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Voice Recognition

 Keywords: SAPI 5. 

;; Shared recognizer works with SAPI 5.1. The 5.1 SRE does not come
;; with the OS (even though the prodids are there) so it needs to be
;; installed as part of an Office install or the Speech SDK. It also
;; needs to be properly configured. The SDK also has a redistributable
;; speech engines you could install with your own application.

; Tested on system running Window XP SP3 with SDK SRE installed.

; Event handler - displays spoken text.
#DefineFunction Recognition(StreamNumber, StreamPosition, RecognitionType, Result)
   Display( 2, "You Said",  Result.PhraseInfo.GetText )

objRC = ObjectCreate("SAPI.SpSharedRecoContext")

ObjectEventAdd( objRC, "Recognition", "Recognition" )
objmyGrammar = objRC.CreateGrammar
SGDSActive   = 1

; Five seconds to say something.
Display( 5, "Speech to Text", "Say something in the next 5 seconds" )

Article ID:   W18182
Filename:   Voice Recognition.txt
File Created: 2010:09:22:07:55:18
Last Updated: 2010:09:22:07:55:18