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HTML Splash Screen UDF

#DefineFunction splash_screen(size, text, time)
;Size is in pixels, text may contain HTML tags, time is in seconds.

splash_html =                            `<html><head><TITLE>my_splash_screen</TITLE>`
splash_html = StrCat(splash_html, @CRLF, `<HTA:APPLICATION ID="my_splash_screen" APPLICATIONNAME="my_splash_screen" BORDER="dialog" CAPTION="no" SHOWINTASKBAR="no" SINGLEINSTANCE="yes" SYSMENU="yes" scroll="no" scrollFlat="yes" />`)
splash_html = StrCat(splash_html, @CRLF, `<script>window.resizeTo(`, size, `,`, size, `); window.moveTo((screen.width-`, size, `)/2, (screen.height-`, size, `)/2);</script> `)
splash_html = StrCat(splash_html, @CRLF, `</head><body style="background-color: #00ffff"><table height="100%%" width="100%%"><tr><td valign=middle style="background-color: #00ffcc; color: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif; FONT-WEIGHT: Bold; FONT-STYLE: Normal; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; text-align: center;">`)
splash_html = StrCat(splash_html, @CRLF, text)
splash_html = StrCat(splash_html, @CRLF, `</td></tr></table><script language="JavaScript">setTimeout('window.close()', `, time * 1000, `)</script>`)
splash_html = StrCat(splash_html, @CRLF, `</body></html>`)
FilePut("mysplash.hta", splash_html)
Run(DirGet() : "mysplash.hta", "")

splash_screen(300, "One moment, please<br><br>DATA formatting...", 8)


Message("Slash screen sample","Done")

Article ID:   W17481
File Created: 2008:04:10:15:11:24
Last Updated: 2008:04:10:15:11:24