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DHMTL Type Ahead Search

;   here's a sample type-ahead feature for when you have to display large
;   amounts of data. very often the user knows what he wants, but unless
;   the data is sorted in a easy way, they may have to sift thru a lot of
;   information before they find what they're looking for.

;   this example allows you to construct a type-ahead feature, using DHTML
;   and the .scrollintoview method.

;   the data is maintained in a list, when the user types in the type-ahead
;   input control, when the ONKEYUP event is triggered, the script will place
;   the string TA into a object. The script will then inspect the object and
;   call the type ahead routine, which locates the first instance of the string
;   requested and scrolls it into view. Each item on the screen is given an
;   id (numbered) so when a match is found, that item can be called by name
;   and displayed.

#DefineSubRoutine startMSIE()
   Browser = ObjectOpen("InternetExplorer.Application")
   Browser.addressbar = @FALSE
   Browser.statusbar = @FALSE
   Browser.menubar = @FALSE
   Browser.toolbar = @FALSE
;   Browser.fullscreen = @true
   browser.visible = @TRUE
   url = "c:\AnyOldURL.html"
   ;   setup the document object...
   browserDoc = Browser.Document
   all = browserdoc.all

#DefineSubroutine WaitForPageLoad()  ; assume Browser
   While browser.busy || browser.readystate == 1
   While browser.Document.ReadyState != "complete"

#DefineFunction initnum()
   list = ""
   list = ItemInsert("One", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Two", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Three", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Four", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Five", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Six", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Seven", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Eight", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Nine", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Ten", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Eleven", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Twelve", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Thirteen", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Fourteen", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Fifteen", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Sixteen", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Seventeen", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Eighteen", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Nineteen", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Twenty", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Twenty One", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Twenty Two", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Twenty Three", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Twenty Four", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Twenty Five", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Twenty Six", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Twenty Seven", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Twenty Eight", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Twenty Nine", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Thirty", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Thirty One", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Thirty Two", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Thirty Three", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Thirty Four", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Thirty Five", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Thirty Six", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Thirty Seven", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Thirty Eight", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Thirty Nine", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Forty", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Forty One", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Forty Two", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Forty Three", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Forty Four", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Forty Five", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Forty Six", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Forty Seven", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Forty Eight", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Forty Nine", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Fifty", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Fifty One", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Fifty Two", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Fifty Three", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Fifty Four", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Fifty Five", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Fifty Six", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Fifty Seven", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Fifty Eight", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Fifty Nine", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Sixty", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Sixty One", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Sixty Two", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Sixty Three", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Sixty Four", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Sixty Five", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Sixty Six", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Sixty Seven", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Sixty Eight", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Sixty Nine", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Seventy", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Seventy One", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Seventy Two", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Seventy Three", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Seventy Four", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Seventy Five", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Seventy Six", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Seventy Seven", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Seventy Eight", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Seventy Nine", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Eighty", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Eighty One", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Eighty Two", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Eighty Three", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Eighty Four", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Eighty Five", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Eighty Six", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Eighty Seven", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Eighty Eight", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Eighty Nine", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Ninety", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Ninety One", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Ninety Two", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Ninety Three", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Ninety Four", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Ninety Five", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Ninety Six", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Ninety Seven", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Ninety Eight", -1, list, @TAB)
   list = ItemInsert("Ninety Nine", -1, list, @TAB)

br = startMSIE()

LoadFile = ""

browserdoc.writeln(` `)
browserdoc.title = "Winbatch DHTML Type Ahead Example"

browserdoc.writeln('<style> .msg {font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; color: blue} .hidden {font-size: 1; font-weight: bold; color: blue}')
browserdoc.writeln('.hand {cursor: hand;} .blue {color: blue; font-size: 8pt}')
browserdoc.writeln('.scr    {width: 617; height:350; overflow:auto;}</style>')
browserdoc.writeln('<span id=LoadFile></span>')
browserdoc.writeln('<center><span class=blue><b>Quick Search<b></span><div id=Top></div><div class="msg scr" id=Main></div></center>')
ExitButton = `<input type=submit value="Exit" onclick="MenuSel.innerText='Exit'">`
browserdoc.writeln(`<br><center><span class="blue hand">%ExitButton%</span><br>`)
browserdoc.writeln('<span class=hidden id=MenuSel></span>')

;   build the type ahead input box...
TypeAhead = `<input class="blue" type="text" name="srchstr" onkeyup="MenuSel.innerText='ta'" size=50><br><br>`
;   display variable...
FiveSpace = `     `

;   build the display table...
ThisVar = ""
ThisVar = StrCat(ThisVar, '<table class=blue width=600 id=ChooseData border=1 style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse">', @CRLF)
ThisVar = StrCat(ThisVar, '<thead><tr align=center><td><b>Data</b></td><td> </td></tr></thead>', @CRLF)

;   set the background color for a highlighted table cell...
bgcolor = "#FFFF66"

;   setup the list variables...
num = 77
numlist = initnum()

For co = 1 To num
;   set the mouse events for the left table cell...
   tcmouse = `onmouseover="'%bgcolor%'" onmouseout="'white'"`
   tcclick = ` onclick="MenuSel.innerText='%co%'" `
   ;   mouse events for the checkbox...
   cbmouse = `onmouseover="'%bgcolor%'" onmouseout="'white'"`
   ;   click event for the checkbox...
   cbclick = ` onclick="MenuSel.innerText='%co%'" `
   chkbox   = StrCat(`<input type="checkbox" `, cbmouse, cbclick, ` name="CHKBox%co%">`)
   num2txt = ItemExtract(co, numlist, @TAB)
   ThisVar = StrCat(ThisVar, `<tr><td class=blue id=TCell%co% `, tcmouse, tcclick, `>`, fivespace, num2txt, `</td><td width=10%% align=center>`, chkbox, `</td></tr>`, @CRLF)
ThisVar = StrCat(ThisVar, '</table><br><br>', @CRLF)

all = browserdoc.all
Main = all.Main
Main.innerHTML = ThisVar

Top = all.Top
Top.innerHTML = TypeAhead

MenuSelection = all.MenuSel

While @TRUE
   If MenuSelection.innerText <> ""
      numba = MenuSelection.innerText
      ;   check for exit...
      If numba == "Exit" Then Break
      ;   check to see if user wants to use type-ahead feature...
      If numba == "ta" Then GoSub TypeAheadCheck
      ;   clear the selection object's contents...
      MenuSelection.innerText = ""
      ;   last option is that a checkbox has been clicked, find which one
      ;   and turn it red or blue...
      If IsNumber(numba)
         obj = all.item("CHKBox%numba%")
         tobj = all.item("TCell%numba%")
         tobjstyle =
         If obj.checked
            tobjstyle.color = "red"
            tobjstyle.color = "blue"

;   when Exit button is clicked, build a list of checked items...
clist = ""
For co = 1 To num
   obj = all.item("CHKBox%co%")
   If obj.checked Then clist = ItemInsert(co, -1, clist, @TAB)
;   if it's not empty list, sort and display...
If clist <> ""
   clist = ItemSort(clist, @TAB)
   clist = StrReplace(clist, @TAB, @CRLF)
   Message("Selected Items", clist)



OLEList = IntControl(77, 62, 0, 0, 0)
If OLEList <> "" Then Message("Debug", OLEList)


obj = all.srchstr
txt = StrLower(obj.value)
For co = 1 To num
   thiskey = StrLower(ItemExtract(co, numlist, @TAB))
   If StrSub(thiskey, 1, StrLen(txt)) == txt
      obj = all.item("TCell%co%")
      Return  ; to the first match...

Article ID:   W16112
File Created: 2004:08:02:10:37:20
Last Updated: 2004:08:02:10:37:20