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AD Query of IP Network & SMS Database Query

;                                                                                               ;
;                                      IPNet2ADSite Function                                    ;
;                                                                                               ;

#DefineFunction UDF_IPNet2ADSite(vstrIPNetwork)

	vstrADSIPath = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")
	vstrConfigurationNC = vstrADSiPath.Get("configurationNamingContext")
	vstrSitesContainer = StrCat("LDAP://cn=Sites,",vstrConfigurationNC)
	vobjSitesContainer = GetObject(vstrSitesContainer)

;	vstrTest = ObjectTypeGet(vobjSitesContainer)

	; Cycle through the list of site objects to find the subnet(s) associated with the site
	ForEach vobjSite in vobjSitesContainer
;		vstrObjClass = dsGetClass(vstrSitesContainer)
;		vstrPropertyList = dsGetPropName(vstrSitesContainer,3)
		; Retrieve the name of the site
		vstrSiteName = vobjSite.Name
		; Place the site name in the appropriate spot in the fully qualified name for the 
		; site object
		vstrFQName = StrReplace(vstrSitesContainer,"LDAP://",StrCat("LDAP://",vstrSiteName,","))
		; If the object is a site object, check its subnet(s)
		If StrUpper(dsGetClass(vstrFQName)) == "SITE" Then
			; Retreive the subnet list
			vstrSiteObjectBL = dsGetProperty(vstrFQName,"SiteObjectBL")
			; Determine how many subnets are associated with this site.
			vintNetworkCount = ItemCount(vstrSiteObjectBL,@TAB)
			If vintNetworkCount == 1 Then
				; If there's only one sites, separate the IP subnet from the subnet mask
				; and fully qualified object name.
				vstrSubNet = ItemExtract(1,vstrSiteObjectBL,"/")
				; If the subnet matches the network you're looking for, return the site name
				If StrUpper(vstrSubNet) == StrCat("CN=",vstrIPNetwork) Then
					vstrSiteName = ItemExtract(2,vstrSiteName,"=")
				End If
				; If there is more than one subnet associated with the site, cycle through the
				; subnets and look for a match.
				For vintNetworkCounter = 1 to vintNetworkCount
					vstrSubNet = ItemExtract(vintNetworkCounter,vstrSiteObjectBL,@TAB)
					vstrSubSubNet = ItemExtract(1,vstrSubnet,"/")
					If StrUpper(ItemExtract(1,vstrSubnet,"/")) == StrCat("CN=",vstrIPNetwork) Then
						vstrSiteName = ItemExtract(2,vstrSiteName,"=")
					End If
			End If
		End If



;                                                                                               ;
;                                      IPNet2SMSSite Function                                    ;
;                                                                                               ;

; This fuction expects an IP network or AD Site name as the first element passed
; vstrType is used to dictate whether vstrCriterion is an IP network or AD Site.
; vstrType = 1 IP Network
; vstrtype = 2 AD Site name.

#DefineFunction UDF_IPNet2SMSSite(vstrCriterion, vstrType)


	Select @TRUE
		Case vstrType == 1
			; IP network
			vstrSQLString = StrCat("Select SiteCode from SiteBoundaryIPSubnet where IPSubnet = ",vstrCriterion)
		Case vstrType == 2
			; AD Site
			vstrSQLString = StrCat("Select SiteCode from dbo.SiteBoundaryADSite where ADSiteName = '", vstrCriterion,"'")
		Case @TRUE
			UDS_WriteToLog(vstrLogFile,"Error 60 - Invalid data passed to function!",1)
	End Select

	vobjDatabase = ObjectCreate("adodb.connection")
	vobjDatabase.Open = ("driver={SQL Server};server=hcidalas19;database=sms_dal;trusted_connection=yes")
	vobjRecordSet = vobjDatabase.Execute(vstrSQLString)

	vstrSMSSite = vobjRecordSet.GetString()
	;Strip out the carriage return by treating it as a delimiter
	vstrSMSSite = ItemExtract(1,vstrSMSSite,@CR)




Article ID:   W17482
File Created: 2009:01:12:08:28:42
Last Updated: 2009:01:12:08:28:42