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Crypto API


;Crypto API Functions
;Guido 12/01
;Further hacked by MW oct-10-2002.  Code may be in bad shape
;tried to fix CryptEncryptStr and CryptDecriptStr
;as *sometimes* there are zeros in the buffer data

;CryptAcquireContext : Gets a handle to a particular key container within a ;
;particular CSP. ;
;pszContainer : The key container name. ;
;pszProvider : The provider name. ;
;dwProvType : The type of provider to acquire. ;
;dwFlags : Normally set to zero. ;
;Returns : A handle to a provider. ;
#DefineFunction CryptAcquireContext(pszContainer, pszProvider, dwProvType, dwFlags)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
phProv = BinaryAlloc(100)
xx = DLLCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptAcquireContextA", lpbinary:phProv, lpstr:pszContainer, lpstr:pszProvider, long:dwProvType, long:dwFlags)
If xx == 0 Then xx = DllCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptAcquireContextA", lpbinary:phProv, lpstr:pszContainer, lpstr:pszProvider, long:dwProvType, long:8)
BinaryEodSet(phProv, 100)
hprovider = BinaryPeek4(phProv, 0)
Return hprovider

;CryptCreateHash : Initializes the hashing of a stream of data. ;
;hProv : A handle to the CSP to use. ;
;Algid : An algorithm identifier of the hash algorithm to use. ;
;hKey : Key for the hash if needed. ;
;dwFlags : Reserved, should always be zero. ;
;Returns : Handle to the new hash object. ;
#DefineFunction CryptCreateHash(hProv, Algid, hKey, dwFlags)
phHash = BinaryAlloc(100)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
xx = DLLCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptCreateHash", long:hProv, long:Algid, long:hKey, long:dwFlags, lpbinary:phhash) 
BinaryEodSet(phHash, 100)
hhash = BinaryPeek4(phhash, 0)
Return hhash

;CryptHashData : Computes the cryptographic hash on a stream of data. ;
;hHash : A handle to the hash object. ;
;pbData : Data to be hashed. ;
;dwDataLen : The number of bytes of data to be hashed. ;
;dwFlags : The flag values. ;
;Returns : If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. ;
#DefineFunction CryptHashData(hHash, pbData, dwDataLen, dwFlags)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
xx = DLLCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptHashData", long:hHash, lpstr:pbData, long:dwDataLen, long:dwFlags)
Return xx

;CryptDeriveKey : Generates cryptographic keys derived from base data. ;
;hprov : A handle to the application’s CSP. ;
;Algid : The identifier for the algorithm for which the key is to be generated.;
;hBaseData: A handle to a hash object. ;
;dwFlags : The flags specifying the type of key generated. ;
;Returns : A handle of the newly generated key. ;
#DefineFunction CryptDeriveKey(hprov, Algid, hBaseData, dwFlags)
phKey = binaryalloc(100)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
xx = DLLCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptDeriveKey", long:hProv, long:Algid, long:hBaseData, long:dwFlags, lpbinary:phKey)
binaryeodset(phKey, 100)
hkey = BinaryPeek4(phKey, 0)
Return hkey

;CryptEncryptStr : Encrypts a string. ;
;hKey : A handle to the key to use for the encryption. ;
;hHash : A handle to a hash object. ;
;Final : Specifies whether this is the last section in a series being decrypted.;
;dwFlags : Reserved, should always be zero. ;
;Data : String to be encrypted. ;
;DataLen : Number of bytes to be encrypted. ;
;dwBufLen: Size of the buffer that will hold the string. ;
;Returns : The encrypted string. ;
#DefineFunction CryptEncryptStr(hKey, hHash, Final, dwFlags, Data, DataLen, dwBufLen)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
pdwDataLen = BinaryAlloc(4)
pbData = binaryalloc(dwBufLen)
BinaryEodSet(pbData, dwBufLen) 
BinaryEodSet(pdwDataLen, 4) 
BinaryPokeStr(pbData, 0, data)
BinaryPoke4(pdwDataLen, 0, DataLen)
xx = DLLCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptEncrypt", long:hKey, long:hHash, long:Final, long:dwFlags, lpbinary:pbData, lpbinary:pdwDataLen, long:dwBufLen)
pbindex=BinaryPeek4(pdwDatalen,0) -1 
for xx=0 to pbindex
   bytea=num2char((byte >> 4) + 65)
   byteb=num2char((byte & 15) + 65)
return retdata

;CryptDecryptStr : Decrypts a string. ;
;hKey : A handle to the key to use for the decryption. ;
;hHash : A handle to a hash object. ;
;Final : Specifies whether this is the last section in a series being decrypted.;
;dwFlags : Reserved, should always be zero. ;
;Data : String to be decrypted. ;
;DataLen : Number of bytes to be decrypted. ;
;dwBufLen: Size of the buffer that will hold the string. ;
;Returns : The decrypted string. ;
#DefineFunction CryptDecryptStr(hKey, hHash, Final, dwFlags, Data, DataLen, dwBufLen)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
pbData = BinaryAlloc(dwBufLen)

for xx=1 to DataLen by 2
    bytea=(Char2num(bytea)-65) << 4
pdwDataLen = BinaryAlloc(100)

;BinaryPokeStr(pbData, 0, data)
BinaryPoke4(pdwDataLen, 0, DataLen)
xx = DLLCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptDecrypt", long:hKey, long:hHash, long:Final, long:dwFlags, lpbinary:pbData, lpbinary:pdwDataLen)
BinaryEodSet(pbData, BinaryEodGet(pbData)) 
BinaryEodSet(pdwDataLen, 100)
daData=BinaryPeekStr(pbData, 0, BinaryEodGet(pbData)) 
Return DaData 

;CryptEncrypt : Encrypts a buffer. ;
;hKey : A handle to the key to use for the encryption. ;
;hHash : A handle to a hash object. ;
;Final : Specifies whether this is the last section in a series being decrypted.;
;dwFlags : Reserved, should always be zero. ;
;pbData : Handle to the buffer to encrypt. ;
;DataLen : Number of bytes to be encrypted. ;
;dwBufLen: Size of the buffer to encrypt. ;
;Returns : If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. ;
#DefineFunction CryptEncrypt(hKey, hHash, Final, dwFlags, pbData, DataLen, dwBufLen)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
pdwDataLen = BinaryAlloc(100)
BinaryPoke4(pdwDataLen, 0, DataLen)
xx = DLLCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptEncrypt", long:hKey, long:hHash, long:Final, long:dwFlags, lpbinary:pbData, lpbinary:pdwDataLen, long:dwBufLen)
BinaryEodSet(pbData, binaryeodget(pbData)) 
BinaryEodSet(pdwDataLen, 100)
Return xx

;CryptDecrypt : Decrypts a buffer. ;
;hKey : A handle to the key to use for the decryption. ;
;hHash : A handle to a hash object. ;
;Final : Specifies whether this is the last section in a series being decrypted.;
;dwFlags : Reserved, should always be zero. ;
;pbData : Handle of the buffer to be decrypted. ;
;DataLen : Number of bytes to be decrypted. ;
;Returns : If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. ;
#DefineFunction CryptDecrypt(hKey, hHash, Final, dwFlags, pbData, DataLen)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
pdwDataLen = BinaryAlloc(100)
BinaryPoke4(pdwDataLen, 0, DataLen)
xx = DLLCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptDecrypt", long:hKey, long:hHash, long:Final, long:dwFlags, lpbinary:pbData, lpbinary:pdwDataLen)
BinaryEodSet(pbData, BinaryEodGet(pbData)) 
BinaryEodSet(pdwDataLen, 100) 
Return xx

;CryptDestroyHash : Destroys a hash object. ;
;hHash : A handle to the hash object to be destroyed. ;
;Returns : If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. ;
#DefineFunction CryptDestroyHash(hHash)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
xx = DLLCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptDestroyHash", long:hHash)
Return xx

;CryptDestroyKey : Releases the handle referenced by the hKey parameter. ;
;hKey : A handle to the key to be destroyed. ;
;Returns : If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. ;
#DefineFunction CryptDestroyKey(hKey)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
xx = DLLCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptDestroyKey", long:hKey)
Return xx

;CryptReleaseContext : Releases a handle to a CSP and a key container. ;
;hProv : A handle to the application’s CSP. ;
;dwFlags : Reserved, should always be zero. ;
;Returns : If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. ;
#DefineFunction CryptReleaseContext(hProv, dwFlags)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
xx = DLLCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptReleaseContext", long:hProv, long:dwFlags)
Return xx

CALG_MD5 = 32771
CALG_RC4 = 26625

;Get handle to user default provider
hProv = CryptAcquireContext("", "", PROV_RSA_FULL, 0)

;Create hash object
hHash = CryptCreateHash(hProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0)

;Hash password string
CryptHashData(hHash, "password sunil", strlen("password sunil"), 0)

;Create block cipher session key based on hash of the password
hKey = CryptDeriveKey(hprov, CALG_RC4, hHash, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE)

;Encrypt string
data = "sunil varma"
encdata = CryptEncryptStr(hKey, 0, @true, 0, data, strlen(data), 20)

;Decrypt string 
decdata = CryptDecryptStr(hKey, 0, @true, 0, encdata, strlen(encdata), 20)

;Free resources
CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0)


I have triedusing the previous UDFs to access the MS Crypt API. Old machine is Win2k SP3, WB2003H. New machine is WinXP SP1, WB 2003H. When I call the Decrypt routine to recover a stored password, I get different results on the two boxes. I've browsed MSDN, and did a quick Google search, but found no info that was useful to me.

My thoughts:

  1. Crypt API is machine specific to improve security. Helpful, but not protable
  2. Crypt API has changed from 2k to XP. More likely
Anyone have any ideas on this?


Maybe check out:
Article ID:   W15887
File Created: 2007:05:07:12:00:54
Last Updated: 2007:05:07:12:00:54