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HTML Dialog Code


#DefineFunction hBrowseHidden()
;   first see if the data file is there, if not exit...
   hpath = "c:\Program Files\HTMLExtender\"
   filename = StrCat(hpath, "hdata.txt")
   Terminate(!FileExist(filename), "Debug", "Browser Data File Missing.")
;   read the data, paint the hidden screen...
   html = ""
   ih = FileOpen(filename, "read")
   While @TRUE
      line = FileRead(ih)
      If line == "*EOF*" Then Break
      html = StrCat(html, line)
   Browser = ObjectOpen("InternetExplorer.Application")
   browser.visible = @FALSE
   url = "C:\Test\Blank.html"
   ;   setup the document object...
   browserDoc = Browser.Document
   ;   get a list of variable names and their values...
   hvarnamelist = processHTML(browser, 1)
   hvarvaluelist = processHTML(browser, 2)
   hpath = "c:\Program Files\HTMLExtender\"
   filename = StrCat(hpath, "hvarnamelist.txt")
   oh = FileOpen(filename, "write")
   FileWrite(oh, hvarnamelist)
   filename = StrCat(hpath, "hvarvaluelist.txt")
   oh = FileOpen(filename, "write")
   FileWrite(oh, hvarvaluelist)

#DefineFunction hEndBrowse(browser)   ;, html)
;   close the browser and the OLE object...
;   setup a hidden browser and write out the last snapshot of data...

#DefineFunction hGetHTML(browser)
;   an extra function usuable if you for some reason need to save the page's HTML,
;   it will save the changes made by the user...(if any)...I used this for debugging...

;;;;;   if !hGetURL(browser) then return      ; <--- check the URL and make sure it's valid
;   I was forced to keep the above line commented otherwise I'd get the NESTING OF
;   STRUCTURES TOO COMPLEX error message.

;   setup a reference to the browser's document...
   browserdoc = browser.document
;   retrieve the HTML collection...
   bcoll      = browserdoc.getElementsByTagName("HTML")
;   reference the first member of the collection...
   bitem      = bcoll.item(0)
;   reference the actual HTML...
   bHTML      = bitem.outerHTML      ; <--- use OUTER html to get everything...
;   close the OLE objects...
   If !StrIndexNC(bHTML, "The page you are looking for is currently unavailable", 1, @FWDSCAN) && StrReplace(bHTML, @CRLF, "") <> "<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY></BODY></HTML>"
      hpath = "c:\Program Files\HTMLExtender\"
      filename = StrCat(hpath, "hdata.txt")
      oh = FileOpen(filename, "write")
      FileWrite(oh, bHTML)

#DefineFunction hGetURL(browser)
;   check to see if the current locationURL contains the error message
;   from a non-existant page...

#DefineFunction hSetupEnvironment()
;   this is a private function called when the first hBrowse is used...
   hpath = "c:\Program Files\HTMLExtender\"
   If !DirExist(hpath) Then DirMake(hpath)

#DefineFunction hBrowse(action, url, flags)
;   make some preliminary checks for correct arguments...
   Terminate(url == "", "Debug", "No URL...exiting program.")
   Terminate(action < 1 || action > 2 || !IsNumber(action), "Debug", "ACTION argument invalid.")
   ; set up the environment to handle the data...
   Select @TRUE
      Case action == 1
;   start the normal browser...
         hbr = startMSIE(url)
      Case action == 2
;   start the browser, but remove navigation buttons if the "2" flag is specified...
         hbr = startMSIE(url)
         If StrIndexNC(flags, "2", 1, @FWDSCAN)
            hbr.addressbar = @FALSE
            hbr.statusbar = @FALSE
            hbr.menubar = @FALSE
            hbr.toolbar = @FALSE
;   remove the nav buttons and the close buttons if the "4" flag is specified...
         If StrIndexNC(flags, "4", 1, @FWDSCAN) Then hbr.fullscreen = @TRUE
;   once navigation is complete, show the browser...
   hbr.visible = @TRUE
;   return a reference to the browser object for other functions...

#DefineFunction startMSIE(url)
;   internal function, starts the browser and navigates to specified URL...
   Browser = ObjectOpen("InternetExplorer.Application")
   browser.visible = @FALSE
   While Browser.busy || Browser.readystate <> 4
;   return a reference to the browser object...

#DefineFunction hGetVarNames()
;   find the folder where the variable list is located...
   hpath = "c:\Program Files\HTMLExtender\"
   filename = StrCat(hpath, "hvarnamelist.txt")
   Terminate(!FileExist(filename), "Debug", "Variable File Missing.")
;   retrieve it and return it to the user...
   hvlist = ""
   ih = FileOpen(filename, "read")
   While @TRUE
      line = FileRead(ih)
      If line == "*EOF*" Then Break
      hvlist = StrCat(hvlist, line)

#DefineFunction hGetVarValue(variable, DEFAULT)
;   find the folder where the variable values are stored...
   hpath = "c:\Program Files\HTMLExtender\"
   filename = StrCat(hpath, "hvarvaluelist.txt")
   Terminate(!FileExist(filename), "Debug", "Variable Value File Missing.")
   hvarnamelist = hGetVarNames()
;   build the list and process it...
   hvarvaluelist = ""
   ih = FileOpen(filename, "read")
   While @TRUE
      line = FileRead(ih)
      If line == "*EOF*" Then Break
      hvarvaluelist = StrCat(hvarvaluelist, line)
;   check to see if the variable specified is in the var list...
   hpos = ItemLocate(variable, hvarnamelist, @TAB)
;   if it is, get it's value, otherwise return the default value specified...
   If hpos
      hval = StrTrim(ItemExtract(hpos, hvarvaluelist, @TAB))
;   note: that if your variable is present, but has no value (eg, "") it will return "",
;   not the default text, as per the original function.

#DefineFunction processHTML(browser, option)
;   internal function that "inventories" the HTML page...
;   first make sure the arguments are valid...
   Terminate(option <> 1 && option <> 2, "Debug", "processHTML...OPTION argument invalid.")
;   setup a reference to the document object...
   browserdoc = browser.document
;   initialize the list vars...
   hvlist = ""
   hvvalues = ""
;   list of tags that users can supply input to on an HTML page...
   For y = 1 To ItemCount(htaglist, ",")
      tag = ItemExtract(y, htaglist, ",")
;   check for this tag in the document...
      vartags = browserdoc.getElementsByTagName(tag)
      For x = 0 To vartags.length-1
;   loop thru them one by one and get their corresponding values
         thistag = vartags.item(x)
         If thistag > 0
;   avoid "nameless" objects and those already on the list...
            If <> "" && !ItemLocate(, hvlist, @TAB)
;   check the tag types...
               Select @TRUE
                  Case tag == "INPUT" || tag == "TEXTAREA"
;   look for a radio or checkbox...
                     If thistag.type == "radio" || thistag.type == "checkbox"
                        If thistag.checked
;   don't place it in the variable list until checked, if it's left unchecked
;   it won't appear in the list and hGetVar() will return the default value...
                           hvlist = ItemInsert(, -1, hvlist, @TAB)
                           hvvalues = ItemInsert(thistag.value, -1, hvvalues, @TAB)
;   normal INPUT object, get the value...
                        hvlist = ItemInsert(, -1, hvlist, @TAB)
                        If thistag.value == ""
;   have to insert a SPACE for blank INPUTs, don't worry the return value gets STRTRIM() in hGetVar() and returns ""...
                           hvvalues = ItemInsert(" ", -1, hvvalues, @TAB)
                           data = StrReplace(thistag.value, @TAB, "     ")
                           hvvalues = ItemInsert(data, -1, hvvalues, @TAB)
;   SELECT tags are special...
                  Case tag == "SELECT"
                     hvlist = ItemInsert(, -1, hvlist, @TAB)
                     selOptions = thistag.Options
                     hvvalues = ItemInsert(selOptions.selectedIndex, -1, hvvalues, @TAB)
;   return either a list of variable names, or the list of values based on the argument...
   If option == 1

;   Marty was kind enough to send me the source code for the HTML extender
;   and I went thru it and expected to discover the secret way the C code
;   was determining that a button on the browser had been pushed and I was
;   going to somehow translate that into Winbatch code. My surprise was that
;   the C source did no such thing, it just simply looked to see if the URL
;   was blank, much like the HTML Dialog help file. Marty had once mentioned
;   to me that working with the browser wasn't too arcane and of course he
;   was right. So like good little Borg   I adapted and it lead me to inspect
;   the .locationURL property and I found that when an HTML form/page is
;   submitted locally the text "ignored" appears in the .locationURL, and
;   it's that simple. As the saying goes, the rest is...

;   I had to modify a few functions slightly and I added some PRIVATE FUNCTIONS
;   which the code uses and are transparent to the coder.

;   hBrowse() -- no longer closes the window (see above) and mimics *most* of the
;   original's functions. Try it and see what works for you.

;   New is hEndBrowse() -- which closes the browser (yes you could
;   simply issue the .quit method, but this helps the non-MSIE/OLE people a bit).

;   hGetURL() -- a function which examines the current URL of the browser to check
;   if it's valid. This was necessary to make sure the page was still part of the
;   document, so that the variable list and they're corresponding values weren't
;   lost if the document closed before the "inventory" was complete (which happened
;   constantly at first during testing).

;   hGetVarNames() -- roughly the same as the original, behind the scenes -- much
;  different.

;   hGetVarValue() -- roughly the same as the original, behind the scenes -- much
;  different.

;   hGetHTML() -- is a private function, needed to place the page's HTML into a
;   file, so it can be read later to give an accurate reading of what the user
;   had submitted.

;   You don't have to use forms on the page anymore since these functions
;   "inventory" the entire page for input objects. Make sure you NAME each
;   object though with the standard: name="MyName" so that your variable gets
;   recorded. AVOID using the same name multiple times.
;   unchecked checkboxes will not show up on the hVarNames, so if you query
;   one for the value, you'll get the default value you specify returned to you.
;   see below. also read the comments inside the function PROCESSHTML().
;   some variables can return an empty string "", such as TEXTAREAs that are
;   left blank. this is different than a variable that is NOT THERE, so these

;   Notes: I had to use text files since functions kept variables separate
;   and I wanted to keep as much as possible TRANSPARENT to the user.
;   I tried using WSC but that would force a combination of #INCLUDE with
;   these functions plus using the WSC file, which seemed a waste. I s'pose
;   a better option would be a WSC file with it all in there, but I prefer
;   to code in Winbatch where possible. :)

;   BTW -- file paths are hardcoded since using DIRGET() is problematic
;   due to the fact that the script could change folders or drives and the
;   functions would then miss data.

;The page you are looking for is currently unavailable
;. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.


#Include "c:\test\html functions.wbt"

;   This is a beta version of the HTML Extender for MSIE using OLE.
;   I'd appreciate it if you could test it and see how it works. This
;   is the 3rd version I've done on my own and is the most consistent.

;   Please feel free to make suggestions or complaints, I'd be interested
;   in what you find out. Best thing is you can re-code for your own
;   needs.

;   I'm using Winbatch 2002G, MSIE 6.

;   Marty was kind enough to send me the source code for the HTML extender
;   and I went thru it and expected to discover the secret way the C code
;   was determining that a button on the browser had been pushed and I was
;   going to somehow translate that into Winbatch code. My surprise was that
;   the C source did no such thing, it just simply looked to see if the URL
;   was blank, much like the HTML Dialog help file. Marty had once mentioned
;   to me that working with the browser wasn't too arcane and of course he
;   was right. So like good little Borg   I adapted and it lead me to inspect
;   the .locationURL property and I found that when an HTML form/page is
;   submitted locally the text "ignored" appears in the .locationURL, and
;   it's that simple. As the saying goes, the rest is...

;   I had to modify a few functions slightly and I ADDED SOME PRIVATE FUNCTIONS
;   which the code uses and are transparent to the coder.

;   hBrowse() -- no longer closes the window and mimics *most* of the
;   original's functions. Try it and see what works for you.

;   New is hEndBrowse() -- which closes the browser (yes you could
;   simply issue the .quit method, but this helps the non-MSIE/OLE people a bit).

;   hGetURL() -- a function which examines the current URL of the browser to check
;   if it's valid. This was necessary to make sure the page was still part of the
;   document, so that the variable list and they're corresponding values weren't
;   lost if the document closed before the "inventory" was complete (which happened
;   constantly during testing).

;   hGetVarNames() -- roughly the same as the original, behind the scenes -- much
;  different.

;   hGetVarValue() -- roughly the same as the original, behind the scenes -- much
;  different.

;   hGetHTML() -- is a private function, needed to place the page's HTML into a
;   file, so it can be read later to give an accurate reading of what the user
;   had submitted, otherwise the program dropped variables and values.

;   You don't have to use forms on the page anymore since these functions
;   "inventory" the ENTIRE page for input objects. Make sure you NAME each
;   object though with the standard: name="MyName" so that your variable gets
;   recorded. AVOID using the same name multiple times.
;   unchecked checkboxes will not show up on the hVarNames(), so if you query
;   one for the value, you'll get the default value you specify returned to you.
;   (see next paragraph) also read the comments inside the function PROCESSHTML().
;   some variables can return an empty string "", such as TEXTAREAs that are
;   left blank. this is different than a variable that is NOT THERE, so these
;   WON'T RETURN A DEFAULT VALUE if you specify one.

;   Notes: I had to use text files since functions kept variables separate
;   and I wanted to keep as much as possible TRANSPARENT to the user.
;   I tried using WSC but that would force a combination of #INCLUDE with
;   these functions plus using the WSC file, which seemed superfluous. I s'pose
;   a better option would be a WSC file with it all in there, but I prefer
;   to code in Winbatch where possible. :)

;   BTW -- file paths are hardcoded since using DIRGET() is problematic
;   due to the fact that the script could change folders or drives and the
;   functions would then miss the data.

;  sample code follows...

webpage = "C:\Test\xml3\hGetVarNames.html"
br = hBrowse(2, webpage, "2")      ; <--- return a reference to the browser object...

While hGetURL(br)      ; <--- while the URL is valid, loop...

hEndBrowse(br) ; <--- close the browser window...

;   get the values needed...

myformvarlist = hGetVarNames()

shoesize      = hGetVarValue("shoesize", "99")
txtarea       = hGetVarValue("TextBox",  "Wasn't on the page")
manual        = hGetVarValue("manual",   "99")
first         = hGetVarValue("first",    "None")
last          = hGetVarValue("last",     "None")
age           = hGetVarValue("under21",  "Unknown")

msgtxt = StrCat("First: ", first, @CRLF, "Last: ", last, @CRLF, "Shoe Size: ", shoesize, @CRLF, "Under 21?: ", age, @CRLF, "Manual: ", manual, @CRLF, "Text Area: ", txtarea)

Message(myformvarlist, msgtxt)   ; <--- show the values and the variable name list...

;display(2, "Open OLE Objects", intcontrol(77, 60, 0, 0, 0))
;gosub ShowOLE


   varlist = IntControl(77, 12, 0, 0, 0)
   olelist = ""
   For vv = 1 To ItemCount(varlist, @TAB)
      thisvar = ItemExtract(vv, varlist, @TAB)
      If VarType(%thisvar%) == 17 Then olelist = ItemInsert(thisvar, -1, olelist, @TAB)
   Message("OLE", olelist)


    <title>hGetVarValue Example</title>
    <!--This is the hGetVarNames.html file For the hGetVarNames Example-->


<h1 align="center">hGetVarValue Example</h1>

<h2 align="center">Please enter the following information:</h2>

<form action="ignored" method="POST">
    <div align="center"><center><table border="5" cellpadding="5"
            <th align="right">First Name:</th>
            <td><input type="text" size="20" name="first"></td>
            <th align="right">Last Name:</th>
            <td><input type="text" size="20" name="last"></td>
            <th align="right">Shoe size:</th>
            <td><Select name="shoesize" size="1">
                <option>1 1/2</option>
                <option>2 1/2</option>
                <option>3 1/2</option>
                <option>4 1/2</option>
                <option>5 1/2</option>
                <option>6 1/2</option>
                <option>7 1/2</option>
                <option selected>8</option>
                <option>8 1/2</option>
                <option>9 1/2</option>
                <option>10 1/2</option>
                <option>11 1/2</option>
                <option>12 1/2</option>
                <option>13 1/2</option>
            <th align="right">Age CHECK:</th>
            <td><input type="checkbox" name="under21" value="1">Under 21?</td>
            <th align="right">Manual CHECK:</th>
            <td><input type="radio" checked name="manual" value="1">Read manual<br>
            <input type="radio" name="manual" value="2">Scanned manual<br>
            <input type="radio" name="manual" value="3">Remember seeing manual<br>
            <input type="radio" name="manual" value="4">Lost manual</td>
            <th align="right">Manual CHECK:</th>
            <td><textarea name="TextBox" cols=55, ROWS=6 style="overlow:auto;" wrap="physical"></textarea></td>
    </center></div><p align="center">
         <input type="submit" name="ignored" value="Submit">
         <input type="reset" name="Clear" value="Clear">    </p>

Article ID:   W17247
File Created: 2007:07:03:14:28:58
Last Updated: 2007:07:03:14:28:58