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wntSvcCreate Error 531 Invalid Parameter


Everytime I attempt to install a service where specify the domain\username and password for the ServiceStartName|Password parameters I get "Extender Error 531: Invalid Parameter".

Unfortunately, it doesn't state which parameter is invalid, but I'm guessing it involves the username/password parameters because this does not work:

sDrive = "D"
sCurrClient = "\\computername"

svcStrVals = StrCat("RMAService", "|", "KS Remote Monitoring Agent", "|", "%sDrive%:\rma-win\rma.exe /service", "|", "", "|", "Domain\Administrator", "|", "Password")

svcType = 256|16
svcStartType = 2
svcErrControl = 0
svcNumVals = StrCat(svcType, @TAB, svcStartType, @TAB, svcErrControl)

wntSvcCreate(sCurrClient, svcStrVals, svcNumVals, "", "")
However, if I change
svcStrVals = StrCat("RMAService", "|", "KS Remote Monitoring Agent", "|", "%sDrive%:\rma-win\rma.exe /service", "|", "", "|", "Domain\Administrator", "|", "Password")
svcStrVals = StrCat("RMAService", "|", "KS Remote Monitoring Agent", "|", "%sDrive%:\rma-win\rma.exe /service", "|", "", "|", "LocalSystem", "|", "")
I have no problems whatsoever. Notice, all I have done is change "Domain\Administrator" to "LocalSystem" and blank out the password.

What parameter is invalid here? I would just leave the service installed as localsystem, but I may need the service to have network access rights or domain admin rights in the near future.


You specified the service type to interactive(256). And yet you want it to run under a specific user account so that it can have network access.
svcType = 256|16
A service cannot have both network access using a user account and have interactive desktop access at the same time. Remove 256 from the service type:
svcType = 16 

Article ID:   W17077
File Created: 2007:07:03:14:28:08
Last Updated: 2007:07:03:14:28:08