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Using wntSvcCfgSet - Change Startup Svc Name with wntSvcCfgSet

Keywords: 	  wntSvcCfgSet wntSvcCfgStart

Here is what I found out to be the problem when try to change the startup service name Using wntSvcCfgSet.

It seems that the script I was using to test with did work on some of the servers. When I got to looking at these servers I started to notice something about the user rights. It seems that on some of the servers the local administrators group was not added to the advanced rights on NT to have the right to log in as a service. It was actually this way on most of the servers. It was on these servers that I was testing, thus my script failed. But, if I ran Server Manager on one of these servers and added the startup service ID name myself it worked OK. This is because once you click OK it gave the ID the rights to log on as a service. Once I added it manually, the script would work fine even if I change the service back to use localsystem on startup. This was because the ID had the correct rights.

What I ended up doing was using wntPrivGet the check user rights and add them if needed. Once this was done everything worked fine.

Article ID:   W14380
Filename:   Change Startup Svc Name with wntSvcCfgSet.txt
File Created: 1999:11:15:13:43:58
Last Updated: 1999:11:15:13:43:58