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Remove Duplicates from a List

Keyword: Remove Delete Duplicates Duplicate Delimited List Item

Example 1:
#DefineFunction udfItemListTrimDup (strItemList, strDelimiter)
strTrimList = ""
intCount = ItemCount (strItemList, strDelimiter)
For intElem = 1 To intCount
   strItem = ItemExtract (intElem, strItemList, strDelimiter)
   If strItem != "" Then If !ItemLocate (strItem, strTrimList, strDelimiter) Then strTrimList = ItemInsert (strItem, -1, strTrimList, strDelimiter)
Return strTrimList
; This UDF udfItemListTrimDup returns an itemlist with empty items removed and duplicates removed.

Example 2:

#DefineFunction RemoveDupList(list,delim)
   list = ItemSort(list,delim)
   newlist = ""
   For x = 1 To ItemCount(list,delim)
      item = ItemExtract(x,list,delim)
      If item != lastitem
         If newlist=="" Then newlist=item
         Else newlist = StrCat(newlist,delim,item)

list = "a b c c d a b b"
usedelim =" "  ; using a space as a delimiter for this example
newlist = RemoveDupList(list,usedelim)
AskItemlist( "Results", newlist, usedelim, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE )

Article ID:   W16251
File Created: 2010:04:26:09:04:12
Last Updated: 2010:04:26:09:04:12