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Console Output to Screen and File

 Keywords: Console Output Screen Text File StdOut AllocConsole SetConsoleScreenBufferSize ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA

; Purpose:
; Run commandline application which writes text output onto the console screen.
; Read text output from console screen into string variable.
; Write string variable into textfile.

GoSub Define_Functions

; Get handle to the console.
hdlKernel32 = DllLoad ("Kernel32")
intResult = DllCall (hdlKernel32, long:"AllocConsole")
hdlStdOut = DllCall (hdlKernel32, long:"GetStdHandle", long:-11)

; To avoid 'folded' lines.
; Specify the new size of the console screen buffer, in character rows and columns.
; Specified dimensions cannot be less than the minimum size allowed by the system.
intBuffCols = 130 ; Adjust this value to your needs.
intBuffRows = 100 ; Adjust this value to your needs.
intBuffCoord = intBuffCols + (intBuffRows << 16)
IntResult = DllCall (hdlKernel32, long:"SetConsoleScreenBufferSize", long:hdlStdOut, long:intBuffCoord)

; Run commandline application.
blnResult = RunWait (Environment ("COMSPEC"), "/C Ipconfig /all")
;blnResult = RunWait (Environment ("COMSPEC"), "/C DIR /-P /A /OGNE C:\")
;blnResult = RunWait (Environment ("COMSPEC"), "/C CHKDSK C:")
;blnResult = RunWait (Environment ("COMSPEC"), "/C Net use")

; Read text stream from screenbuffer.
intFirstCell = 0
intBBScreenLen = intBuffCols * intBuffRows
hdlBBScreen = BinaryAlloc (intBBScreenLen)
BinaryEodSet (hdlBBScreen, intBBScreenLen)

hdlBBRet = BinaryAlloc (4)
BinaryEodSet (hdlBBRet, 4)

intResult = DllCall (hdlKernel32, long:"ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA", long:hdlStdOut, lpbinary:hdlBBScreen, long:intBBScreenLen, long:intFirstCell, lpbinary:hdlBBRet)
intResult = DllCall (hdlKernel32, long:"CloseHandle", long:hdlStdOut)
intResult = DllCall (hdlKernel32, long:"FreeConsole")

intConOutLen = BinaryPeek4 (hdlBBRet, 0) ; Length of console output character stream.
hdlBBRet = BinaryFree (hdlBBRet)

intEod = BinaryConvert (hdlBBScreen, 1, 0, 0, 0) ; Convert OEM to ANSI.

strConOut = BinaryPeekStr (hdlBBScreen, 0, intBBScreenLen)
hdlBBScreen = BinaryFree (hdlBBScreen)

; Adjust text stream by linebreaks.
strConOut = StrSub (StrTrim (Num2Char (1) : strConOut), 2, -1) ; Remove trailing spaces.
intStrLen = StrLen (strConOut)
intPos = -1
While intPos < intStrLen
   intPos = intPos + intBuffCols + 2
   strConOut = StrInsert (strConOut, @CRLF, "", intPos)

; Put text into file.
strFilename = udfFileCreateTemp ("Con", "txt")
intResult = FilePut (strFilename, strConOut)

blnResult = RunWait ("notepad.exe", strFilename)
blnResult = FileDelete (strFilename)


#DefineFunction udfFileCreateTemp (strPrefix, strExtension)
strFilenameTemp = FileCreateTemp (strPrefix)
strFilename = strFilenameTemp
If strExtension != "" Then strFilename = ItemReplace (strExtension, -1, strFilenameTemp, ".")
blnResult = FileRename (strFilenameTemp, strFilename)
Return strFilename
; This UDF "udfFileCreateTemp" creates a 0-byte file with unique name in the user's temporary folder
; (as specified by the "TMP" or "TEMP" environment variable).
; The prefix string can be set by parameter strPrefix and will be truncated to 3 chars.
; The file extension string can be set by parameter strExtension.
; If strExtension is empty, then the file extension is set to "tmp".
; The WinBatch FileCreateTemp function can create maximal 65535 temporary files
; of the form "hexnumber.tmp" from "1.tmp" to "FFFF.tmp".
; One more attempt will create WB error 1653.
; Detlev Dalitz.20090521.
Return ; from Gosub Define_Functions
; Detlev Dalitz.20090606.

Article ID:   W18240
Filename:   Console Output to Screen and File .txt
File Created: 2009:06:08:09:19:02
Last Updated: 2009:06:08:09:19:02