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Dialog Editor version 6.X

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Remove Border From ItemBox Control

 Keywords: Remove Bide Border  ItemBox Control SetWindowLongA  WS_BORDER WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE GWL_STYLE  GWL_EXSTYLE


I am trying to display an itembox in such a way that the list box blends with the background. I've changed the background of the listbox to the same color as background but still get the border. Is there a way to turn that off with a DLL call? I assume it is a 3D border and needs to be "Flat" like one can do with PushButtons? I've tried various things with dllcall(user32,long:"SetWindowLongA"....) but no joy so far.


hWindow = DialogProcOptions(hDialog,1006, "ItemBox_1")  ; Whatever.
hUser32 = DllLoad(DirWindows(1):"USER32.DLL")

WS_BORDER = 8388608
dwStyle = DllCall(hUser32, long:"GetWindowLongA", long:hWindow, long:GWL_STYLE)
DllCall(hUser32, long:"SetWindowLongA", long:hWindow, long:GWL_STYLE, long:dwStyle&(~WS_BORDER))

GWL_EXSTYLE      = -20
dwStyle = DllCall(hUser32, long:"GetWindowLongA", long:hWindow, long:GWL_EXSTYLE)
DllCall(hUser32, long:"SetWindowLongA", long:hWindow, long:GWL_EXSTYLE, long:dwStyle&(~WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE))


Article ID:   W17773
Filename:   Remove Border From ItemBox Control.txt
File Created: 2011:12:08:15:17:02
Last Updated: 2011:12:08:15:17:02