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dsSetSecProp Set Security Permission


I'm having trouble setting a specific permission using dsSetSecProp. -I can set various permissions, but I only need to set 1 specific "property" permission (Write Property).

Some background information...

We have Windows 2000 Active Directory and Exchange 2003. Within a Domain Global Groups properties you have the option to set an Owner (Managed By tab). Using Windows Server 2003 (or Windows XP) you get an additional checkbox that allows you to specify that the "Manager can update membership list." This setting is specific to the security setting "Write Property." Toggling that button set's the appropriate security allowing the manager to update the list.

Now, programmatically, I can't seem to set that specific field. Honestly, I don't completely understand the dsSetSecProp function. It took me about 2 hours to get a working model where I can the AccessMask ACE. Can someone point me in the right direction? -Perhaps I am using the wrong property type.?

Any help would be appreciated.


The security functions can be a bit gnarly but I believe you want to set the permission on the "member" property of the group.

Here is an example that almost works. It gives the property write permission to all the properties of the groups instead of just the "member" property.

; Server path
; (Can be obtained programmatically using "LDAP://rootDSE".)
sServerPath = "LDAP://shamrock/"

; Group Path goes here.
sGroupPath = StrCat(sServerPath, "CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=jclass,DC=org")

; Get Manager
sPropertyName = "managedBy"
sManagerPath  = dsGetProperty(sGroupPath, sPropertyName)
If sManagerPath == ""
   Message("Error", "Group does not have a manager"
sManagerPath  = StrCat("LDAP://shamrock/",sManagerPath)

; Get manger's SID - can get this from the manageby property.
objectSid = dsGetProperty(sManagerPath, "objectSID")

; Get GUID of the "member" property.
sSchemaPropPath  =  StrCat(sServerPath, "member,schema")
sPropGUID = dsGetProperty(sSchemaPropPath , "schemaIDGUID")

; Constants from constants.wbt
ACCESS_ALLOWED                  = 0
INHERIT_ACE                     = 2
INHERIT_ONLY_ACE                = 8
OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT             = 1
DS_READ_PROP                    = 16
DS_WRITE_PROP                   = 32
;ACL_REVISION                    = 4 ; Appear not to need could be from 1 to 4

; Create a new ace
NewAce = dsCreatSecObj(sGroupPath, 3)
dsSetSecProp(NewAce, "Trustee",    objectsid)  ; Manager's SID
dsSetSecProp(NewAce, "ObjectType", sPropGUID ) ; member property's schemaIDGuid.
dsSetSecProp(NewAce, "AceFlags",   INHERIT_ACE)
dsSetSecProp(NewAce, "Flags",      OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT )
dsSetSecProp(NewAce, "AceType",    ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT )
dsSetSecProp(NewAce, "AccessMask", DS_WRITE_PROP)

; Get the SD and ACL
sPropertyName = "ntSecurityDescriptor"
sd  = dsGetProperty(sGroupPath, sPropertyName)
acl = dsGetSecProp(sd, "DiscretionaryAcl")

; Add the new ACE.
dsAclAddAce(acl, newace, -1)
dsSetSecProp(sd, "DiscretionaryAcl", acl)
dsSetProperty(sGroupPath, sPropertyName, sd)

Article ID:   W16801
File Created: 2010:12:16:11:39:54
Last Updated: 2010:12:16:11:39:54