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Exchange with ADSI

Keywords:   LDAP


Trying to get my head around the ADSI extender but brain seems to have gone dead.

Can you point me in the right direction with using ADSI with Exchange.

If the ADSPath =

ADsPath = StrCat("LDAP://%server1%/cn=Recipients,OU=",Site,",O=",Org)
How would I then get a list of users and property values of a user (i.e. SMTP address)

Also, if anyone has used the ADSI extender to create mailboxes, would very much appreciate it if an example could be posted.


The current version of the extender does not support some of the exchange property types. The next version will.

You could try the following:

; Recipient container object's path
RecipPath = "LDAP://%server%/cn=Recipients,OU=%Site%,O=""%Org%""" 

; Create a new mailbox
sMailBoxPath = dsCreateObj(RecipPath, "organizationalPerson", "cn=%suserName%")

; Set mailbox properties.
dsSetProperty(sMailBoxPath, "mailPreferenceOption", 0)
dsSetProperty(sMailBoxPath, "givenName", sFirstName)
dsSetProperty(sMailBoxPath, "sn", sLastName)
dsSetProperty(sMailBoxPath, "cn", sDisplayName)
dsSetProperty(sMailBoxPath, "uid", sAlias)
dsSetProperty(sMailBoxPath, "Home-MTA", sMTA)
dsSetProperty(sMailBoxPath, "Home-MDB", sMDB)
dsSetProperty(sMailBoxPath, "mail", sSMTPAddr)
dsSetProperty(sMailBoxPath, "MAPI-Recipient", @True) : Might need to use "true"
sInitial1 = strsub(sFirstName, 1, 1)
sInitial2 = strsub(sLastName, 1, 1)
dsSetProperty(sMailBoxPath, "TextEncodedORaddress", "c=%COUNTRY%;a=;p=%Org%;o=%Site%;s=%sLastName%;g=%sFirstName%;i=%sInitial%%sInitial2%;")
dsSetProperty(sMailBoxPath, "rfc822Mailbox", sSMTPAddr)

; Commit the mailbox.

Article ID:   W14515
Filename:   Exchange with ADSI.txt
File Created: 2000:11:28:12:36:56
Last Updated: 2000:11:28:12:36:56