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Novell Migration Utilities to List All Users on a Novell Server Member or Group

Keywords:    netware 3.x 4.x  Novell Migration Utilities


Is there a way to get ALL the users on a server or member or group with the Netware network extender?

I know you can check if a user is member of a group/server, but I want to create a list with Winbatch that gives ALL the users (if not possible only the logged in ones).


There are no Winbatch functions to list all users on server, using the Novell client. With the NT client, you could use wntMemberList or w9xMemberlist (with latest Win32 network extender).

However, you can use Winbatch to run Novell utilities directly. Novell has come through with some new and useful utilities for power users.

Here is a link to the Novell 4.1 Migration utilities (41MIGUTL.EXE) which they wrote to ease the migration from NW3.x to NW4.x. They include a couple of programs that will list ALL users and groups and info about them or just some users and groups; assuming YOU are the Supervisor. They also have something in there for printers also.

One of our users reported that he used them to migrate about 50 users from one NW3.x server to another as it was able to list ALL their Trustee assignments. Just piped them to a file name and wrote a script to do the migrations, and it worked like a charm!!

As usual with Novell internal utilities they have the standard disclaimers about ..not supported, etc. etc. but they are well worth having and the README explains them well enough. 

Article ID:   W13636
Filename:   Novell Migration Utilities to List All Users.txt
File Created: 2001:03:01:13:47:16
Last Updated: 2001:03:01:13:47:16