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Critical Error Handler

I have a critical error handler that doesn't work too badly. It traps all errors, shows them in my own dialog box, lets the users continue if they really want to, and has a button to half-assed show the source. It works OK in most cases, although the detection of filename isn't quite reliable.

Take a look at the attached source and see if you can use it.


; This script creates a critical error handler that will handle all critical errors in your main script but
; will NOT handle errors in UDFs unless you explicitely turn on error handling in the UDF using IntControl73.
; I have this code at the top of a file WbtLib.wbt that I include in every WinBatch I ever write.  Every
; script file starts with
;  #Include "C:\Tools\WbtLib.wbt"
; The script starts off with some general initialization, initiates this error handler, and then defines a
; bunch of UDFS.  You can either #Include this file, or cut-n-paste this into the top of your own lib file.
; For comments or questions, go to my webpage at and you can find my email address there.
; Sorry, I never post it publicly.

; Define a global error handler.  Unfortunately, we have to do it with this lame GOTO style label, but you
; can't have everything.  The IntControl(73 tells the caller to initiate an error handler.  Once you call
; it, all errors go to the magic label :WBEerrorHandler below.  You can call as a Gosub or Goto.  I use the
; Gosub method, and give the user a chance to quit or carry on and take their chances despite the error.
; Once I've defined the error handler, I use GOTO to get around the error code itself.  In my real library,
; all my shared UDFs follow the error handler.
IntControl(73, 2, 0, 0, 0)
Goto EndErrorHandler

; Critical errors do a GOSUB to this magic label.  We call a critical error handler that I also call
; directly for my own personally defined errors.
   ; Convert the most recent error to human readable
   ErrCode = LastError()
   ErrText = IntControl(34, ErrCode, 0 , 0, 0)
   CriticalErrorHandler(ErrCode, ErrText, WBErrorHandlerLine, WBErrorHandlerOffset)
   IntControl(73, 2, 0, 0, 0)

; Handle critical errors.  This is called by CrashNBurn for internal errors in my UDFs, and by the critical
; error handler above.
; @param p_ErrCode      Numeric error code.  If non-blank, it's shown after the text error message.  If '',
;                       it's ignored.
; @param p_ErrString    Text Error description.  This is displayed to the user, along with the numeric code.
; @param p_ErrSource    Source line for the error as the line exactly as it appears in the script file.
; @param p_ErrOffset    Offset into the source for the errro.  NOTE!! This doesn't work right and isn't used
;                       in the current implementation until I write the brute-force code to handle it.
; @return               Critical error message is shown to the user, and they have a chance to exit or
;                       continue.  If they elect to continue, control returns and they can take their
;                       chances.
#DefineFunction CriticalErrorHandler(p_ErrCode, p_ErrString, p_ErrSource, p_ErrOffset)

   ; Read the error file.  Note that this is NOT reliable, but it's the best we have.  In particular, it's
   ; unreliable in UDFs.
   ErrFile = IntControl(1004, 0, 0, 0, 0)

   ; This unfinished code should just be deleted, but I'll finish it one day.  It takes the error offset,
   ; and calculates the line number from it.  Unfortunately, it doesn't handle #Includes, which makes it
   ; effectively useless.  If you feel like tackling it, email me the results when it works right.
;   ; Calculate the line number of the error using brute force.  Read the currently active source file into a
;   ; buffer, and count LFs until we get to the offset of our error.
;   ErrBuffer = BinaryAlloc(FileSize(ErrFile, 0) + 1)
;   BinaryReadEx(ErrBuffer, 0, ErrFile, 0, 2000)
;   ErrLine = 0
;   EolOffset = -1
;   While(@TRUE)
;      EolOffset = BinaryIndex(ErrBuffer, EolOffset + 1, @LF, 0)
;      CTrace(StrCat(EolOffset , ',' , ErrOffset))
;      If EolOffset == 0
;         ErrLine = "?"
;         Break
;      Endif
;      If EolOffset >= ErrOffset Then Break
;      ErrLine = ErrLine + 1
;   EndWhile
;   message("", BinaryPeekStr(ErrBuffer, 0, 200))
;   BinaryFree(ErrBuffer)

   ; Put the error source in the clipboard to help find the error

   ; Generate the basic error message, and then add optional
   ErrorMessage = StrCat("Error:", @Tab, @Tab, p_ErrString, @LF, "File:", @Tab, @Tab, ErrFile)
   If p_ErrSource != "" Then ErrorMessage = StrCat(ErrorMessage, @LF, "Source:", @Tab, @Tab, p_ErrSource)
   If p_ErrCode   != "" Then ErrorMessage = StrCat(ErrorMessage, " (", p_ErrCode, ")")

   ; I use the xGlobal extender to simulate global variables in UDFs.  One of those registers a test case,
   ; so if we're in an active test case show it.
;   If xGlobalGet("TestCase") != "" Then ErrorMessage = StrCat(ErrorMessage, @LF, "Test Case:", @Tab, xGlobalGet("TestCase"))

   ; Show the errors in an ordinary WIL dialog box

   CriticalErrorCaption=`WinBatch Critical Error`
   CriticalErrorFont=`Microsoft Sans Serif|6656|40|34`

   CriticalError003=`243,023,048,012,PUSHBUTTON,DEFAULT,"View &Source",1,2,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT`


   ; Dispatch the results.
   Switch ButtonPushed
   ; 0 will happend for accepting the default 'Abort' button, or pressing Esc.
   Case 0

   ; View Source, which isn't necessarily reliable loads the source and tries to find the first instance.
   ; This particular routine probably isn't all that reliable since I wrote it in five minutes.  I normally
   ; use a different editor.
   Case 1
      Run('"WinBatch Studio" ', StrCat('"', ErrFile, '"'))
      SendKeysTo("WinBatch Studio", "^{Home}^f")
      Terminate(!WinWaitExist("Find", 5), "Error", "No Find Window")
      SendKeysTo("Find", StrCat(p_ErrSource, "~"))

   ; If the user decides to contine, warn them that it may be bad karma, but then let them do it.
   Case 2
      If AskYesNo("Resuming After Error", "Caution!! Resuming after a critical error is dangerous.  Your macro may be in an unstable state.  Are you doubly sure you want to continue?")
         IntControl(73, 2, 0, 0, 0)

Article ID:   W16182
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:43:10
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:43:10