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504 ResourceName is not valid or cannot be located

 Keywords: wntAddDrive 504 ResourceName is not valid or cannot be located


I wrote a win 98 script a while back that maps a user into a directory over the WAN, then opens a local program, and closes the map after the program closes. The script is below and works great. I have recently had a few Win 2000 users that need do the same thing. The problem is I have not been able to get a script to work for Win 2000.

I have included the one I think is close below, but I can't get it to map. The error I get is:

504: ResourceName is not valid or cannot be located. 
The user I'm working with is an administrator and has all the rights neccessary. I can manually login with the same username and password with no problems.

Any help would be appreciated.

Win 98 script:

w95AddDrive(@default, @default, "\\server\test\", "H:", @false)
RunWait("c:\program files\Test\scm2100\scm2100.exe", "")
w95CancelCon("H:", @true, @true)

Win 2000 script that doesn't work:

RunWait("c:\program files\Test\scm2100\scm2100.exe", "")


Check the resource name you are specifying. Are you sure its available. Can you manually map to this same resource?

User Reply:

I figured it out...thanks everyone. The resource name "\server\test\" cannot have the final "\", it needs to be "\server\test"!

Who would have thunk!

Article ID:   W15554
File Created: 2003:05:13:11:28:46
Last Updated: 2003:05:13:11:28:46