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Create Task Run as SYSTEM

 Keywords: Create Make Scheduled Task Schedule.Service Daily Trigger Principal User Account ID Password SYSTEM Highest



;script to create task
_NULL = ObjectType( 'NULL', 0 ); ObjectType( 'BSTR', ObjectType( 'NULL', 0 ) )
userid = 'SYSTEM'
password =  _NULL

; A constant that specifies an executable action.
ActionTypeExec = 0

; Create the TaskService object.
service = ObjectCreate("Schedule.Service")

; Get a folder to create a task definition in.
rootFolder = service.GetFolder("\")

; The taskDefinition variable is the TaskDefinition object.
; The flags parameter is 0 because it is not supported.
taskDefinition = service.NewTask(0)

; Define information about the task.

; Set the registration info for the task by
; creating the RegistrationInfo object.
regInfo = taskDefinition.RegistrationInfo
regInfo.Description = "Start NotePad without UAC prompt"
regInfo.Author = "Administrator"

; Set the task setting info for the Task Scheduler by
; creating a TaskSettings object.
settings = taskDefinition.Settings
settings.Enabled = @TRUE
settings.StartWhenAvailable = @TRUE
settings.Hidden = @FALSE

Principal = taskDefinition.Principal
Principal.LogonType = 5; TASK_LOGON_SERVICE_ACCOUNT Indicates that a Local System, Local Service, or Network Service account is being used as a security context to run the task.
Principal.RunLevel = 1; TASK_RUNLEVEL_HIGHEST

; Create the action for the task to execute.
; Add an action to the task to run notepad.exe.

Action = taskDefinition.Actions.Create( ActionTypeExec )
Action.Path = "C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe"

; Register (create) the task.

rootFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition( "RunNotePad", taskDefinition, 6, userid , password , 3)
Pause(Principal.DisplayName , "Task submitted.")

Article ID:   W18200
Filename:   Create Task Run as SYSTEM.txt
File Created: 2014:05:02:09:39:10
Last Updated: 2014:05:02:09:39:10