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Boxes Examples from Users

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Legal Notice Using Box Functions

; Try this.  Adjust the size of the box in the
; BoxesUp function.
; Just chop up your legal text into manageable
; less-than-256 byte pieces and concatenate with
; StrCat.  Be sure you eyeball everything to make
; sure spacing is Ok.  Check at all screen resolutions.

If IsKeyDown(@CTRL) Then Debug(@ON)
If IsKeyDown(@SHIFT) Then DebugTrace(@ON,".\trace.txt")


s1 = 'This is one piece of the legal notice.  You will concatenate (StrCat) all of the lines together.  '
s2 = 'Here is some more of the text.  You have to divide it up into pieces that are smaller that 256 byes'
s3 = 'and then stick them all together with StrCat. '
s4 = 'Some more lines just to illustrate the point. '
s5 = 'Some more lines just to illustrate the point. '
s6 = 'Some more lines just to illustrate the point. '
s7 = 'Some more lines just to illustrate the point. '
s8 = 'Some more lines just to illustrate the point. '
s9 = 'Some more lines just to illustrate the point.'
legaltext = StrCat(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9)

BoxesUp("200,200,800,800", @NORMAL)
BoxButtonDraw(1, 1, "I agree", "200,850,400,950")
BoxButtonDraw(1, 2, "I disagree", "600,850,800,950")

For x = 1 To 2
        If BoxButtonStat(1,x) Then bWho=x

Switch bWho
Case 1
  ; This is where you put code for pressing "I agree"
Case 2
  ; This is where you put code for pressing "I disagree"


Article ID:   W15898
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:41:34
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:41:34