLF,cSQL) )
If FileExist(cCSV) Then FileDelete(cCSV)
oLog = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery")
oInput = GetObject(cWsc)
oInput.ExtendedFields = "ON"
oRS = oLog.Execute(cSQL, oInput )
If oLog.lastError <> 0
   cErrors = StrCat("Errors:",@CRLF)
   ForEach strMessage In oLog.errorMessages
   Message("Error Report",cErrors)

For i=0 To (n-1)
   cTxt = cTxt:oRS.GetColumnName(i):","
cTxt= StrSub(cTxt,1,StrLen(cTxt)-1):@CRLF
While ! oRS.atEnd()
   oRec = oRS.GetRecord()
   If oRec.GetValue(0) == "File 1"
   cTxt = cTxt:oRec.toNativeString( "," ):@CRLF

If FileExist(cCSV) Then cMsg=StrCat(cCSV," created from query")


<?xml Version="1.0" ?>
- <component>
  <?component error="true" Debug="true" ?>
  <registration progid="MSUtil.LogQuery.Sample.QFE" classid="{275926B8-2387-4201-ABC3-B8473D7AA677}" description="QFE Input Format" remotable="true" Version="1.00" />
- <public>
- <method name="OpenInput">
  <parameter name="strComputerName" />
  <method name="GetFieldCount" />
- <method name="GetFieldName">
  <parameter name="nFieldIndex" />
- <method name="GetFieldType">
  <parameter name="nFieldIndex" />
  <method name="ReadRecord" />
- <method name="GetValue">
  <parameter name="nFieldIndex" />
- <method name="CloseInput">
  <parameter name="bAbort" />
- <property name="ExtendedFields">
  <put />
- <script language="VBScript">
- <![CDATA[

Dim m_objQFEArray
Dim m_nIndex
Dim m_bExtendedFields

m_bExtendedFields = False

Function OpenInput(strComputerName)

	Dim objWMIService
	Dim objQFEs
	Dim nLength
	If isnull(strComputerName) or Len(strComputerName) = 0 Then
      strComputerName = "."
	End If
	' Query for all the QFE's on the specified machine
	Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputerName & "\root\cimv2")
	Set objQFEs = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_QuickFixEngineering")

	' Store in array
	m_objQFEArray = Array()
	For Each objQFE In objQFEs
		ReDim Preserve m_objQFEArray( UBound(m_objQFEArray) + 1 )
		Set m_objQFEArray( UBound(m_objQFEArray) ) = objQFE

	m_nIndex = LBound(m_objQFEArray)

End Function

Function GetFieldCount()

	' This Input Format returns 4 or 6 fields
	If m_bExtendedFields = True Then
		GetFieldCount = 6
		GetFieldCount = 4
	End If

End Function

Function GetFieldName(nFieldIndex)

	Select Case nFieldIndex
		Case 0 
			GetFieldName = "QFE"
		Case 1
			GetFieldName = "Description"
		Case 2
			GetFieldName = "InstallDate"
		Case 3
			GetFieldName = "InstalledBy"
		Case 4
			GetFieldName = "Comments"
		Case 5
			GetFieldName = "SP"
	End Select

End Function

Function GetFieldType(nFieldIndex)

	Select Case nFieldIndex
		Case 0 
			' String
			GetFieldType = 3
		Case 1
			' String
			GetFieldType = 3
		Case 2
			' Timestamp
			GetFieldType = 4
		Case 3
			' String
			GetFieldType = 3
		Case 4
			' String
			GetFieldType = 3
		Case 5
			' String
			GetFieldType = 3

	End Select

End Function

Function ReadRecord()

	If m_nIndex >= UBound(m_objQFEArray) Then
		' Enumeration terminated
		ReadRecord = False
		m_nIndex = m_nIndex + 1
		ReadRecord = True
	End If

End Function

Function GetValue(nFieldIndex)

	Select Case nFieldIndex
		Case 0 
			' QFE
			GetValue = m_objQFEArray(m_nIndex).HotFixID
		Case 1
			' Description
			GetValue = m_objQFEArray(m_nIndex).Description
		Case 2
			' InstallDate
			GetValue = m_objQFEArray(m_nIndex).InstallDate
		Case 3
			' InstalledBy
			GetValue = m_objQFEArray(m_nIndex).InstalledBy
		Case 4
			' Comments
			GetValue = m_objQFEArray(m_nIndex).FixComments
		Case 5
			' SP
			GetValue = m_objQFEArray(m_nIndex).ServicePackInEffect

	End Select	

End Function

Function CloseInput(bAbort)

	m_objQFEArray = Array()

End Function

Function put_ExtendedFields(strValue)

	If UCase(strValue) = "ON" Then
		m_bExtendedFields = True
		m_bExtendedFields = False
	End If

End Function


Article ID:   W17229
File Created: 2009:03:26:09:06:42
Last Updated: 2009:03:26:09:06:42