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Textract Active X Sample

;Setup the Active X control first
;To install TxtrCtl, using regsvr32, use the following command line: regsvr32 TxtrOCX.DLL.
;To uninstall TxtrCtl, using regsvr32, use the following command line: regsvr32 /u TxtrOCX.DLL

;Change to your textract directory
;Look for the default Textract INI file
If !FileExist("Textract.INI ") Then
   Message("Please ReInstall","Textract.INI Not Found - Exiting")
End If

;Find the window of the program you are looking for
If WinExist("~Program Dictionary") == @TRUE Then
  winid1 = WinIdGet("~Program Dictionary")
  Message("","Can't Find the Proper Screen")
End If

;Open the object Text
Txtr = ObjectCreate("TxtrCtl.TxtrCtl")
rc = Txtr.Init
;look and see if the pattern file has been made
If !FileExist("Textract.PAT") Then  ;Pattern File
   rc = Txtr.Build(0)   ;builds the database without prompt
   ;rc = Txtr.Build(1)   ;prompts to build the database
End If

;send some keys to the application to get to a particular screen
;SendKeysTo(winid1,"^AF")  ;

;Activate your window
WinActivate (winid1)
pos = WinPlaceGet(@NORMAL,winid1)
;get the coordinates of your window
ax = ItemExtract(1,pos," ")
ay = ItemExtract(2,pos," ")
cx = ItemExtract(3,pos," ")
cy = ItemExtract(4,pos," ")

;Read your screen
rc = Txtr.ReadScreen(ax,ay,cx,cy)
;Get the text
Output = Txtr.Text

Txtr = 0

;Display your results

Article ID:   W16075
File Created: 2009:06:25:09:41:58
Last Updated: 2009:06:25:09:41:58