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OpenOffice OLE COM Code

 Keywords: OpenOffice OLE COM LibreOffice

OpenOffice OLE COM Code Sample

Attached is a script with several useful UDF's, a practice file and a text file of available 'filters' - all aimed at a future point in time when more users will look to automate OpenOffice documents via Winbatch.

I was able to resolve issues with propertyvalue structures and arrays, and the script has no dependence on a .wsc helper file.

I must admit, having only experience with Microsoft document models I inquired into the OpenOffice model with 'top-down' thinking - Objects exists as do their properties; whereas 'open source' is more properties are created and so objects exist...

  1. You do need OpenOffice 2.0 installed to test any of this.
  2. What is there is [at least] groundbreaking for me, and there are several pleas in the comments to create a better mousetrap, or at least add more cheese to the existing trap :)
Stan Littlefield


Article ID:   W18160
Filename:   OpenOffice OLE COM Code.txt
File Created: 2019:08:14:09:27:28
Last Updated: 2019:08:14:09:27:28