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Latest ADSI Extender News

Keywords:  ADSI extenders updates new features  

Version 10001   April 18 2000

      Initial Beta Release

Version 10002   Dec 14, 2000

      New functions added.  See help file for more information.
      New DLL is now a part of the extender:
         The ADSSECURITY.DLL and must be redistributed with small
         model EXE's (along with the wwads32i.dll).  It is automatically
         built into large EXE.s
      A file, constants.wbt (see your WinBatch\Samples directory) contains
      many useful ADSI constants.

Version 10003   Feb 2, 2001

      Note:  This extender name is wwads34i.dll not wwads32i.dll      
      Revised version with new C++ code

Version 10005   Apr 13, 2001

      Fixed problem with long integers, as used by as pwdlastset property 
      and others.

Version 10006   
      Internal use

Version 10007   Jun 22, 2001

      Function:  dsGetChldPath(ADSI-path, class-name)
      The function incorrectly reported that objects of  the class specified in the
      "class-name" parameter could not be contained by the "ADSI-path" container.
      This occurred even though  the schema indicated that it could hold  the
      indicated class of objects.  The error only  occurred for containers that
      could hold only a single class of object.
      The function now accurately detects the valid class for single class

Version 10008   Mar 28, 2002

      Added ability to correctly handle GUID type objects
Version 10009   Apr 15, 2002

      In this version the dsFindPath function's limit on return results
      has been lifted. Previously, the function would error when a result
      set contained more than 1000 object paths.

Version 10010   Oct 10, 2002

      This version of the extender supports clearing of object property
      values with the dsSetProperty functions. To clear a property call
      the function with a blank ("") string as the third parameter.
      The extender also has two new functions that work with group membership.
      The dsGetUsersGrps function returns all groups that a user has direct
      and indirect membership in, as well as the user's primary group.  The
      dsGetPrimGrp function returns a user object's primary group.
      In addition, this help file has been reorganized.  The function
      descriptions have been regrouped based on the types of objects and
      properties they manipulate. 

Version 10011   Jan 13, 2003

      Fixed crash bug in dsAddGrp function. (crashed when passed in object does
      not exist.)
      Fixed reference counting problem that caused the extender to consume
      resources in loops that called the dsSetProperty function repeatedly.

Version  10012   Feb 6, 2003

      Removed error checking for data conversions from a WinBatch datatype
      to a "non-Active Directory" directory  service's  datatype in the
      dsSetProperty function. This allows the user to set properties in IIS even
      when the IIS schema reports an incorrect datatype for the property 
      being set.
Version  10013:  Mar 7, 2003
      - Fixed memory leak in dsFindPath function.
      - Fixed reference counting problem associated with several security related
        extender functions.

Version 10014:  Jun 25, 2003

       - Fixed bug in dsAddToGrp function that caused a GP fault when the
         input parameters contained invalid object paths.

       - Added dsSidToHexStr function that converts a SDDL SIDs to a hex string SID.

       - Removed error checking in the dsAddToGrp function when the input user path
          contains a hex string SID.

        - Fixed bug in the dsSetProperty function that prevented the function from
          setting Security Descriptor property of an object when the property did not
          already have a value and the property's data type was listed as 
          "ObjectSecurityDescriptor" in the directory service schema.

Version 44015:  Oct 5, 2005
      - Allow setting of blank("") password using the dsPassword function.

      - Modified dsFindPath to accept wild card (*) and ASCII NUL (0) as property 
        values on more properties.

      - Added fix for unsupported interface problem introduced into IIS by 
        Microsoft in WinXP SP2 and Win2k3 SP1.

   The ADSI extender has been updated to a new
   format to allow more descriptive function names and
   additional parameters.  This version of the extender
   requires	WinBatch 2004B or newer to run.  This
   extender will not work on WinBatch 2004A or older.
   In addition, so as not to affect existing scripts using
   a previous version of this extender, the extender DLL
   has been renamed to include a 44I in the DLL name
   instead of a 34I.  Old and new versions of this
   extender can *usually* co-exist side by side.
   To use the new extender with old scripts and with
   WinBatch 2004B or newer you will need to change the
   AddExtender line in the script to reflect the new DLL
   name.   e.g.
   should become

Version 44016:  Feb 22, 2006
   Added support for lastLongonTimeStamp property values in YMDHMS format.

Version 44017:  Jan 19, 2007
   Changed error handler to write error information to wwwbatch.ini file 
   in the "winbatch\settings" directory under the user's 
   "Application Data" directory.

Version 44018: Jan 26, 2011  
   Fixed problem in dsGetUsersGrps function that could cause an 
   unhandled exception.

Version 44019: Sep 07, 2011  
   Added new error message to the dsGetUsersGrps function that indicates 
   that the DS has returned an invalid group path.
   Added logic to the dsGetUsersGrps function that attempts to fix group 
   destinguished names (DN) returned by a directory service by escaping 
   any unescaped special characters in the DN. This fix attempt is only 
   performed when the extender is targeting a directory serverice with
   the LDAP provider.

   Extender ported to 64-bit.

version 44020: January 08, 2014

  Changed 64-bit version of the extender to display an error message if an
  attempt is made to access old Exchange 5.5 security descriptor 
  properties.  The 64-bit version of the extender does not support the old
  Exchange5.5 and NT 4.0 representation of security descriptor objects.
  Changed the representation of binary property values from 'decimal' 
  strings to 'hexdecimal' strings to facilitate the conversion from binary
  to string and string to binary possible using the WIL 'BinaryPeekHex'
  and 'BinaryPokeHex' functions. This change pimarily affects the return 
  value of the 'dsGetProperty' function, and the input values of the 
 'dsSetProperty' and 'dsFindPath' functions. The Active Directory 
  properties affected by this change include but are not limited to the 
 'userCertificate' and 'thumbnailphoto' user object properties.
  Important: any existing scripts that use the decimal string 
             representations of binary Active Directory properties will 
             need to be modified to accommodate this change. 
  The ADSI extender is now a Unicode only extender.  This means that it 
  only accepts Unicode input and only returns Unicode output.  This change
  will have a very minimal effect on existing scripts because the WIL 
  interpreter automatically handles conversions to and from Unicode as 

  Changed the dsGetProperty and dsSetProperty functions to automatically 
  remove leading and trailing space from property name parameter. 

version 44021: Aug 22, 2017
  Added workaround for rare DLL load order problem on some Windows 10 systems.

Article ID:   W14418
Filename:   !!!NEWSFLASH!!!.txt
File Created: 2017:08:22:13:11:52
Last Updated: 2017:08:22:13:11:52