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Script Expire Routine

 Keywords: evaluation period expire script 

I have noticed that there are times when folks ask about expire scripts. I know that this interests me because like most of you, I spend days, weeks and sometimes months creating and debugging a script. I guess the whole point is... Some of us may want to either sell the executable, want people to upgrade, or in my case, I'd just like them to send me some feedback about my programs.

I've never placed an expire in my programs, but in hindsight, in some cases I wish I had. In any event, please find attached an "expire" routine that tries to:

  1. Verify the install date and compare it to a hidden file.
  2. Verify the number of times the program has been used. (This can be used as an expire trigger as well.)
  3. Looks to see if they've changed their "system date" to try and override the time limit.
And checks to see if they've tampered with either the registry entries or related ini files...I hope some of you find this useful.
; ********************************************************************************************
; *                             Expire header for WBT scripts                                *
; *                                                                                          *
; *  Based on the old "Smoke and Mirrors" philosophy. If you drop an entry in the registry   *
; *  and an *.ini file in the Windows directory, anyone can bypass them. If you drop another *
; *  "verification" file in an unknown location, hopefully they'll be looking to the prior   *
; *  two locations for their solution. Therefore "File2" below should be named something     *
; *  cryptic that wouldn't look out of place in the system directory. i.e. "instypname.ini"  *
; *                                                                                          * 
; *  This script also tries to combat the practice of individuals to try and bypass the      * 
; *  timeout period by changing their system clock BACK to a time period when the program    * 
; *  was valid or "authorized".                                                              * 
; *                                                                                          * 
; *  To make this harder to bypass, use the Char2Num and Num2Char encryption method to       *
; *  hide the dates within the .ini and registry entries.                                    *
; *                                                                                          *
; *  *
; *  ~Tips+Hide~a~Password~-~Simple~Encryption.txt                                           * 
; *                                                                                          * 
; *  It makes the script much bulkier but it works!                                          * 
; *                                                              jmburton		     *
; ********************************************************************************************

WinDir = DirWindows(0)
WinSys = DirWindows(1)

File1 = "%WinDir%111FileName.ini"        ; The file used to verify the registry date
File2 = "%WinSys%111InstDate.ini"        ; The file used to verify the install date

ExpireDays = "30"                        ; Days you want program to run
ExpireUses = "300"                       ; Times program can be used (could be a few thousand)

Today=TimeYmdHms ( )
Y = ItemExtract (1,Today,":")
M = ItemExtract (2,Today,":")
D = ItemExtract (3,Today,":")
Date = "%Y%%M%%D%"                       ; My preferred boiled down date format 

If FileExist (File2) == @TRUE Then OrigDate = IniReadPvt("Main", "Install", "", File2) ; Has this ever been installed?
If FileExist (File2) == @TRUE Then LastDate = IniReadPvt("Main", "Today", "", File2)   ; Last date opened... LOL
If FileExist (File2) == @TRUE Then GoSub TestInstall

reg=RegExistValue(@REGMACHINE, "Software\test\Settings[InstDate]")
If reg == 0 Then GoSub first

GoSub During

Display(7,"Program Stats","Days  Used = %Expire%%@CRLF%%@CRLF%Times Used = %Uses%")
GoSub StartProggy

:first                                                        ; First time installation
key=RegCreateKey(@REGMACHINE, "Software\test\Settings\")      ; Add the install date to the registry
RegSetValue(key, "[InstDate]", Date)

IniWritePvt("Main", "Install", Today, File1)                  ; Create and add the install date to File1
IniWritePvt("Main", "Uses", "0", File1)                       ; Create and add the number of uses to File1
IniWritePvt("Main", "Install", Date, File2)                   ; Create and add the install date to File2
IniWritePvt("Main", "Today", Date, File2)                     ; Create and add today's date to File2  

If FileExist (File1) == @FALSE Then Message ("ERROR", "Date Mismatch! Program exiting...")  ; Let's see if they disturbed our files
If FileExist (File1) == @FALSE Then Exit
If FileExist (File2) == @FALSE Then Message ("ERROR", "Date Mismatch! Program exiting...")
If FileExist (File2) == @FALSE Then Exit

value=RegQueryValue(@REGMACHINE, "Software\test\Settings\[InstDate]")
value2 = IniReadPvt ("Main", "Install", "", File2)
If value2 != value Then Message ("ERROR!", "Date Mismatch! Program Exiting...")  ; Let's see if they tried to change any dates
If value2 != value Then Exit                                                     ; Notice we've used File2, not File1

IniWritePvt ("Main", "Today", Date, File2)     ; If they made it this far, let's update today's date.
                                               ; So far they're within their authorized period. We'll use this later
Uses = IniReadPvt ("Main", "Uses", "", File1)
Uses = Uses + 1
IniWritePvt ("Main", "Uses", Uses, File1)      ; Let's update the number of uses they've had

Expire = Date - value                          ; Have they used it more than the number of days or times allowed?
  If Expire > ExpireDays Then Message("Expired","Sorry! This Program Has Expired....%@CRLF%Please contact YOUR INFO for a program update!")
  If Expire > ExpireDays Then Exit
  If Uses > ExpireUses Then Message("Expired","Sorry! This Program Has Expired....%@CRLF%Please contact YOUR INFO for a program update!")
  If Uses > ExpireUses Then Exit

:TestInstall ; Let's see if it's ever been installed or if they've changed their system date.
If RegExistValue(@REGMACHINE, "Software\test\Settings[InstDate]") == @TRUE Then RegInst = RegQueryValue(@REGMACHINE, "Software\test\Settings\[InstDate]")
If RegExistValue(@REGMACHINE, "Software\test\Settings[InstDate]") == @FALSE Then Message("ERROR!","Unrecoverable REGISTRY ERROR! Program Exiting!")
If RegExistValue(@REGMACHINE, "Software\test\Settings[InstDate]") == @FALSE Then Exit
If OrigDate != RegInst Then Message ("ERROR", "Install Date Error. Program exiting...")
If OrigDate != RegInst Then Exit

If Date < LastDate Then Message ("ERROR", "System Date Changed. Program exiting...")
If Date < LastDate Then Exit

Message ("HOORAY!", "All Tests Passed... Let's run the program!")

Article ID:   W16202
File Created: 2014:07:18:09:51:38
Last Updated: 2014:07:18:09:51:38