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Deploying App Using Winbatch 'Wrapper' Via Web

Keywords:    Deploying App Using Winbatch 'Wrapper' Via Web


I need some of my users to install an application which will be distributed via our intranet. However the target audience do not have adminstrative privileges on there w2k workstations to install this app so I have written a winbatch exe to do the job. This means my complete set of files will include the app exe plus winbatch exe and supporting dll's. Any ideas on the best way to do this? I want my users to be able to click on the download link and select 'Run from this location' to install everything without having to choose the option to save the files locally and then run them.


They can click on an exe. The exe can then find itself - DirHome() or WinExeName() and copy itself to the local hard drive. In some directory the user makes without prompting the user

Then the first exe runs the second exe with a special parameter telling it that it is the second exe (or the exe can check its localtion and if the local hard dirive...)

Then the second exe can run itself again (th third time) with RunWithLogon to gain access to admin privileges.

Here's some sample code:

; This script (when debugged) should do the following
; 1) If on a network drive, copy itself to a local drive then run the local copy
; 2) If run from a local drive, use RunWithLogon run itself to grant admin privileges
; Must run in Win2000 or newer

; It does need to know the Admin account and password and optionall domain
; Change the following to suite your system
      runas_user = "Administrator"
      runas_pswd = "password"
      runas_domain = ComputernameGet(0);Use local account

; Step 1, determine current situation
runstate=0  ; 0 means don;t know
;           ; 1 means running as an Admin
;           ; 2 means running on local drive, but not admin
;           ; 3 means running on network drive

;Get entire parameter line for examination

If StrIndexNC(moiparams,"URADMIN",0,@FWDSCAN)
   ; Already launched as admin
   param0 = param0 -1  ; Remove the URADMIN param from further consideration
   runstate=1   ; already running as admin
   ; Get current exe name
   If moi=="\\"" 
      ;UNC network drive
      runstate=3 ; network drive
      ;see if network drive letter 
      ;get local drive list  uppercase also
      ;See if is drive letter is on network drive list
      If StrIndex(networkdrives,moidrive,0,@FWDSCAN) != 0
         ;drive letter found in network drive list
         runstate=3    ; running on network drive
         runstate=2    ; running on local machine but not an admin


Terminate(runstate==0,"Error","Script confused about current runstate")

; Step 2 now that run state is known, do something about it

Switch runstate

     Case 1   ; running as admin
        ; break out of switch statement and do Admin code below

     Case 2   ; running on local drive.  Need admin privileges
         If WinVersion(5)  >= "2-5-0"   ;Win2000 or newer
            ;NOTE:  For security reasons *always* assign the password
            ; to a variable and then use the variable in the RunWithLogon
            ; statement.  NEVER hardcode the password into the
            ; RunWithLogon statement or else the password my be
            ; exposed if the RunWithLogon fails on some kind of error
            ; This is also a good idea with the userid and domain
            ; information
            moiparams=StrCat(moiparams, " URADMIN")
            ; The following should be on one line
            RunWithLogon(moi, moiparams, "", @NORMAL, @NOWAIT,runas_user, runas_domain, runas_pswd,0)
            Message("Platform error","Script is not designed for this OS.")

     Case 3   ; running from network drive.  Make local copy
         ;make a new directory
         If DirExist(temppath)==@FALSE Then DirMake(temppath)
         DestEXE=StrCat(temppath,"WBINST.xex") ; using xex extension to stop user from clicking on it

Terminate(runstate!=1,"Error","Script should be in admin mode now")

; Running in Admin mode now.
Message("Do stuff","here")

Article ID:   W15278
File Created: 2009:03:25:13:57:54
Last Updated: 2009:03:25:13:57:54