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Delete Empty Directories

 Keywords:  Delete Empty Directories


#DefineFunction DeleteEmptyDirectories(Root)
;  Examine every directory under the root.
;  Delete them if they are empty.
;  Return the number of items in ROOT
    DirList = DirItemize(StrCat(Root,"\*.*"))
    Total = 0
    while @TRUE
        NextDir = ItemExtract(1,DirList,@TAB)
        if NextDir == "" then break
        DirList = ItemRemove(1,DirList,@TAB)
        NextDir = StrCat(Root,"\",NextDir)
        Count = DeleteEmptyDirectories(NextDir)
        if Count == 0
            Total = Total + Count + 1
    Count = ItemCount(FileItemize(StrCat(Root,"\*.*")),@TAB)
    Total = Total + Count
    return Total

;  Test the UDF
TestDir = "C:\Temp\Test"
x = DeleteEmptyDirectories(TestDir)
if x == 0 then DirRemove(TestDir)

Article ID:   W15289
File Created: 2002:09:05:13:51:04
Last Updated: 2002:09:05:13:51:04