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Inserting Pictures Into Table Cells in Word


Having real tough time inserting a table (1,4) into Word and then inserting a picture and a couple of paragraphs into the cells.

The Table insert and overall cell format works fine:

wad = WDOC.activedocument
wat = wad.Tables
mytable = wat.add(:: Range=wadr, NumRows=1, NumColumns=4) ; Insert a 4 col table next
Tabr = mytable.Range ; set range to last table
Tabr.Style = "cfp Track bio" ; apply style to table
I can change the cell sizes:
C1 = myTable.Cell(1,1) ; Select row 1 col 1
C1.width = 72 ; Set width to 72 pts - 1"
C1.Height = 80 ; Set height to 1.1"
But I just can not figure out how to put a picture in C1. This is the vb Macro code that works:
ActiveDocument.Tables.Add Range:=Selection.Range, NumRows:=1, numColumns:= 2, DefaultTableBehavior:=wdWord9TableBehavior, AutoFitBehavior:= wdAutoFitContent
Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:= "C:\Aerostd\CFP\TrackPics\image005.jpg", LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True
This code puts a picture before the first paragraph of page 1.
iShapes = wad.InlineShapes
cSel2 = iShapes.AddPicture (:: FileName= "C:\Aerostd\CFP\TrackPics\image002.jpg", LinkToFile=wdFalse, SaveWithDocument=wdTrue)
> But the following code does NOT put the picture in cell 1:
Selection = C1.Select
c1s = Selection.InLineShapes
cls2 = c1s.AddPicture (:: FileName= "C:\Aerostd\CFP\TrackPics\image002.jpg", LinkToFile=wdFalse, SaveWithDocument=wdTrue)
Cell 1 selects Ok. But I get "Not a valid OLE object" on c1s = Selection.InLineShapes

Any help would be enormously appreciated.I also need to put formatted paragraphs into cell 2?


;   Winbatch 2003J, MS Word 2002 Pro...

myGIF = "C:\Test\logo.gif"         ;<-- change to your file...

Word  = ObjectOpen("Word.Application")
Docs = Word.Documents
ActiveDoc = Word.activedocument
ADR = ActiveDoc.Range                  ;<-- create a RANGE reference...

ADT = ActiveDoc.Tables
mytable = ADT.add(:: Range=ADR, NumRows=1, NumColumns=4)          ;<--- note changed RANGE reference...
Tabr = mytable.Range ; set range to last table

;I can change the cell sizes:
C1 = myTable.Cell(1,1) ; Select row 1 col 1
C1.width = 72 ; Set width to 72 pts - 1"
C1.Height = 80 ; Set height to 1.1"

;    Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:="C:\Test\logo.gif", LinkToFile _
;        :=False, SaveWithDocument:=True

CellRange = C1.Range               ;<-- it needs a "range" object, so I just stuck .Range on the end !!! like line #11...
CRIS = CellRange.InLineShapes
CRIS.AddPicture(:: FileName = myGIF, LinkToFile = @FALSE, SaveWithDocument = @TRUE)

Message("Word", "picture Insert into Cell is Complete")

; Clean up


Article ID:   W16646
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:21:44
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:21:44