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Conversion UDFs

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udfMakeIcon - Convert BMP or JPG to ICO file

 Keywords: udfMakeIcon ImgSample Make Icon convert BMP JPG ICO .BMP .JPG .ICO bitmap

#DefineFunction udfMakeIcon(infile, outfile)
   ;**         udfMakeIcon
   ;** Purpose: Convert BMP/JPG to ICO file
   ;** Inputs: BMP/JPG File
   ;** Outputs: ICO File
   ;** NOTE: The icon created with this code will not work with the WinBatch+Compiler.
   ;**       The WinBatch+Compiler requires specially formatted .ICO files.
   ;** Revisions: 1.0 Deana Falk / Garry Nichol
   ; Check for valid input parameters
   If !FileExist( infile ) Then Return 0
   If !DirExist( FilePath( outfile ) ) Then Return 0
   If FileExist( outfile ) Then FileDelete( outfile )
   If StrUpper(FileExtension( outfile ) ) != 'ICO' Then Return 0
   ; Load the PIXIE Extender

   ; Temporarily save the file as a .BMP
   tempfile = FilePath( outfile ) : FileRoot( outfile ) : '.bmp'

   ; Use ImgSample to save the file as a 256x256 bitmap
   width = 256
   height = 256
   result = ImgSample( infile, tempfile, width, height )

   ; Rename and delete the temporary file
   FileRename( tempfile, outfile )

   Return @TRUE

;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
;; Test: Bad input file path
;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
;img =  'X:\xxx\yyy.ext'
;ico = 'D:\Deana\My Pictures\Test\':FileRoot(img):'.ico'
;ret = udfMakeIcon( img, ico )
;if !ret
;   Pause('Notice', 'udfMakeIcon Failed!')
;   exit
;Run( 'Explorer', FilePath( ico ) )

;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
;; Test: Bad output file extension
;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
;img =  AskFileName( 'Choose file to Convert to ICO', 'C:\', 'BMP|*.bmp;JPG|*.jpg;', 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\Default Pictures\snowflake.bmp',1)
;ico = 'D:\Deana\My Pictures\Test\':FileRoot(img):'.ico'
;ret = udfMakeIcon( img, ico )
;if !ret
;   Pause('Notice', 'udfMakeIcon Failed!')
;   exit
;Run( 'Explorer', FilePath( ico ) )

; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; Convert BMP to .ICO
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
img =  AskFilename( 'Choose BMP to Convert to ICO', 'C:\', 'BMP|*.bmp', 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\Default Pictures\snowflake.bmp',1)
ico = 'D:\Deana\My Pictures\Test\':FileRoot(img):'.ico'
ret = udfMakeIcon( img, ico )
If !ret
   Pause('Notice', 'udfMakeIcon Failed!')

; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; Convert JPG to .ICO
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
img =  AskFilename( 'Choose JPG to Convert to ICO', 'C:\', 'JPG|*.jpg', '',1)
ico = 'D:\Deana\My Pictures\Test\':FileRoot(img):'.ico'
ret = udfMakeIcon( img, ico )
If !ret
   Pause('Notice', 'udfMakeIcon Failed!')

; Display results in Windows Explorer
Run( 'Explorer', FilePath( ico ) )


Article ID:   W18349
Filename:   udfMakeIcon - Convert BMP or JPG to ICO file.txt
File Created: 2009:07:17:11:14:56
Last Updated: 2009:07:17:11:14:56