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Registry Script Generator

 Keywords: REG2WBT WinBatch script create WBT REGEDIT4  REGEDIT5 .REG exported registry

; REG2WBT.wbt  v1.04  20051202                                                                                    (c)20030905.Detlev Dalitz

; This WinBatch script will create a WinBatch scriptfile,
; based on a REGEDIT4 or REGEDIT5 textfile exported from the Windows registry.
; See examples at bottom of this file.
; This WinBatch script is heavily based on the fundamental work by Brad Sjue,
; who has created his first Reg2Wbt converter script at September 02, 2003,
; and has published it in WinBatch forum.
; Brad Sjue's code work gave me the final push to fullfil my own work,
; which I have started prior about one month before, when someone has requested
; those new application in the WinBatch forum.
; Changes in Version 1.04
; - Can now handle registry files of Version 4 and 5.
; - Can now handle one long line of binary hex values by converting into wrapped lines.
; - Added a second security question into the generated script about to proceed restore registry values.
; ==>  In order to have a safe testcase it is recommended  ...      <==
; ==>  ... to run the additional script "PrepareTest.REG2WBT.wbt".  <==

#DefineFunction udfFileGetLineCount (sFilename)
iBBSize = FileSizeEx (sFilename)
If !iBBSize Then Return (0)
hBB = BinaryAlloc (iBBSize)
iHigh = BinaryRead (hBB, sFilename) - 1
While (@CR == BinaryPeekStr (hBB, iHigh, 1))
   iHigh = iHigh - 1
iLineCount = BinaryStrCnt (hBB, 0, iHigh, @LF)
iLineCount = iLineCount + (@LF <> BinaryPeekStr (hBB, iHigh, 1))
BinaryFree (hBB)
Return (iLineCount)
; This function "udfFileGetLineCount" returns the number of lines counted in a textfile.
; This function takes only @LF characters into account.
; All @CR characters are ommitted.
; The function provides the same number of lines as counted by the WIL standard FileRead function.
; Detlev Dalitz.20020820

#DefineFunction udfHexToDec (sHex)
sHexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF"
sHex = StrUpper (StrTrim (sHex))
iHigh = StrLen (sHex)
iDec = 0
For ii = 1 To iHigh
   iDec = (iDec << 4) + StrIndex (sHexChars, StrSub (sHex, ii, 1), 0, @FWDSCAN) - 1
Return (iDec)
; Note: Returned negative numbers are ok for use in WinBatch.

#DefineFunction udfCreateSafeTextTable ()
sSafeChars = " !""#$&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
sReplaceChar = "."
hBB = BinaryAlloc (256) ; The buffer, especially hBB[0], is already initialized by value 0.
For ii = 1 To 255
   BinaryPoke (hBB, ii, ii)
BinaryPokeStr (hBB, 0, sReplaceChar)
BinaryPokeStr (hBB, 1, StrClean (BinaryPeekStr (hBB, 1, 255), sSafeChars, sReplaceChar, @TRUE, 2))
Return (hBB)

#DefineSubRoutine udsConvertHexToSafeText (hBBSafe, hBBHex, sHex)
BinaryEodSet (hBBHex, 0)
BinaryPokeHex (hBBHex, 0, sHex)
Return (BinaryPeekStr (hBBHex, 0, BinaryXlate (hBBHex, hBBSafe, 0)))

#DefineSubRoutine udsStrEscape (sString)
Return (StrReplace (StrReplace (StrReplace (StrReplace (sString, '\"', '"'), '\\', '\'), '%%', '%%%%'), '`', '``'))

#DefineSubRoutine udsPosEq (sString)
Return (StrIndex (StrClean (StrReplace (sString, '\"', "  "), '"=', " ", @TRUE, 2), ' "=', 1, @FWDSCAN) + 2)

#DefineFunction udfReturnSub (a, b)
Return (a)

#DefineSubRoutine udsAskFilenameReg (AF_default)
AF_folder = FilePath (AF_default)
If !DirExist (AF_folder) Then AF_folder = IniReadPvt (sAppProductName, "Reg_Folder", "", sAppIni)
If !DirExist (AF_folder) Then AF_folder = Environment ("temp")
If !DirExist (AF_folder) Then AF_folder = ShortCutDir ("Desktop", 0, @TRUE)
If (AF_default == "") Then AF_default = IniReadPvt (sAppProductName, "Reg_File", "", sAppIni)
If (AF_default == "") Then AF_default = "*.reg"
AF_title = sAppProductName : ": Select Registry File to convert to Winbatch ..."
AF_filetypes = "Reg Files|*.reg|Wbt Files|*.wbt|Reg & Wbt Files|*.wbt;*.reg|All Files|*.*|"
AF_flag = 1  ; Open single file.
AF_file = AskFilename (AF_title, AF_folder, AF_filetypes, AF_default, AF_flag)
If FileExist (AF_file) Then AF_file = FileNameLong (StrUpper (AF_file))
AF_folder = FilePath (AF_file)
IniWritePvt (sAppProductName, "Reg_Folder", AF_folder, sAppIni)
IniWritePvt (sAppProductName, "Reg_File", AF_file, sAppIni)
IniWritePvt ("", "", "", sAppIni)
Return (udfReturnSub (AF_file, DropWild ("AF_*")))

#DefineSubRoutine udsAskFilenameWbt (AF_default)
AF_folder = FilePath (AF_default)
If !DirExist (AF_folder) Then AF_folder = IniReadPvt (sAppProductName, "Wbt_Folder", "", sAppIni)
If !DirExist (AF_folder) Then AF_folder = Environment ("temp")
If !DirExist (AF_folder) Then AF_folder = ShortCutDir ("Desktop", 0, @TRUE)
If (AF_default == "") Then AF_default = IniReadPvt (sAppProductName, "Wbt_File", "", sAppIni)
If (AF_default == "") Then AF_default = "*.wbt"
AF_title = sAppProductName : ": Save WinBatch file as ..."
AF_filetypes = "Wbt Files|*.wbt|Reg Files|*.reg|Reg & Wbt Files|*.wbt;*.reg|All Files|*.*|"
AF_flag = 0 ; Save style
AF_file = AskFilename (AF_title, AF_folder, AF_filetypes, AF_default, AF_flag)
If FileExist (AF_file) Then AF_file = FileNameLong (StrUpper (AF_file))
AF_folder = FilePath (AF_file)
IniWritePvt (sAppProductName, "Wbt_Folder", AF_folder, sAppIni)
IniWritePvt (sAppProductName, "Wbt_File", AF_file, sAppIni)
IniWritePvt ("", "", "", sAppIni)
Return (udfReturnSub (AF_file, DropWild ("AF_*")))

#DefineFunction udfMsgBox (sCaption, sText, iFlags)
Return (DllCall (DirWindows (1) : "User32.dll", long : "MessageBoxA", long : DllHwnd (""), lpstr : sText, lpstr : sCaption, long : iFlags))
;| OK               = 0            | STOP      = 16                  |
;| OKCANCEL         = 1            | QUESTION  = 32                  |
;| ABORTRETRYIGNORE = 2            | EXCLAIM   = 48                  |
;| YESNOCANCEL      = 3            | INFO      = 64                  |
;| YESNO            = 4            | WINICON   = 4096                |
;| RETRYCANCEL      = 5            |                                 |
;+-----BUTTONS---------------------|----RETURN VALUES----------------|
;| DEFAULTBUTTON1   = 0            | IDOK      = 1                   |
;| DEFAULTBUTTON2   = 256          | IDCANCEL  = 2                   |
;| DEFAULTBUTTON3   = 512          | IDABORT   = 3                   |
;+---------------------------------| IDRETRY   = 4                   |
;| Combine flags with OR operator: | IDIGNORE  = 5                   |
;|      Flags=4|48|256|4096        | IDYES     = 6                   |
;|                                 | IDNO      = 7                   |
;From:  MWorrel
;Date:  Friday, September 12, 2003 08:54 AM

; Main
sAppProductName = "REG2WBT"
sAppProductVersion = "1"
sAppFileVersion = "1.04"
sAppFileVersionDate = "20051202"
sAppDescription = "Conversion from Registry exportfile (reg) to WinBatch scriptfile (wbt)"
sAppCopyright = "(c)20030905 Detlev Dalitz"
sAppFolder = FilePath (IntControl (1004, 0, 0, 0, 0))
sAppIni = sAppFolder : sAppProductName : ".ini"
IniWritePvt (sAppProductName, "ProductName", sAppProductName, sAppIni)
IniWritePvt (sAppProductName, "FileVersion", sAppFileVersion, sAppIni)
IniWritePvt (sAppProductName, "FileVersionDate", sAppFileVersionDate, sAppIni)
IniWritePvt (sAppProductName, "FileDescription", sAppDescription, sAppIni)
IniWritePvt (sAppProductName, "ProductVersion", sAppProductVersion, sAppIni)
IniWritePvt (sAppProductName, "LegalCopyright", sAppCopyright, sAppIni)
sMsgError = sAppProductName : ": Error"
sMsgWarning = sAppProductName : ": Warning"
; Find the registry file to be converted.
sFileReg = udsAskFilenameReg ("")
; Find a place to store the WinBatch file to be created.
sFileWbt = FilePath (sFileReg) : FileBaseName (sFileReg) : ".to.wbt"
sFileWbt = udsAskFilenameWbt (sFileWbt)
iFileRegSize = FileSizeEx (sFileReg)
sFileRegYmdHms = FileYmdHms (sFileReg)
iFileRegLines = udfFileGetLineCount (sFileReg)
iLastErrorMode = ErrorMode (@OFF)
hFW = FileOpen (sFileWbt, "Write")
ErrorMode (iLastErrorMode)
sMsgText = "Cannot open WBT output file:" : @LF : sFileWbt
Terminate (!hFW, sMsgError, sMsgText)
sYmdHmsStart = TimeYmdHms ()
sMsgTitle = sAppProductName : ": " : sAppDescription
sMsgText = "Processing ..."
BoxOpen (sMsgTitle, sMsgText)
WinPlace (100, 250, 900, 370, "")

sRegCreateKeyMask = "If !RegExistKey({1},sSubKey)" : @CRLF : "   RegCreateKey({1},sSubKey)" : @CRLF : "EndIf"
sRegSetBinMask = "RegSetBin({1},StrCat(sSubKey,`[{3}]`),sBinData)"
sRegSetDwordMask = "RegSetDword({1},StrCat(sSubKey,`[{3}]`),{4})"
sRegSetExpSzMask = "RegSetExpSz({1},StrCat(sSubKey,`[{3}]`),sExpSzData)"
sRegSetMulSzMask = "RegSetMulSz({1},StrCat(sSubKey,`[{3}]`),sMulSzData,sSzDelim)"
sRegSetValueMask = "RegSetValue({1},StrCat(sSubKey,`[{3}]`),`{4}`)"
sRegSetValueMask2 = "RegSetValue({1},StrCat(sSubKey,`[{3}]`),sStrData)"

sBinDataMask = "sBinData = StrCat(sBinData,`{1}`){2} ; [{3}]"
sBinDataMask1 = "sBinData = ``"
sExpSzDataMask = "sExpSzData = StrCat(sExpSzData,`{1}`){2} ; [{3}]"
sExpSzDataMask1 = "sExpSzData = ``"
sMulSzDataMask = "sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`{1}`){2} ; [{3}]"
sMulSzDataMask1 = "sMulSzData = ``"
sStrDataMask = "sStrData = StrCat(sStrData,`{1}`)"
sStrDataMask1 = "sStrData = ``"
sSubKeyMask = "sSubKey = ItemInsert(`{1}`,-1,sSubKey,`\`)"
sSubKeyMask1 = "sSubKey = ``"
sHKeyMask = "sHKey = `{1}`"

sKeyLinePattern = @LF : '[*]' : @LF
sBinLinePattern = @LF : '"*"=hex:*' : @LF
sExpSzLinePattern = @LF : '"*"=hex(2):*' : @LF
sMulSzLinePattern = @LF : '"*"=hex(7):*' : @LF
sDwordLinePattern = @LF : '"*"=dword:*' : @LF
sStrLinePattern1 = '@='
sStrLinePattern2 = @LF : '"*"="*"' : @LF

sLitBin = "hex:"
sLitDword = "dword:"
sLitHex2 = "hex(2):"
sLitHex7 = "hex(7):"

sMsgTextMask = "# {1}/{2}" : @LF : "{3} ..."

@P1 = "{1}"
@P2 = "{2}"
@P3 = "{3}"
@P4 = "{4}"
@P5 = "{5}"

@C0 = ""
@C32 = " "
@C44 = ","
@C59 = ";"
@C92 = "\"
@EOF = "*EOF*"
;@REGEDIT5 = "ÿþWindows Registry Editor Version 5.00" ; First two chars are the unicode marker. Note: FileRead reads unicode as normal text.
@REGEDIT5 = "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" ; Note: FileRead reads unicode as normal text.

sFuncGetSzDelim = "sSzDelim = udfGetSzDelim(sMulSzData)"
sFuncConvertExpSz = "sExpSzData = udfConvertHexReg(sExpSzData,``)"
sFuncConvertMulSz = "sMulSzData = udfConvertHexReg(sMulSzData,sSzDelim)"
sFuncBoxText = "BoxText(StrReplace(StrCat(sHKey,`\`,sSubKey),`\`,StrCat(`\`,@LF)))"

hBBSafe = udfCreateSafeTextTable () ; Buffer for xlating hexstrings.
hBBHex = BinaryAlloc (30)           ; Buffer for xlating hexstrings.

iStrDataChunk = 75

sMsgTextMask = StrReplace (sMsgTextMask, @P1, iFileRegLines)
sMsgTitle = sMsgTitle : " - " : FileBaseName (sFileReg)
BoxTitle (sMsgTitle)
sMsgText = "Writing header ..."
BoxText (sMsgText)
sRuler = @C59 : StrFill ("-", 140)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileWrite (hFW, `; This WinBatch script has been auto-generated by ` : sAppProductName : ` ` : sAppFileVersion : ` ` : sAppCopyright)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileWrite (hFW, `; Reg origin  : ` : sFileReg)
FileWrite (hFW, `; Reg created : ` : sFileRegYmdHms)
FileWrite (hFW, `; Reg lines   : ` : iFileRegLines)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileWrite (hFW, `; Wbt opened  : ` : sYmdHmsStart)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileWrite (hFW, ``)
FileWrite (hFW, ``)
FileWrite (hFW, `sFilename = IntControl(1004,0,0,0,0)`)
FileWrite (hFW, `sMsgTitle = "Import data into Windows Registry"`)
FileWrite (hFW, `sMsgText = StrCat(sFilename,@LF,"Do you want to process this file",@LF,"and overwrite existing values in the Registry?")`)
FileWrite (hFW, `Pause(sMsgTitle,sMsgText)`)
FileWrite (hFW, `sMsgText = StrCat(sFilename,@LF,"ARE YOU REALLY SURE to process this file",@LF,"and overwrite existing values in the Registry?")`)
FileWrite (hFW, `Pause(sMsgTitle,sMsgText)`)
FileWrite (hFW, ``)
FileWrite (hFW, ``)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileWrite (hFW, `#DefineFunction udfGetDelimiter (sString)               `)
FileWrite (hFW, `; Search #1.                                            `)
FileWrite (hFW, `If !StrIndex(sString,@TAB,1,@FWDSCAN) Then Return (@TAB)`)
FileWrite (hFW, `; Search #2.                                            `)
FileWrite (hFW, `If !StrIndex(sString,@LF,1,@FWDSCAN) Then Return (@LF)  `)
FileWrite (hFW, `; Search #3.                                            `)
FileWrite (hFW, `If !StrIndex(sString,@CR,1,@FWDSCAN) Then Return (@CR)  `)
FileWrite (hFW, `; Search #4.                                            `)
FileWrite (hFW, `sTable = "|#:;,./\!?=_-+*^~()[]{}<>&@$ "                `)
FileWrite (hFW, `sTable = StrClean(sTable,sString,"",@TRUE,1)            `)
FileWrite (hFW, `If (StrLen(sTable)>1) Then Return (StrSub(sTable,1,1))  `)
FileWrite (hFW, `; Search #5.                                            `)
FileWrite (hFW, `For i=255 To 1 By -1                                    `)
FileWrite (hFW, `   sTable = StrCat(sTable,Num2Char(i))                  `)
FileWrite (hFW, `Next                                                    `)
FileWrite (hFW, `sTable = StrClean(sTable,sString,"",@TRUE,1)            `)
FileWrite (hFW, `If (StrLen(sTable)>1) Then Return (StrSub(sTable,1,1))  `)
FileWrite (hFW, `; No delimiters available.                              `)
FileWrite (hFW, `Return ("")                                             `)
FileWrite (hFW, `#EndFunction                                            `)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileWrite (hFW, ``)
FileWrite (hFW, ``)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileWrite (hFW, `#DefineFunction udfGetSzDelim (sSzData)                                         `)
FileWrite (hFW, `sSzData = StrReplace(StrReplace(sSzData,"00","")," ","")                        `)
FileWrite (hFW, `If (sSzData>"")                                                                 `)
FileWrite (hFW, `   hBB = BinaryAlloc(StrLen(sSzData)/2)                                         `)
FileWrite (hFW, `   sSzDelim = udfGetDelimiter(BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,BinaryPokeHex(hBB,0,sSzData)))`)
FileWrite (hFW, `   BinaryFree(hBB)                                                              `)
FileWrite (hFW, `Else                                                                            `)
FileWrite (hFW, `   sSzDelim = IntControl(29,"",0,0,0)                                           `)
FileWrite (hFW, `EndIf                                                                           `)
FileWrite (hFW, `Return (sSzDelim)                                                               `)
FileWrite (hFW, `#EndFunction                                                                    `)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileWrite (hFW, ``)
FileWrite (hFW, ``)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileWrite (hFW, `#DefineFunction udfConvertHexReg (sRegValue, sSzDelim)               `)
FileWrite (hFW, `If (sRegValue=="") Then Return ("")                                  `)
FileWrite (hFW, `If (sSzDelim>"") Then sSzDelim = StrSub(sSzDelim,1,1)                `)
FileWrite (hFW, `   Else sSzDelim = IntControl(29,"",0,0,0)                           `)
FileWrite (hFW, `hBB = BinaryAlloc(StrLen(sRegValue))                                 `)
FileWrite (hFW, `BinaryPokeStr(hBB,0,sSzDelim)                                        `)
FileWrite (hFW, `sSzDelimHex = BinaryPeekHex(hBB,0,1)                                 `)
FileWrite (hFW, `sRegValue = StrReplace(StrReplace(sRegValue,"00",sSzDelimHex)," ","")`)
FileWrite (hFW, `iEod = BinaryPokeHex(hBB,0,sRegValue)-1                              `)
FileWrite (hFW, `While (BinaryPeekStr(hBB,iEod,1)==sSzDelim)                          `)
FileWrite (hFW, `   iEod = iEod-1                                                     `)
FileWrite (hFW, `   If (iEod<0) Then Break                                            `)
FileWrite (hFW, `EndWhile                                                             `)
FileWrite (hFW, `sSzValue = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,iEod+1)                               `)
FileWrite (hFW, `BinaryFree(hBB)                                                      `)
FileWrite (hFW, `Return (sSzValue)                                                    `)
FileWrite (hFW, `#EndFunction                                                         `)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileWrite (hFW, ``)
FileWrite (hFW, ``)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileWrite (hFW, `; Registration Database Operations`)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileWrite (hFW, `BoxOpen("Writing to Registry on Key ...","")`)
FileWrite (hFW, `WinPlace(100,100,500,500,"")`)
FileWrite (hFW, ``)
IntControl (65, 4096 * 64, 0, 0, 0) ; Set size of internal FileRead buffer.
hFR = FileOpen (sFileReg, "READ")
iLine = 0
While @TRUE
   sLine = FileRead (hFR)
   If (sLine == @EOF) Then Break
   iLine = iLine + 1
   sLine = StrTrim (sLine)
   If (sLine == @REGEDIT4) Then Break
   If (sLine == @REGEDIT5) Then Break
sMsgText = "Read error input file."
Terminate (sLine == @EOF, sMsgError, sMsgText)
Terminate ((sLine != @REGEDIT4) && (sLine != @REGEDIT5), sMsgError, sMsgText)

While @TRUE
   sLine = FileRead (hFR)
   If (sLine == @EOF) Then Break
   iLine = iLine + 1
   sLine = StrTrim (sLine)
   If (StrSub (sLine, 1, 1) == @C59) Then Continue
   If !(iLine mod 10) Then BoxText (StrReplace (StrReplace (sMsgTextMask, @P2, iLine), @P3, StrSub (sLine, 1, 100)))

   Switch @TRUE
   Case (sLine == @C0)
      FileWrite (hFW, @C0)

   Case @TRUE
      sTestLine = @LF : sLine : @LF

      ; --- HKEY ---
   Case (StrIndexWild (sTestLine, sKeyLinePattern, 1) == 1)
      sLine = StrSub (sLine, 2, StrLen (sLine) - 2)
      sHKey = ItemExtract (1, sLine, @C92)
      Switch @TRUE
      Case !StriCmp (sHKey, sHKCR)
         sRegHandle = sKeyHKCR
      Case !StriCmp (sHKey, sHKLM)
         sRegHandle = sKeyHKLM
      Case !StriCmp (sHKey, sHKCU)
         sRegHandle = sKeyHKCU
      Case !StriCmp (sHKey, sHKU)
         sRegHandle = sKeyHKU

      FileWrite (hFW, StrReplace (sHKeyMask, @P1, sHKey))
      FileWrite (hFW, sSubKeyMask1)

      sCreateSubKey = ItemRemove (1, sLine, @C92)
      iCount = ItemCount (sCreateSubKey, @C92)
      For ii = 1 To iCount
         sSubKey = StrReplace (sSubKeyMask, @P1, udsStrEscape (ItemExtract (ii, sCreateSubKey, @C92)))
         FileWrite (hFW, sSubKey)

      FileWrite (hFW, sFuncBoxText)
      FileWrite (hFW, StrReplace (sRegCreateKeyMask, @P1, sRegHandle))

      ; --- REG_BINARY ---
   Case (StrIndexWild (sTestLine, sBinLinePattern, 1) == 1)
      FileWrite (hFW, sBinDataMask1)

      iPosEq = udsPosEq (sLine)

      ; Get String Value.
      sValue = StrSub (sLine, 2, iPosEq - 3)
      sValue = udsStrEscape (sValue)

      ; Get Bin Data.
      sData = StrSub (sLine, iPosEq + 1, -1)
      sData = StrReplace (sData, sLitBin, @C0)

      Switch @TRUE
      Case (ItemCount (sData, @C44) > 25)
         ; Handle single long line.
         sDataTemp = ""
         While (sData > "")
            sDataTemp = ItemInsert (StrSub (sData, 1, 75), -1, sDataTemp, @C92)
            sData = StrSub (sData, 76, -1)
         While @TRUE
            sData = ItemExtract (1, sDataTemp, @C92)
            sComment = udsConvertHexToSafeText (hBBSafe, hBBHex, StrReplace (sData, @C44, @C0))
            sData = StrReplace (sData, @C44, @C32)
            sFiller = StrFill (@C32, 4 + 75 - StrLen (sData))
            sDataNew = StrReplace (StrReplace (StrReplace (sBinDataMask, @P1, sData), @P2, sFiller), @P3, sComment)
            FileWrite (hFW, sDataNew)
            sDataTemp = ItemRemove (1, sDataTemp, @C92)
            If (sDataTemp == "") Then Break
      Case (ItemCount (sData, @C44) > 0)
         ; Extract each line from file.
         While @TRUE
            sData = ItemExtract (1, sData, @C92)
            sComment = udsConvertHexToSafeText (hBBSafe, hBBHex, StrReplace (sData, @C44, @C0))
            sData = StrReplace (sData, @C44, @C32)
            sFiller = StrFill (@C32, 4 + 75 - StrLen (sData))
            sDataNew = StrReplace (StrReplace (StrReplace (sBinDataMask, @P1, sData), @P2, sFiller), @P3, sComment)
            FileWrite (hFW, sDataNew)
            If (StrSub (sLine, StrLen (sLine), 1) != @C92) Then Break
            sLine = FileRead (hFR)
            If (sLine == @EOF) Then Break
            iLine = iLine + 1
            sLine = StrTrim (sLine)
            If (StrSub (sLine, 1, 1) == @C59) Then Continue
            If !(iLine mod 10) Then BoxText (StrReplace (StrReplace (sMsgTextMask, @P2, iLine), @P3, sLine))
            sData = sLine

      FileWrite (hFW, StrReplace (StrReplace (StrReplace (sRegSetBinMask, @P1, sRegHandle), @P2, sCreateSubKey), @P3, sValue))

      ; --- REG_EXPAND_SZ ---
   Case (StrIndexWild (sTestLine, sExpSzLinePattern, 1) == 1)
      FileWrite (hFW, sExpSzDataMask1)

      iPosEq = udsPosEq (sLine)

      ; Get String Value.
      sValue = StrSub (sLine, 2, iPosEq - 3)
      sValue = udsStrEscape (sValue)

      ; Get Bin Data.
      sData = StrSub (sLine, iPosEq + 1, -1)
      sData = StrReplace (sData, sLitHex2, @C0)

      ; Extract each line.
      If ItemCount (sData, @C44)
         While @TRUE
            sData = ItemExtract (1, sData, @C92)
            sComment = udsConvertHexToSafeText (hBBSafe, hBBHex, StrReplace (sData, @C44, @C0))
            sData = StrReplace (sData, @C44, @C32)
            sFiller = StrFill (@C32, 75 - StrLen (sData))
            sDataNew = StrReplace (StrReplace (StrReplace (sExpSzDataMask, @P1, sData), @P2, sFiller), @P3, sComment)
            FileWrite (hFW, sDataNew)
            If (StrSub (sLine, StrLen (sLine), 1) != @C92) Then Break
            sLine = FileRead (hFR)
            If (sLine == @EOF) Then Break
            iLine = iLine + 1
            sLine = StrTrim (sLine)
            If (StrSub (sLine, 1, 1) == @C59) Then Continue
            If !(iLine mod 10) Then BoxText (StrReplace (StrReplace (sMsgTextMask, @P2, iLine), @P3, sLine))
            sData = sLine

      FileWrite (hFW, sFuncConvertExpSz)
      FileWrite (hFW, StrReplace (StrReplace (StrReplace (sRegSetExpSzMask, @P1, sRegHandle), @P2, sCreateSubKey), @P3, sValue))

      ; --- REG_MULTI_SZ ---
   Case (StrIndexWild (sTestLine, sMulSzLinePattern, 1) == 1)
      FileWrite (hFW, sMulSzDataMask1)

      iPosEq = udsPosEq (sLine)

      ; Get String Value.
      sValue = StrSub (sLine, 2, iPosEq - 3)
      sValue = udsStrEscape (sValue)

      ; Get Bin Data.
      sData = StrSub (sLine, iPosEq + 1, -1)
      sData = StrReplace (sData, sLitHex7, @C0)

      ; Extract each line.
      If ItemCount (sData, @C44)
         While @TRUE
            sData = ItemExtract (1, sData, @C92)
            sComment = udsConvertHexToSafeText (hBBSafe, hBBHex, StrReplace (sData, @C44, @C0))
            sData = StrReplace (sData, @C44, @C32)
            sFiller = StrFill (@C32, 75 - StrLen (sData))
            sDataNew = StrReplace (StrReplace (StrReplace (sMulSzDataMask, @P1, sData), @P2, sFiller), @P3, sComment)
            FileWrite (hFW, sDataNew)
            If (StrSub (sLine, StrLen (sLine), 1) != @C92) Then Break
            sLine = FileRead (hFR)
            If (sLine == @EOF) Then Break
            iLine = iLine + 1
            sLine = StrTrim (sLine)
            If (StrSub (sLine, 1, 1) == @C59) Then Continue
            If !(iLine mod 10) Then BoxText (StrReplace (StrReplace (sMsgTextMask, @P2, iLine), @P3, sLine))
            sData = sLine

      FileWrite (hFW, sFuncGetSzDelim)
      FileWrite (hFW, sFuncConvertMulSz)
      FileWrite (hFW, StrReplace (StrReplace (StrReplace (sRegSetMulSzMask, @P1, sRegHandle), @P2, sCreateSubKey), @P3, sValue))

      ; --- REG_DWORD ---
   Case (StrIndexWild (sTestLine, sDwordLinePattern, 1) == 1)
      iPosEq = udsPosEq (sLine)

      ; Get String Value.
      sValue = StrSub (sLine, 2, iPosEq - 3)
      sValue = udsStrEscape (sValue)

      ; Get Dword Data.
      sData = StrSub (sLine, iPosEq + 1, -1)
      sData = StrReplace (sData, sLitDword, @C0)

      sData = udfHexToDec (sData)
      FileWrite (hFW, StrReplace (StrReplace (StrReplace (sRegSetDwordMask, @P1, sRegHandle), @P3, sValue), @P4, sData))

      ; --- REG_SZ string ---
   Case (StrIndex (sLine, sStrLinePattern1, 1, @FWDSCAN) == 1)
      sValue = @C0
      iPosEq = 2
   Case (StrIndexWild (sTestLine, sStrLinePattern2, 1) == 1)
      iPosEq = udsPosEq (sLine)

      ; Get String Value.
      sValue = StrSub (sLine, 2, iPosEq - 3)
      sValue = udsStrEscape (sValue)
   Case @TRUE
      ; Get String Data.
      sData = StrSub (sLine, iPosEq + 1, -1)
      sData = StrSub (sData, 2, StrLen (sData) - 2)

      If (StrLen (sData) > iStrDataChunk)
         FileWrite (hFW, sStrDataMask1)
         ; Break before backslash.
         While (sData > @C0)
            iPos = iStrDataChunk
            While (StrSub (sData, iPos, 1) == @C92)
               iPos = iPos - 1
               If (iPos < 1) Then Break
            sDataNew = StrReplace (sStrDataMask, @P1, udsStrEscape (StrSub (sData, 1, iPos)))
            FileWrite (hFW, sDataNew)
            sData = StrSub (sData, iPos + 1, -1)
         FileWrite (hFW, StrReplace (StrReplace (sRegSetValueMask2, @P1, sRegHandle), @P3, sValue))
         sData = udsStrEscape (sData)
         FileWrite (hFW, StrReplace (StrReplace (StrReplace (sRegSetValueMask, @P1, sRegHandle), @P3, sValue), @P4, sData))
sMsgText = "Writing footer ..."
BoxText (sMsgText)
FileWrite (hFW, `BoxShut()`)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileWrite (hFW, ``)
FileWrite (hFW, `sMsgText = StrCat(sFilename,@LF,"Completed.")`)
FileWrite (hFW, `Message(sMsgTitle,sMsgText)`)
FileWrite (hFW, ``)
FileWrite (hFW, `:CANCEL`)
FileWrite (hFW, `Exit`)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
sYmdHmsStop = TimeYmdHms ()
FileWrite (hFW, `; Wbt created : ` : sYmdHmsStop)
FileWrite (hFW, sRuler)
FileClose (hFW)
BinaryFree (hBBHex)
BinaryFree (hBBSafe)
iTimeDiffSecs = TimeDiffSecs (sYmdHmsStop, sYmdHmsStart)
fLinesPerSec = 1. * iFileRegLines / iTimeDiffSecs
sMsgTextMask = "Reg file : {1}" : @LF : "Wbt file : {2}" : @LF : "Reg lines: {3}" : @LF : "Duration : {4} sec" : @LF : "Lines/sec: {5}" : @LF : "Conversion completed."
sMsgText = sMsgTextMask
sMsgText = StrReplace (sMsgText, @P1, sFileReg)
sMsgText = StrReplace (sMsgText, @P2, sFileWbt)
sMsgText = StrReplace (sMsgText, @P3, iFileRegLines)
sMsgText = StrReplace (sMsgText, @P4, iTimeDiffSecs)
sMsgText = StrReplace (sMsgText, @P5, fLinesPerSec)
WinPlace (100, 250, 900, 450, "")
BoxText (sMsgText)
MB_OK = 0
sMsgText = "Conversion Completed."
iResult = udfMsgBox (sMsgTitle, sMsgText, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION)
sMsgText = "Open target folder?"
iResult = udfMsgBox (sMsgTitle, sMsgText, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION)
If (iResult == IDYES) Then Run ("explorer.exe", "/select, " : sFileWbt)
BoxShut ()

; Information from the Platform SDK Release May 2002
;   Registry Element Size Limits
;   The following are the size limits for the various registry elements.
;   The maximum size of a key name is 255 characters.
;   The maximum size of a value name is as follows:
;   Windows XP, Windows .NET Server: 16383 characters
;   Windows 2000: 260 ANSI characters or 16383 Unicode characters.
;   Windows 95/98/Me: 255 characters
;   Long values (more than 2048 bytes) should be stored as files with the file names stored in the registry.
;   This helps the registry perform efficiently.
;   The maximum size of a value is as follows:
;   Windows NT/2000/XP: Available memory.
;   Windows 95/98/Me: 16,300 bytes. There is a 64K limit for the total size of all values of a key.
;   Windows 95/98/Me:
;   Every key has a default value that initially does not contain data.
;   On Windows 95, the default value type is always REG_SZ,
;   so the dwType parameter must specify REG_SZ for an unnamed value.
;   On Windows 98 and Windows Me, an unnamed value can be of any type.
;   Windows NT/2000/XP:
;   Registry keys do not have default values,
;   but they can have one unnamed value, which can be of any type.

; Example input Registry exportfile.
;   [HKEY_USERS\testuser]
;   [HKEY_USERS\testuser\New Key #1]
;   "MenuItem1"="2,1,1,&Einfügen,Webview-Ordner&titel,<!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup alt='&lt;B&gt;&lt;I&gt;Webview-Ordnertitel&lt;/I&gt;&lt;/B&gt;&nbsp;' startspan -->%THISDIRNAME%<!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup endspan -->,&Bild...,2,Den Namen des aktuellen Ordners einfügen.,"
;   "MenuItem2"="2,1,1,&Einfügen,Webview-Ordnerin&halt,<!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup u-src='file:///C:\\PROGRA~1\\MICROS~4\\Data\\FoldData.gif' startspan --><object width=100% height=85% classid=clsid:1820FED0-473E-11D0-A96C-00C04FD705A2></object><!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup endspan -->,&Bild...,2,Den Inhalt des aktuellen Ordners (Programmsymbol) einfügen.,"
;   "MenuItem3"="2,1,1,&Einfügen,-,,&Bild...,,,"
;   "Microsoft.Vsa.Vb.CodeDOMProcessor,Version=\"7.0.3300.0\",PublicKeyToken=\"b03f5f7f11d50a3a\",Culture=\"neutral\""=hex(7):3f,\
;     52,25,5a,2d,3f,31,41,34,3d,6e,4d,27,33,6c,6b,72,3d,79,41,52,65,64,69,73,74,\
;     5f,50,61,63,6b,61,67,65,3e,71,5e,68,7a,68,47,3f,35,7d,3d,49,40,50,5a,5b,68,\
;     69,3d,4a,65,00,00
;   "^°!=\"§$%&/()=?{[]}\\´`@+*~#',;.:-_<>"="^°!=\"§$%&/()=?{[]}\\´`@+*~#',;.:-_<>"
;   "New Value #1"="dd"
;   "New Value #2"="aaa|bbb|ccc"
;   "New Value #3"=dword:00000221
;   "New Value #4"=hex:
;   "New Value #5"=hex:dd,dd
;   "New Value #6"=dword:000000dd
;   "New Value #7"=hex:10,20,30,00,10,20,30,40,00,10,20,30,40,50,00,00
;   "ExpSz"=hex(2):66,69,6c,65,3a,2f,2f,25,75,73,65,72,61,70,70,64,61,74,61,25,5c,\
;     4d,69,63,72,6f,73,6f,66,74,5c,49,6e,74,65,72,6e,65,74,20,45,78,70,6c,6f,72,\
;     65,72,5c,44,65,73,6b,74,6f,70,2e,68,74,74,00
;   "MulSz"=hex(7):6d,73,63,72,6c,72,65,76,2e,64,6c,6c,00,43,52,59,50,54,4e,45,54,\
;     2e,44,4c,4c,00,00
;   "Setup Components"=hex(7):42,41,53,45,49,45,34,30,5f,57,69,6e,00,49,45,45,58,\
;     00,4d,6f,62,69,6c,65,50,6b,00,42,52,41,4e,44,49,4e,47,2e,43,41,42,00,41,64,\
;     76,41,75,74,68,00,48,65,6c,70,43,6f,6e,74,00,49,43,57,00,46,6f,6e,74,63,6f,\
;     72,65,00,54,72,69,64,61,74,61,00,45,78,74,72,61,50,61,63,6b,00,41,64,64,72,\
;     65,73,73,42,6f,6f,6b,00,4d,61,69,6c,4e,65,77,73,00,6d,65,64,69,61,70,6c,61,\
;     79,65,72,00,77,6d,70,63,6f,64,65,63,00,4d,53,56,4d,4c,00,46,6c,61,73,68,00,\
;     4d,53,56,42,53,63,72,69,70,74,00,46,6f,6e,74,73,75,70,00,49,45,52,65,61,64,\
;     6d,65,00,00
;   "@@@"=""
;   @="testuser"

; Example output WinBatch scriptfile.
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   ; This WinBatch script has been auto-generated by REG2WBT 1.03 (c)20030905 Detlev Dalitz
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   ; Reg origin  : W:\WINBATCH\PROD\REG2WBT\testuser.reg
;   ; Reg created : 2003:09:06:08:05:08
;   ; Reg lines   : 36
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   ; Wbt opened  : 2003:09:10:09:22:35
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   sFilename = IntControl(1004,0,0,0,0)
;   sMsgTitle = "Import data into Windows Registry"
;   sMsgText = StrCat(sFilename,@LF,"Do you want to process this file",@LF,"and overwrite existing values in the Registry?")
;   Pause(sMsgTitle,sMsgText)
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   #DefineFunction udfGetDelimiter (sString)
;   ; Search #1.
;   If !StrIndex(sString,@TAB,1,@FWDSCAN) Then Return (@TAB)
;   ; Search #2.
;   If !StrIndex(sString,@LF,1,@FWDSCAN) Then Return (@LF)
;   ; Search #3.
;   If !StrIndex(sString,@CR,1,@FWDSCAN) Then Return (@CR)
;   ; Search #4.
;   sTable = "|#:;,./\!?=_-+*^~()[]{}<>&@$ "
;   sTable = StrClean(sTable,sString,"",@TRUE,1)
;   If (StrLen(sTable)>1) Then Return (StrSub(sTable,1,1))
;   ; Search #5.
;   For i=255 To 1 By -1
;      sTable = StrCat(sTable,Num2Char(i))
;   Next
;   sTable = StrClean(sTable,sString,"",@TRUE,1)
;   If (StrLen(sTable)>1) Then Return (StrSub(sTable,1,1))
;   ; No delimiters available.
;   Return ("")
;   #EndFunction
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   #DefineFunction udfGetSzDelim (sSzData)
;   sSzData = StrReplace(StrReplace(sSzData,"00","")," ","")
;   If (sSzData>"")
;      hBB = BinaryAlloc(StrLen(sSzData)/2)
;      sSzDelim = udfGetDelimiter(BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,BinaryPokeHex(hBB,0,sSzData)))
;      BinaryFree(hBB)
;   Else
;      sSzDelim = IntControl(29,"",0,0,0)
;   EndIf
;   Return (sSzDelim)
;   #EndFunction
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   #DefineFunction udfConvertHexReg (sRegValue, sSzDelim)
;   If (sRegValue=="") Then Return ("")
;   If (sSzDelim>"") Then sSzDelim = StrSub(sSzDelim,1,1)
;      Else sSzDelim = IntControl(29,"",0,0,0)
;   hBB = BinaryAlloc(StrLen(sRegValue))
;   BinaryPokeStr(hBB,0,sSzDelim)
;   sSzDelimHex = BinaryPeekHex(hBB,0,1)
;   sRegValue = StrReplace(StrReplace(sRegValue,"00",sSzDelimHex)," ","")
;   iEod = BinaryPokeHex(hBB,0,sRegValue)-1
;   While (BinaryPeekStr(hBB,iEod,1)==sSzDelim)
;      iEod = iEod-1
;      If (iEod<0) Then Break
;   EndWhile
;   sSzValue = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,iEod+1)
;   BinaryFree(hBB)
;   Return (sSzValue)
;   #EndFunction
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   ; Registration Database Operations
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   BoxOpen("Writing to Registry on Key ...","")
;   WinPlace(100,100,500,500,"")
;   sHKey = `HKEY_USERS`
;   sSubKey = ``
;   sSubKey = ItemInsert(`testuser`,-1,sSubKey,`\`)
;   BoxText(StrReplace(StrCat(sHKey,`\`,sSubKey),`\`,StrCat(`\`,@LF)))
;   If !RegExistKey(@REGUSERS,sSubKey)
;      RegCreateKey(@REGUSERS,sSubKey)
;   EndIf
;   sHKey = `HKEY_USERS`
;   sSubKey = ``
;   sSubKey = ItemInsert(`testuser`,-1,sSubKey,`\`)
;   sSubKey = ItemInsert(`New Key #1`,-1,sSubKey,`\`)
;   BoxText(StrReplace(StrCat(sHKey,`\`,sSubKey),`\`,StrCat(`\`,@LF)))
;   If !RegExistKey(@REGUSERS,sSubKey)
;      RegCreateKey(@REGUSERS,sSubKey)
;   EndIf
;   sStrData = ``
;   sStrData = StrCat(sStrData,`2,1,1,&Einfügen,Webview-Ordner&titel,<!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup alt='&lt;B&g`)
;   sStrData = StrCat(sStrData,`t;&lt;I&gt;Webview-Ordnertitel&lt;/I&gt;&lt;/B&gt;&nbsp;' startspan -->%%THI`)
;   sStrData = StrCat(sStrData,`SDIRNAME%%<!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup endspan -->,&Bild...,2,Den Namen des akt`)
;   sStrData = StrCat(sStrData,`uellen Ordners einfügen.,`)
;   RegSetValue(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[MenuItem1]`),sStrData)
;   sStrData = ``
;   sStrData = StrCat(sStrData,`2,1,1,&Einfügen,Webview-Ordnerin&halt,<!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup u-src='file`)
;   sStrData = StrCat(sStrData,`:///C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~4\Data\FoldData.gif' startspan --><object width=`)
;   sStrData = StrCat(sStrData,`100%% height=85%% classid=clsid:1820FED0-473E-11D0-A96C-00C04FD705A2></object`)
;   sStrData = StrCat(sStrData,`><!--webbot bot=HTMLMarkup endspan -->,&Bild...,2,Den Inhalt des aktuellen `)
;   sStrData = StrCat(sStrData,`Ordners (Programmsymbol) einfügen.,`)
;   RegSetValue(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[MenuItem2]`),sStrData)
;   RegSetValue(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[MenuItem3]`),`2,1,1,&Einfügen,-,,&Bild...,,,`)
;   sMulSzData = ``
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`3f `)                                                                         ; [?]
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`52 25 5a 2d 3f 31 41 34 3d 6e 4d 27 33 6c 6b 72 3d 79 41 52 65 64 69 73 74 `) ; [R.Z-?1A4=nM'3lkr=yARedist]
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`5f 50 61 63 6b 61 67 65 3e 71 5e 68 7a 68 47 3f 35 7d 3d 49 40 50 5a 5b 68 `) ; [_Package>q^hzhG?5}=I@PZ[h]
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`69 3d 4a 65 00 00`)                                                           ; [i=Je..]
;   sSzDelim = udfGetSzDelim(sMulSzData)
;   sMulSzData = udfConvertHexReg(sMulSzData,sSzDelim)
;   RegSetMulSz(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[Microsoft.Vsa.Vb.CodeDOMProcessor,Version="7.0.3300.0",PublicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a",Culture="neutral"]`),sMulSzData,sSzDelim)
;   RegSetValue(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[^°!="§$%%&/()=?{[]}\´``@+*~#',;.:-_<>]`),`^°!="§$%%&/()=?{[]}\´``@+*~#',;.:-_<>`)
;   RegSetValue(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[New Value #1]`),`dd`)
;   RegSetValue(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[New Value #2]`),`aaa|bbb|ccc`)
;   RegSetDword(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[New Value #3]`),545)
;   sBinData = ``
;   RegSetBin(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[New Value #4]`),sBinData)
;   sBinData = ``
;   sBinData = StrCat(sBinData,`dd dd`)                                                                           ; [..]
;   RegSetBin(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[New Value #5]`),sBinData)
;   RegSetDword(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[New Value #6]`),221)
;   sBinData = ``
;   sBinData = StrCat(sBinData,`10 20 30 00 10 20 30 40 00 10 20 30 40 50 00 00`)                                 ; [. 0.. 0@.. 0@P..]
;   RegSetBin(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[New Value #7]`),sBinData)
;   sExpSzData = ``
;   sExpSzData = StrCat(sExpSzData,`66 69 6c 65 3a 2f 2f 25 75 73 65 72 61 70 70 64 61 74 61 25 5c `)             ; [file://.userappdata.\]
;   sExpSzData = StrCat(sExpSzData,`4d 69 63 72 6f 73 6f 66 74 5c 49 6e 74 65 72 6e 65 74 20 45 78 70 6c 6f 72 `) ; [Microsoft\Internet Explor]
;   sExpSzData = StrCat(sExpSzData,`65 72 5c 44 65 73 6b 74 6f 70 2e 68 74 74 00`)                                ; [er\Desktop.htt.]
;   sExpSzData = udfConvertHexReg(sExpSzData,``)
;   RegSetExpSz(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[ExpSz]`),sExpSzData)
;   sMulSzData = ``
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`6d 73 63 72 6c 72 65 76 2e 64 6c 6c 00 43 52 59 50 54 4e 45 54 `)             ; [mscrlrev.dll.CRYPTNET]
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`2e 44 4c 4c 00 00`)                                                           ; [.DLL..]
;   sSzDelim = udfGetSzDelim(sMulSzData)
;   sMulSzData = udfConvertHexReg(sMulSzData,sSzDelim)
;   RegSetMulSz(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[MulSz]`),sMulSzData,sSzDelim)
;   sMulSzData = ``
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`42 41 53 45 49 45 34 30 5f 57 69 6e 00 49 45 45 58 `)                         ; [BASEIE40_Win.IEEX]
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`00 4d 6f 62 69 6c 65 50 6b 00 42 52 41 4e 44 49 4e 47 2e 43 41 42 00 41 64 `) ; [.MobilePk.BRANDING.CAB.Ad]
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`76 41 75 74 68 00 48 65 6c 70 43 6f 6e 74 00 49 43 57 00 46 6f 6e 74 63 6f `) ; [vAuth.HelpCont.ICW.Fontco]
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`72 65 00 54 72 69 64 61 74 61 00 45 78 74 72 61 50 61 63 6b 00 41 64 64 72 `) ; [re.Tridata.ExtraPack.Addr]
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`65 73 73 42 6f 6f 6b 00 4d 61 69 6c 4e 65 77 73 00 6d 65 64 69 61 70 6c 61 `) ; [essBook.MailNews.mediapla]
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`79 65 72 00 77 6d 70 63 6f 64 65 63 00 4d 53 56 4d 4c 00 46 6c 61 73 68 00 `) ; [yer.wmpcodec.MSVML.Flash.]
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`4d 53 56 42 53 63 72 69 70 74 00 46 6f 6e 74 73 75 70 00 49 45 52 65 61 64 `) ; [MSVBScript.Fontsup.IERead]
;   sMulSzData = StrCat(sMulSzData,`6d 65 00 00`)                                                                 ; [me..]
;   sSzDelim = udfGetSzDelim(sMulSzData)
;   sMulSzData = udfConvertHexReg(sMulSzData,sSzDelim)
;   RegSetMulSz(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[Setup Components]`),sMulSzData,sSzDelim)
;   RegSetValue(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[@@@]`),``)
;   RegSetValue(@REGUSERS,StrCat(sSubKey,`[]`),`testuser`)
;   BoxShut()
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   sMsgText = StrCat(sFilename,@LF,"Completed.")
;   Message(sMsgTitle,sMsgText)
;   Exit
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   ; Wbt created : 2003:09:10:09:22:39
;   ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Article ID:   W18233
Filename:   Registry Script Generator.txt
File Created: 2009:07:22:14:28:56
Last Updated: 2009:07:22:14:28:56