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Box Based Progress Bar

I don't know if anyone cares, but I've made a couple of UDFs for a boxOpen-based progress/status bar. John

GoSub defineFunctions


; test the progress bar

udfBoxProgressOpen("Sample progress bar","","","",0)  ;initialize the progress bar

For x = 1 To 40

   percentComplete = ((x*1.0/40)*100)

   currFile = FileCreateTemp("{{{")

   udfBoxProgressUpdate("Creating files:",currFile,"Please be patient...",percentComplete)


Next ;x

udfBoxProgressUpdate("Deleting files:","","",100)




BoxShut()   ;close box progress bar with boxShut.  Didn't feel it worth to write a udf for that :)



;-------------------- udfBoxProgressOpen --------------------

;          in: title, firstLine, secondLine, thirdLine, percentComplete

;         out: @TRUE/@FALSE

;     depends:

; description: takes parameters and sets up a boxText-based progress bar

#DefineFunction udfBoxProgressOpen(title,firstLine,secondLine,thirdLine,percentComplete)

   IntControl(73,1,0,0,0) ;goto wberrorhandler upon errors

   percentComplete = Int(percentComplete) ;make sure percent is an integer.


   leadSpace = StrFill(" ",8)

   statusText = StrCat(firstLine,@CRLF,secondLine,@CRLF,thirdLine,@CRLF,@CRLF)

   progressBarTop = StrCat(leadSpace,StrFill("_",50),@CRLF)

   progressBar = StrCat(leadSpace,StrFill("€",percentComplete),@CRLF)

   progressBarBottom = StrCat(leadSpace,StrFill("¯",50),@CRLF)

   progressBarPercent = StrCat(StrFill(" ",56),percentComplete,"%%")

   progressBarText = StrCat(progressBarTop,progressBar,progressBarBottom,progressBarPercent)


   body = StrCat(statusText,progressBarText)


   Return @TRUE


   Return @FALSE


;-------------------- END udfBoxProgressOpen

;-------------------- udfBoxProgressUpdate --------------------

;          in: firstLine,secondLine,thirdLine,percentComplete

;         out: @TRUE/@FALSE

;     depends:

; description: takes parameters and updates a boxText-based progress bar (udfBoxProgressOpen)

#DefineFunction udfBoxProgressUpdate(firstLine,secondLine,thirdLine,percentComplete)

   IntControl(73,1,0,0,0) ;goto wberrorhandler upon errors

   percentComplete = Int(percentComplete) ;make sure percent is an integer.


   leadSpace = StrFill(" ",8)

   statusText = StrCat(firstLine,@CRLF,secondLine,@CRLF,thirdLine,@CRLF,@CRLF)

   progressBarTop = StrCat(leadSpace,StrFill("_",50),@CRLF)

   progressBar = StrCat(leadSpace,StrFill("€",percentComplete),@CRLF)

   progressBarBottom = StrCat(leadSpace,StrFill("¯",50),@CRLF)

   progressBarPercent = StrCat(StrFill(" ",56),percentComplete,"%%")

   progressBarText = StrCat(progressBarTop,progressBar,progressBarBottom,progressBarPercent)


   body = StrCat(statusText,progressBarText)


   Return @TRUE


   Return @FALSE


;-------------------- END udfBoxProgressUpdate


Article ID:   W16391
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:20:18
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:20:18