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ReadXmlFile Sample

 Keywords: Read XML File NodeSystem.Xml.XmlReader System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings System.Xml.XmlNodeType

;**   ReadXmlFile Sample
;** Purpose:  Read XML file Node by Node
;** Inputs:
;** Outputs:
;** Reference:
;**       REQUIRES WinBatch 2013A or newer
;** Developer: Deana Falk 2013.08.07
If Version( )< '2013A'
   Pause('Notice', 'Need 2013A or Newer Version of WinBatch')


fn = AskFilename( 'ReadXmlFile', 'c:\temp\Data\XML\', '', '', 1 )

; Load assemblies into the WinBatch process
; mscorlib assembly is automatically loaded by WinBatch when the CLR is loaded.
ObjectClrOption ("useany","System.Xml")

; Create a class implemented by a managed assembly.
netXmlReader = ObjectClrNew("System.Xml.XmlReader")
netXmlSettings = ObjectClrNew("System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings")
enumXmlNodeType = ObjectClrNew("System.Xml.XmlNodeType")

; Associate a Framework based type name with a value
;bTrue = ObjectCLRType("System.Boolean",true)
;Pause('',ObjectTypeGet(type) )
bTrue = ObjectType( "BOOL", -1 )

; Set Setting properties
;netXmlReader.Async = bTrue
;netXmlSettings.IgnoreComments = bTrue
;netXmlSettings.IgnoreProcessingInstructions = bTrue
netXmlSettings.IgnoreWhitespace = bTrue

; Call Create Method
;r = netXmlReader.Create(fn, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings:netXmlSettings)
r = netXmlReader.Create(fn, netXmlSettings)

; Call method.
BoxesUp("100,100,900,900", @NORMAL)
BoxCaption(1, "Inspect XML Nodes")
BoxTextFont(1, "Courier New", 20, 0, 16)
BoxDrawRect(1, '0,0,1000,1000', 0 )

While r.Read()
   BoxDataTag(1, "TAG1")
   arrRslt = udfInspectCurrentNode(r)
   data = 'Name:          ':@TAB:arrRslt[0]:@LF:'LocalName:     ':@TAB:arrRslt[1]:@LF:'NamespaceURI:  ':@TAB:arrRslt[2]:@LF:'NodeType:      ':@TAB:arrRslt[3]:@LF:'HasValue:      ':@TAB:arrRslt[4]:@LF:'Value:         ':@TAB:arrRslt[5]:@LF:'HasAttributes: ':@TAB:arrRslt[6]:@LF:'AttributeCount:':@TAB:arrRslt[7]
   BoxDrawText(1, '0,0,1000,1000', data, @TRUE, 0)
   BoxDataClear(1, "TAG1")


#DefineFunction udfInspectCurrentNode(netXmlReader)
  arrResult =  ArrDimension(8)
  arrResult[0] = netXmlReader.Name
  arrResult[1] = netXmlReader.LocalName
  arrResult[2] = netXmlReader.NamespaceURI
  arrResult[3] = udfXmlNodeTypeToString(netXmlReader.NodeType)
  arrResult[4] = netXmlReader.HasValue
  arrResult[5] = netXmlReader.Value
  arrResult[6] = netXmlReader.HasAttributes
  arrResult[7] = netXmlReader.AttributeCount
  Return arrResult

#DefineFunction udfXmlNodeTypeToString(nType)
   Switch nType
      ;  This is returned by the XmlReader if a Read method has not been called.
      Case 0
         sType = 'NONE'
      ;   Element An element (for example, <item> ).
      ;   An Element node can have the following child node types: Element, Text, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, CDATA, and EntityReference. It can be the child of the Document, DocumentFragment, EntityReference, and Element nodes.
      Case 1
         sType = 'Element'
      ;   Attribute An attribute (for example, id='123' ).
      ;   An Attribute node can have the following child node types: Text and EntityReference. The Attribute node does not appear as the child node of any other node type. It is not considered a child node of an Element.
      Case 2
         sType = 'Attribute'
      ;   Text The text content of a node.
      ;   A Text node cannot have any child nodes. It can appear as the child node of the Attribute, DocumentFragment, Element, and EntityReference nodes.
      Case 3
         sType = 'Text'
      ;   CDATA A CDATA section (for example, <![CDATA[my escaped text]]> ).
      ;   CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text that would otherwise be recognized as markup. A CDATA node cannot have any child nodes. It can appear as the child of the DocumentFragment, EntityReference, and Element nodes.
      Case 4
         sType = 'CDATA'
      ;   EntityReference A reference to an entity (for example, &num; ).
      ;   An EntityReference node can have the following child node types: Element, ProcessingInstruction, Comment, Text, CDATA, and EntityReference. It can appear as the child of the Attribute, DocumentFragment, Element, and EntityReference nodes.
      Case 5
         sType = 'EntityReference'
      ;   Entity An entity declaration (for example, <!ENTITY...> ).
      ;   An Entity node can have child nodes that represent the expanded entity (for example, Text and EntityReference nodes). It can appear as the child of the DocumentType node.
      Case 6
         sType = 'Entity'
      ;   ProcessingInstruction A processing instruction (for example, <?pi test?> ).
      ;   A ProcessingInstruction node cannot have any child nodes. It can appear as the child of the Document, DocumentFragment, Element, and EntityReference nodes.
      Case 7
         sType = 'ProcessingInstruction'
      ;   Comment A comment (for example, <!-- my comment --> ).
      ;   A Comment node cannot have any child nodes. It can appear as the child of the Document, DocumentFragment, Element, and EntityReference nodes.
      Case 8
         sType = 'Comment'
      ;   Document A document object that, as the root of the document tree, provides access to the entire XML document.
      ;   A Document node can have the following child node types: XmlDeclaration, Element (maximum of one), ProcessingInstruction, Comment, and DocumentType. It cannot appear as the child of any node types.
      Case 9
         sType = 'Document'
      ;   DocumentType The document type declaration, indicated by the following tag (for example, <!DOCTYPE...> ).
      ;   A DocumentType node can have the following child node types: Notation and Entity. It can appear as the child of the Document node.
      Case 10
         sType = 'DocumentType'
      ;   DocumentFragment A document fragment.
      ;   The DocumentFragment node associates a node or subtree with a document without actually being contained within the document. A DocumentFragment node can have the following child node types: Element, ProcessingInstruction, Comment, Text, CDATA, and EntityReference. It cannot appear as the child of any node types.
      Case 11
         sType = 'DocumentFragment'
      ;   Notation A notation in the document type declaration (for example, <!NOTATION...> ).
      ;   A Notation node cannot have any child nodes. It can appear as the child of the DocumentType node.
      Case 12
         sType = 'Notation'
      ;   Whitespace White space between markup.
       Case 13
         sType = 'Whitespace'
      ;  SignificantWhitespace White space between markup in a mixed content model or white space within the xml:space="preserve" scope.
      Case 14
         sType = 'SignificantWhitespace'
      ;   EndElement An end element tag (for example, </item> ).
      ;   EndElement nodes are returned when XmlReader gets to the end of an element.
      Case 15
         sType = 'EndElement'
      ;   EndEntity
      ;   Returned when XmlReader gets to the end of the entity replacement as a result of a call to ResolveEntity.
      Case 16
         sType = 'EndEntity'
   ;   XmlDeclaration
   ;   The XML declaration (for example, <?xml version='1.0'?> ).
   ;   The XmlDeclaration node must be the first node in the document. It cannot have children. It is a child of the Document node. It can have attributes that provide version and encoding information.
       Case 17
         sType = 'XmlDeclaration'
  Return sType

Article ID:   W17851
Filename:   ReadXmlFile Sample.txt
File Created: 2023:05:31:11:14:16
Last Updated: 2023:05:31:11:14:16