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OLE Get User Input from HTML Form


I am able to create an HTML form and load it in IE through OLE. Is there a way to stand-by while the user fills in the form, intercept the fact that they clicked on a button (Submit or whatever else) and then do a page inventory to get the information they filled in?

I cannot do this in a dialog since I need to prefill some fields when they get focused and the dialog procedure does not seem to handle an "on focus" event.

What I want to do is not very complex. I need to have the user enter text in MultilineBox [A]. When he gets to MultilineBox [B] (using the mouse or the TAB key), if it is empty, prefill it with the text from [A]. When he gets to [C], if it is empty, prefill it with the text from [B]. If he goes back to [B], since it already contains text, do nothing.

This can easily be done in javascript using an "onfocus" procedure. What I need is to detect that the user has just set focus on a specific MultilineBox. This does not seem to be an event that the DialogProcOptions can recognize.


You can do this with Winbatch using DHTML (dynamic HTML) and a dash of JScript or VBScript. I've written type-ahead displays as well as detect onclicks etc. Unfortunately explaining it may take a few days.

With the summary of what your focus() needs to do here is my attempt simulate it with Winbatch and DHTML.

;   here's a quick example to explain the basics of using DHTML.
;   just run the script (it requires NO EXTERNAL FILES) and it'll
;   walk you through it as it goes.

;   you can then examine the coding. this doesn't cover everything
;   but should get you going. there might be different ways to effect
;   the same things.

;   by Jay Alverson using Winbatch 2004F and MSIE 6

#DefineSubRoutine startMSIE()
   Browser = ObjectOpen("InternetExplorer.Application")
   Browser.addressbar = @FALSE
   Browser.statusbar = @FALSE
   Browser.menubar = @FALSE
   Browser.toolbar = @FALSE
;   Browser.fullscreen = @true
   browser.visible = @TRUE
   url = "c:\RiftsPC-URL.html"  ;<--- bad URL doesn't matter...
   ;   setup the document object...
   browserDoc = Browser.Document
   all = browserdoc.all

#DefineSubroutine WaitForPageLoad()  ; assume Browser
   While browser.busy || browser.readystate == 1
   While browser.Document.ReadyState != "complete"

GoSub Example1
GoSub Example2
GoSub Example3


br = startMSIE()

;   write the needed spans, inputs for the user...

browserdoc.writeln(`<h2 align="center">Click button when ready</h2>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<h3 align="center">Inspect the ONCLICK property for the INPUT when you look at the script</h3>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<center><span id="ButtonSpan"><input class="bigblue" type="submit" name="DoneButton" value="Done" onclick="ButtonChoice.innerText='Button Clicked'"></span></center>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<span class="hidden" id="ButtonChoice"></span>`)

ButtonChoice = all.ButtonChoice  ;<--- reference the SPAN with the ID of ButtonChoice...

While @TRUE
   If ButtonChoice.innerText <> ""   ;<--- stop looping when something appears in the SPAN...
      TimeDelay(3)                  ;<--- give user a few seconds to see the string "Button Clicked" appear within SPAN...

Message("Debug", "You clicked the button, so I closed the browser")


br = startMSIE()

;   write the needed spans, inputs for the user...

browserdoc.writeln(`<style>.hidden {font-size: 1; color: white}</style>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<h2 align="center">That was nice, but lets hide the span so the user can't see it...</h2>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<h2 align="center">Click button when ready</h2>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<center><span id="ButtonSpan"><input class="bigblue" type="submit" name="DoneButton" value="Done" onclick="ButtonChoice.innerText='Button Clicked'"></span></center>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<span class="hidden" id="ButtonChoice"></span>`)

ButtonChoice = all.ButtonChoice  ;<--- reference the SPAN with the ID of ButtonChoice...

While @TRUE
   If ButtonChoice.innerText <> ""   ;<--- stop looping when something appears in the SPAN...

Message("Debug", "You clicked the button, so I closed the browser")


br = startMSIE()

;   write the needed spans, inputs for the user...

browserdoc.writeln(`<style>.hidden {font-size: 1; color: white}</style>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<h2 align="center">This time you'll need to inspect the while loop in Example 3</h2>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<h2 align="center">Also look at the ONFOCUS property of TextBox1</h2>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<h2 align="center">We added another SPAN to detect when the ONFOCUS was triggered</h2>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<h2 align="center">When the INPUT box shows up make it the focus but don't type anything inside it</h2>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<h2 align="center">Click button when ready</h2>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<center><input class="bigblue" type="text" name="TextBox1" size=10 value="" onfocus="FocusSpan.innerText='Focus'"></center>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<center><span id="ButtonSpan"><input class="bigblue" type="submit" name="DoneButton" value="Done" onclick="ButtonChoice.innerText='Button Clicked'"></span></center>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<span class="hidden" id="ButtonChoice"></span>`)
browserdoc.writeln(`<span class="hidden" id="FocusSpan"></span>`)

ButtonChoice = all.ButtonChoice  ;<--- reference the SPAN with the ID of ButtonChoice...
FocusSpan    = all.FocusSpan     ;<--- reference the SPAN that will hold the FOCUS flag...

While @TRUE
;   this time we look at both the button and the focus spans before issuing commands...
   If ButtonChoice.innerText <> ""   ;<--- stop looping when something appears in the SPAN...
   If FocusSpan.innerText <> ""
      FocusSpan.innerText = ""      ;<--- empty the span for next loop
      Message("Debug", "TextBox1 has focus")

Message("Debug", "You clicked the button, so I closed the browser")


User reply:

Thank you very much!!!

Here the result of my little tests. Most of the work is done inside the page through javascript. A neat trick : the buttons and the help line are removed before printing, then brought back!

         #DefineSubRoutine startmsie()
            browser = objectopen("InternetExplorer.Application")
            browser.addressbar = @false
            browser.statusbar = @false
            browser.menubar = @false
            browser.toolbar = @false
   ;Browser.fullscreen = @true
            browser.visible = @false
            url = "c:\RiftsPC-URL.html"                     ; <--- bad URL doesn't matter...
            browserdoc = browser.document
            all = browserdoc.all

         null  = objecttype("NULL", "")

         br = startmsie()
         open_cell = `<TD vAlign=top width=90 height=75><FONT face=ARIAL size=4>`
         browserdoc.writeln(`<TITLE>DHTML demo</TITLE>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<STYLE>.hidden {font-size: 1; color: white}</STYLE>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<STYLE>.bigblue   {FONT-FAMILY:Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;FONT-WEIGHT:Normal;FONT-STYLE:Normal;FONT-SIZE:10pt;COLOR: Blue}</STYLE>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<STYLE>input.noborder{border: 0px;}</STYLE>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<center><FONT face=ARIAL size=6>Octobre 2003</FONT><BR><BR>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<TABLE borderColor=#aaaaaa cellSpacing=0 border=1><TR>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<TD align=middle width=90><FONT face=ARIAL size=2><B>Sunday</B></FONT></TD>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<TD align=middle width=90><FONT face=ARIAL size=2><B>Monday</B></FONT></TD>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<TD align=middle width=90><FONT face=ARIAL size=2><B>Tuesday</B></FONT></TD>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<TD align=middle width=90><FONT face=ARIAL size=2><B>Wednesday</B></FONT></TD>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<TD align=middle width=90><FONT face=ARIAL size=2><B>Thursday</B></FONT></TD>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<TD align=middle width=90><FONT face=ARIAL size=2><B>Friday</B></FONT></TD>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<TD align=middle width=90><FONT face=ARIAL size=2><B>Saturday</B></FONT></TD></TR>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<TR><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `1</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox1.value=='') {TextBox1.value=TextBox0.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox1></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `2</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox2.value=='') {TextBox2.value=TextBox1.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 value="" name=TextBox2></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `3</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox3.value=='') {TextBox3.value=TextBox2.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 value="" name=TextBox3></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `4</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox4.value=='') {TextBox4.value=TextBox3.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 value="" name=TextBox4></TD></TR><TR>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `5</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox5.value=='') {TextBox5.value=TextBox4.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 value="" name=TextBox5></TD></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `6</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox6.value=='') {TextBox6.value=TextBox5.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 value="" name=TextBox6></TD></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `7</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox7.value=='') {TextBox7.value=TextBox6.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 value="" name=TextBox7></TD></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `8</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox8.value=='') {TextBox8.value=TextBox7.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 value="" name=TextBox8></TD></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `9</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox9.value=='') {TextBox9.value=TextBox8.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 value="" name=TextBox9></TD></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `10</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox10.value=='') {TextBox10.value=TextBox9.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 value="" name=TextBox10></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `11</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox11.value=='') {TextBox11.value=TextBox10.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 value="" name=TextBox11><BR></TD></TR><TR>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `12</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox12.value=='') {TextBox12.value=TextBox11.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 value="" name=TextBox12></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `13</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox13.value=='') {TextBox13.value=TextBox12.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox13></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `14</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox14.value=='') {TextBox14.value=TextBox13.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox14></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `15</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox15.value=='') {TextBox15.value=TextBox14.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox15></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `16</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox16.value=='') {TextBox16.value=TextBox15.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox16></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `17</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox17.value=='') {TextBox17.value=TextBox16.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox17></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `18</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox18.value=='') {TextBox18.value=TextBox17.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox18></TD></TR><TR>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `19</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox19.value=='') {TextBox19.value=TextBox18.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox19></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `20</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox20.value=='') {TextBox20.value=TextBox19.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox20></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `21</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox21.value=='') {TextBox21.value=TextBox20.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox21></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `22</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox22.value=='') {TextBox22.value=TextBox21.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox22></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `23</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox23.value=='') {TextBox23.value=TextBox22.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox23></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `24</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox24.value=='') {TextBox24.value=TextBox23.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox24></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `25</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox25.value=='') {TextBox25.value=TextBox24.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox25></TD></TR><TR>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `26</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox26.value=='') {TextBox26.value=TextBox25.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox26></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `27</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox27.value=='') {TextBox27.value=TextBox26.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox27></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `28</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox28.value=='') {TextBox28.value=TextBox27.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox28></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `29</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox29.value=='') {TextBox29.value=TextBox28.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox29></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `30</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox30.value=='') {TextBox30.value=TextBox29.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox30></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(strcat(open_cell, `31</FONT><INPUT class="noborder bigblue" onfocus="if (TextBox31.value=='') {TextBox31.value=TextBox30.value};" maxLength=15 size=10 name=TextBox31></TD>`))
         browserdoc.writeln(`<TD width=90 height=75> </TD></TR></TABLE>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<SPAN class=hidden id=ButtonChoice></SPAN>`)
         browserdoc.writeln(`<SPAN id=Buttons_section>`)
         buttons_data = `<P class=bigblue>Move from cell to cell using the mouse or the TAB key. Type the text you want to print. <br>`
         buttons_data = strcat(buttons_data, `<INPUT class=bigblue onclick="ButtonChoice.innerText='print'" type=button value="   print   " name=print>`)
         buttons_data = strcat(buttons_data, `<INPUT class=bigblue onclick="ButtonChoice.innerText='quit'" type=button value="   quit   " name=quit>`)
         browser.visible = @true
         buttonchoice = all.buttonchoice                    ; <--- reference the SPAN with the ID of ButtonChoice...

         winwaitexist("DHTML demo",10)

         While @true
            if !winexist("DHTML demo")
               break                                        ; The browser has been closed by the user...
               choice = buttonchoice.innertext
               If choice <> ""
                  select @true
                   case choice == "quit"

                   case choice == "print"
                 ;delete buttons
                     buttons_section           = all.buttons_section
                     buttons_section.innerhtml = ""
                     browser.execwb(18, 0, null, null)      ; Clear selection, if any, or this is the only thing that will print.
                     browser.execwb(6, 2, null, null)       ; PRINT, no prompt.
                     timedelay(3)                           ; Needed for the print function to execute properly.
                 ;bring back buttons
                     buttons_section.innerhtml = buttons_data
                  if choice == "quit" then break
                  buttonchoice.innertext = ""



Article ID:   W16128
File Created: 2004:08:02:11:23:22
Last Updated: 2004:08:02:11:23:22