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PopMenu Phantom Start Menu Button with Norton

Keywords: popmenu start menu 


With WinBatch 96 I have been getting a phantom PopMenu entry on the Taskbar, in addition to the little owl icon by the clock. I have a shortcut to PopMenu in the Startup folder. PopMenu starts when Windows starts, and it places a useless button in the Taskbar as well as the owl in the systray. I have not been able to find a way to make the button go away. Clicking on it just beeps, and closing it makes PopMenu go away altogether, including the owl.

This is with Norton Navigator 95.0.b - are there any known problems?


When the user turned off Norton Navigator's taskbar, the phantom button goes away, and the owl is left as expected.

Norton Navigator seems to like to put us on the taskbar. Normal Windows 95 does not do that. Seems like they have some kind of bug. We'll see if we can get some sort of easy workaround.

Try this. At the top of your PopMenu.mnw file add the following:

And see what happens... You may need to restart Windows for the best effect.

Article ID:   W13030
Filename:   PopMenu Phantom Start Menu Button with Norton.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:51:16
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:51:16