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Text Based Dialog Tools


I've been noodling away at a GUI interface for the attached Studio macros plus some other features such a copying or changing the font/style of a group of controls.

Quite frankly, I don't know how much more time I'm willing to put into the GUI. I've managed to implement drag selection of controls and simply moving them but that's was the easy part. Maybe I'll just leave it and add these feature to the text based macros.

The Macros.
Renumber/Set Tabs >BR? If you want to change the tab order of controls just cut and paste the definitions to suite the desired order. Select the definitions and they will be renumbered and retabbed. Even if you don't need to reorder the definitions you can still use this macro to set your tabs sequentially.

Well Formed - (control number + 99)==(API control ID)
The Dialog Editor lists definitions in the order that they were added to the template, moving controls or adding a Groupbox does not update the tab order. To avoid the pain/drudgery of having to manually edit the tab order use this macro to automatically arrange the controls in row order. It will ensure that controls within Groupboxes are placed properly (Radiobuttons with the same variable will be together as will Groupboxes inside Groupboxes). If the order is not quite what you want it's easy to cut and paste properly ordered groups controls and renumber them with "Renumber/Set Tabs".

Expand Definitions
If you're manually editing your control definitions, changing the font of a number of controls for example, it can be confusing as to which field is which. So EXPAND the definitions then COLLAPSE them when your finished.

Space and Size
You have a row/column of buttons for example, adjust the first and last buttons to where you want them then select and choose the desired action.

Nudge is as nudge does. Before I discovered the arrow keys by accident in the Dialog Editor, I used to use these macros a lot.

The menu calls needed are at the top of the attached script.


George Vagenas


; A collection of Studio macros for tweaking and nudging dialog templates.

; Uncomment and add the following lines to "WSP-USER.MNU" or "WSPOPUP.MNU".  You'll have
; to modify the menu calls to work in your environment.

; Dialog Tools
;  Renumber/Set Tabs
;       call('DialogTools.wbt', 'RenumberDefs')
;  Well Formed
;       call('DialogTools.wbt', 'WellFormed')
;  Expand Definitions
;       call('DialogTools.wbt', 'Expand')
;  Collapse Definitions
;       call('DialogTools.wbt', 'Collapse')
;  Space and Size
;   Space and Size Horizontal
;       call('DialogTools.wbt', 'MakeEqualH')
;   Space Horizontally
;       call('DialogTools.wbt', 'SpaceEqualH')
;   Space and Size Vertical
;       call('DialogTools.wbt', 'MakeEqualV')
;   Space Vertical
;       call('DialogTools.wbt', 'SpaceEqualV')
;  Nudge
;   Left
;       call('DialogTools.wbt', 'Nudge Left')
;   Right
;       call('DialogTools.wbt', 'Nudge Right')
;   Up
;       call('DialogTools.wbt', 'Nudge Up')
;   Down
;       call('DialogTools.wbt', 'Nudge Down')

; Apart from indentation and trailing comments the control definitions must have the same
; format as templates created with the Dialog Editor.  No blank lines, no commented out
; lines, no substitution!

; NB!  This script will replace the selected lines and trash your clipboard.  Save your
; script or copy the definitions prior to using these macros.

; The easiest way to work with these macros is to save your template to a "WDL" file and
; copy it into your script when your finished.  By using Ctrl-F7 you can verify your
; edits and return to Studio by clicking any button.

; The Tools.

; Renumber/Set Tabs
; If you want to change the tab order of controls just cut and paste
; the definitions to suite the desired order.  Select the definitions and they will be
; renumbered and retabbed.  Even if you don't need to reorder the definitions you can
; still use this macro to set your tabs sequentially.

; Well Formed - (control number + 99)==(API control ID)
; The Dialog Editor lists definitions in the order that they were added to
; the template, moving controls or adding a Groupbox does not update the tab order.  To
; avoid the pain/drudgery of having to manually edit the tab order use this macro to
; automatically arrange the controls in row order.  It will ensure that controls within
; Groupboxes are placed properly (Radiobuttons with the same variable will be together as
; will Groupboxes inside Groupboxes).  If the order is not quite what you want it's easy
; to cut and paste properly ordered groups controls and renumber them with
; "Renumber/Set Tabs".

; Expand Definitions
; If you're manually editing your control definitions, changing the font of a number of
; controls for example, it can be confusing as to which field is which.  So EXPAND the
; definitions then COLLAPSE them when your finished.

; Space and Size
; You have a row/column of buttons for example, adjust the first and last buttons to where you
; want them then select and choose the desired action.

; Nudge is as nudge does.  Before I discovered the arrow keys by accident in the
; Dialog Editor, I used to use these macros a lot.

; That's it, enjoy!
; Tue 8/30/2005
; George Vagenas

If param0<1 Then Return

; Watch out!  Don't let this line get too long.
If StrIndexNC('RenumberDefs Collapse Expand MakeEqualH MakeEqualV Nudge SpaceEqualH SpaceEqualV WellFormed', param1, 1, @FWDSCAN)==0 Then Return

If !wGetSelstate()
   Display(3, '%param1%', 'No selection')

Goto %param1%

   Defs = ClipGet()
   Var  = ItemExtract(1, Defs, '=')
   Var  = StrSub(Var, 1, StrLen(Var)-3)

   While StrSub(Defs, StrLen(Defs)-1, 2)==@CRLF
      Defs = StrSub(Defs, 1, StrLen(Defs)-2)

   Cnts = ItemCount(Defs, @LF)
   For Cnt = 1 To Cnts
      Def = ItemReplace(Cnt, 9, ItemReplace(StrCat(Var, StrFixLeft(Cnt, '0', 3)), 1, ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, @LF), '='), ',')
      Defs = ItemReplace(Def, Cnt, Defs, @LF)
   Defs = StrCat(Defs, @CRLF)

   ClipPut(StrFixLeft(Cnts, '0', 3))
   wFind('NumControls=', 0, 0, 0, 0)
   Drop(Cnt, Cnts, Def, Defs, Var)

   ; Def0 =  '00X,00Y,0CX,0CY,CtrlType,Var,Tit/Pre,RetVal,Tab,Style,DEFAULT,"FgClr","BgClr"'
   Sep    = Num2Char(182)
   Var0   = '; nnn='
   Def0   =  '00X,00Y,0CX,0CY,CtrlType,Var,Tit/Pre,RetVal,Tab,Style,N|Z|S|P,"FgClr","BgClr"'
   DefLns = StrReplace(ClipGet(), @CRLF, Sep)
   Cnts   = ItemCount(DefLns, Sep)-1
   For Cnt = 1 To Cnts
      DefLn    = ItemExtract(Cnt, DefLns, Sep)
      Var%Cnt% = ItemExtract(1, DefLn, '`')
      Def%Cnt% = ItemExtract(2, DefLn, '`')

   For Cnt = 0 To Cnts
      For i = 1 To 13
         If !IsDefined(Max%i%) Then Max%i% = 0
         Max%i% = Max(Max%i%, StrLen(ItemExtract(i, Def%Cnt%, ',')))

   DefLns = ''
   For Cnt = 0 To Cnts
      For i = 1 To 13
         Fld = ItemExtract(i, Def%Cnt%, ',')
         If Fld=='' Then Break                        ; Calendar control only has eleven fields.

         Def%Cnt% = ItemRemove(i, Def%Cnt%, ',')
         Def%Cnt% = ItemInsert(StrFixLeft(Fld, ' ', Max%i%+1), i-1, Def%Cnt%, ',')
      DefLns = StrCat(DefLns, Var%Cnt%, '`', Def%Cnt%, '`', @CRLF)

   Drop(Cnt, Cnts, Fld, i, Sep)

   Defs = ClipGet()
   While StrIndex(Defs, ', ', 1, @FWDSCAN)!=0
      Defs = StrReplace(Defs, ', ', ',')
   Defs = StrReplace(Defs, '` ', '`')


   Sep       = @LF
   Defs      = StrSub(ClipGet(), 1, StrLen(ClipGet())-1)
   Cnts      = ItemCount(Defs, Sep)
   First     = 10000
   Last      = 0
   ttlHeight = 0

   For Cnt = 1 To Cnts
      Def       = ItemExtract(2, ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, Sep), '`')
      ttlHeight = ttlHeight + StrTrim(ItemExtract(4, Def, ','))
      Test      = StrTrim(ItemExtract(2, Def, ','))
      First     = Min(First, Test)
      If Last<Test
         Last   = Test
         LastPt = Cnt
   LastDef   = ItemExtract(2, ItemExtract(LastPt, Defs, Sep), '`')
   Pad       = Last + StrTrim(ItemExtract(4, LastDef, ',')) - First - ttlHeight
   Pad       = Pad/(Cnts-1)
   ttlHeight = 0

   For Cnt = 1 To Cnts
      Ln        = ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, Sep)
      Def       = ItemExtract(2, Ln, '`')
      Y1        = StrFixLeft(First + Pad*(Cnt-1) + ttlHeight, '0', 3)
      ttlHeight = ttlHeight + ItemExtract(4, Def, ',')
      Def       = ItemRemove(2, Def, ',')
      Def       = ItemInsert(Y1, 1, Def, ',')
      Ln        = ItemRemove(2, Ln, '`')
      Ln        = ItemInsert(Def, 1, Ln, '`')
      Defs      = ItemRemove(Cnt, Defs, Sep)
      Defs      = ItemInsert(Ln, Cnt-1, Defs, Sep)
   ClipPut(StrCat(Defs, Sep))

   Drop(Cnt, Cnts, Def, Defs, First, Last, LastDef, LastPt, Ln, Sep, Spread)
   Drop(Test, Width, X1)

   Sep   = @LF
   Defs  = StrSub(ClipGet(), 1, StrLen(ClipGet())-1)
   Cnts  = ItemCount(Defs, Sep)
   First = 10000
   Last  = 0

   For Cnt = 1 To Cnts
      Def   = ItemExtract(2, ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, Sep), '`')
      Test  = StrTrim(ItemExtract(2, Def, ','))
      First = Min(First, Test)
      If Last<Test
         Last   = Test
         LastPt = Cnt
   LastDef = ItemExtract(2, ItemExtract(LastPt, Defs, Sep), '`')
   Spread  = Last + StrTrim(ItemExtract(4, LastDef, ',')) - First
   Height  = Spread/Cnts

   For Cnt = 1 To Cnts
      Ln   = ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, Sep)
      Def  = ItemExtract(2, Ln, '`')
      Y1   = StrFixLeft(First + Height*(Cnt-1)+Cnt-1, '0', 3)
      Def  = ItemRemove(2, Def, ',')
      Def  = ItemInsert(Y1, 1, Def, ',')
      Def  = ItemRemove(4, Def, ',')
      Def  = ItemInsert(Height, 3, Def, ',')
      Ln   = ItemRemove(2, Ln, '`')
      Ln   = ItemInsert(Def, 1, Ln, '`')
      Defs = ItemRemove(Cnt, Defs, Sep)
      Defs = ItemInsert(Ln, Cnt-1, Defs, Sep)
   ClipPut(StrCat(Defs, Sep))

   Drop(Cnt, Cnts, Def, Defs, First, Last, LastDef, LastPt, Ln, Sep, Spread)
   Drop(Test, Width, X1)

   Sep   = @LF
   Defs  = StrSub(ClipGet(), 1, StrLen(ClipGet())-1)
   Cnts  = ItemCount(Defs, Sep)
   First = 10000
   Last  = 0

   For Cnt = 1 To Cnts
      Def   = ItemExtract(2, ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, Sep), '`')
      Test  = StrTrim(ItemExtract(1, Def, ','))
      First = Min(First, Test)
      If Last<Test
         Last   = Test
         LastPt = Cnt
   LastDef = ItemExtract(2, ItemExtract(LastPt, Defs, Sep), '`')
   Spread  = Last + StrTrim(ItemExtract(3, LastDef, ',')) - First
   Width   = Spread/Cnts

   For Cnt = 1 To Cnts
      Ln   = ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, Sep)
      Def  = ItemExtract(2, Ln, '`')
      X1   = StrFixLeft(First + Width*(Cnt-1)+Cnt-1, '0', 3)
      Def  = ItemRemove(1, Def, ',')
      Def  = ItemInsert(X1, 0, Def, ',')
      Def  = ItemRemove(3, Def, ',')
      Def  = ItemInsert(Width, 2, Def, ',')
      Ln   = ItemRemove(2, Ln, '`')
      Ln   = ItemInsert(Def, 1, Ln, '`')
      Defs = ItemRemove(Cnt, Defs, Sep)
      Defs = ItemInsert(Ln, Cnt-1, Defs, Sep)
   ClipPut(StrCat(Defs, Sep))

   Drop(Cnt, Cnts, Def, Defs, First, Last, LastDef, LastPt, Ln, Sep, Spread)
   Drop(Test, Width, X1)

   Sep      = @LF
   Defs     = StrSub(ClipGet(), 1, StrLen(ClipGet())-1)
   Cnts     = ItemCount(Defs, Sep)
   First    = 10000
   Last     = 0
   ttlWidth = 0

   For Cnt = 1 To Cnts
      Def = ItemExtract(2, ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, Sep), '`')
      f00 = StrTrim(ItemExtract(3, Def, ','))
      ttlWidth = ttlWidth + StrTrim(ItemExtract(3, Def, ','))
      Test = StrTrim(ItemExtract(1, Def, ','))
      First = Min(First, Test)
      If Last<Test
         Last   = Test
         LastPt = Cnt
   LastDef = ItemExtract(2, ItemExtract(LastPt, Defs, Sep), '`')
   Pad = Last + StrTrim(ItemExtract(3, LastDef, ',')) - First - ttlWidth
   Pad = Pad/(Cnts-1)
   ttlWidth = 0

   For Cnt = 1 To Cnts
      Ln       = ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, Sep)
      Def      = ItemExtract(2, Ln, '`')
      X1       = StrFixLeft(First + Pad*(Cnt-1) + ttlWidth, '0', 3)
      ttlWidth = ttlWidth + ItemExtract(3, Def, ',')
      Def      = ItemRemove(1, Def, ',')
      Def      = ItemInsert(X1, 0, Def, ',')
      Ln       = ItemRemove(2, Ln, '`')
      Ln       = ItemInsert(Def, 1, Ln, '`')
      Defs     = ItemRemove(Cnt, Defs, Sep)
      Defs     = ItemInsert(Ln, Cnt-1, Defs, Sep)
   ClipPut(StrCat(Defs, Sep))

   Drop(Cnt, Cnts, Def, Defs, First, Last, LastDef, LastPt, Ln, Sep, Spread)
   Drop(Test, Width, X1)

   If param1==1
      Msg = 'No direction specified!'
   If StrIndexNC('Left Right Up Down', param2, 1, @FWDSCAN)==0
      Msg = 'Bad direction string!%@crlf%%param2%'

   Nudge = AskLine('Nudging %param2%', 'Nudge by?', 2)
   If StrLower(param2)=='left' || StrLower(param2)=='right'
      If StrLower(param2)=='left' Then Nudge = -Nudge
      Pt = 1
      If StrLower(param2)=='up' Then Nudge = -Nudge
      Pt = 2
   Sep = @LF
   Defs = StrSub(ClipGet(), 1, StrLen(ClipGet())-1)
   Cnts = ItemCount(Defs, Sep)
   For Cnt = 1 To Cnts
      Ln    = ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, Sep)
      Def   = ItemExtract(2, Ln, '`')
      Coord = StrFixLeft(ItemExtract(Pt, Def, ',')+Nudge, '0', 3)
      Def   = ItemRemove(Pt, Def, ',')
      Def   = ItemInsert(Coord, Pt-1, Def, ',')
      Ln    = ItemRemove(2, Ln, '`')
      Ln    = ItemInsert(Def, 1, Ln, '`')
      Defs  = ItemRemove(Cnt, Defs, Sep)
      Defs  = ItemInsert(Ln, Cnt-1, Defs, Sep)
   ClipPut(StrCat(Defs, Sep))

   Drop(Cnt, Cnts, Coord, Def, Defs, Ln, Nudge, Pt, Sep)

   chkUPs = IntControl(77, 103, 0, 0, 0)                                            ; Get list of loaded functions.
   If !ItemLocate('udflalistsort', chkUPS, @TAB) Then GoSub LoadUPs


#DefineFunction udfLAListSort(Recs, fSep, rSep, Keys)
   IntControl(73, 2, 0, 0, 0)    ; GoSub WBERRORHANDLER

   ; Do some quick checking here.
   If fSep=='' || rSep=='' Then Return ''

   FldCnt = ItemCount(ItemExtract(1, Recs, rSep), fSep)
   RecCnt = ItemCount(Recs, rSep)-1
   KeyCnt = ItemCount(Keys, ',')

   Db = dbOpen('', 0, 1, FldCnt+1, 0, fSep, '')

   ; Comma delimited, one based column numbers least to most important sort order.
   ; A negative number indicates a descending sort for that column.
   Keys = StrReplace(Keys, ' ', '')
   Ascends = ''
   For k = 1 To KeyCnt
      n = ItemExtract(k, Keys, ',')
      If !IsInt(n) Then Return ''
      If n<0 Then Ascends = ItemInsert(0, -1, Ascends, ',')
         Else Ascends = ItemInsert(1, -1, Ascends, ',')
   Keys = StrReplace(Keys, '-', '')

   ; Bind columns to variables.
   For Fld = 1 To FldCnt+1
      Err = dbBindCol(Db, Fld, StrCat('Col', Fld))
      If Err!=1 Then Goto Getout

   For Row = 0 To RecCnt
      Rec = ItemExtract(Row+1, Recs, rSep)
      For Fld = 1 To FldCnt
         Col%Fld% = ItemExtract(Fld, Rec, fSep)                   ; Load record data into bound variables.

      Err = dbSetEntireRecord(Db, 0, 2|4)                         ; Add new record.
      If Err!=Row Then Goto Getout                                ; Caller beware!.

   ; Time to sort.
   For Srt = 1 To KeyCnt
      Key = ItemExtract(Srt, Keys, ',')
      Ascend = ItemExtract(Srt, Ascends, ',')
      Err = dbSort(DB, %Key%, Ascend)
      If Err!=1 Then Goto Getout

   Recs = ''
   For Row = 0 To RecCnt
      Err = dbGetEntireRecord(Db, Row, 2)                               ; Variable record number.
      If Err!=1 Then Goto Getout

      Rec = ''
      For Fld = 1 To FldCnt
         Rec = ItemInsert(Col%Fld%, -1, Rec, fSep)

      Next ; Fld
      Recs = ItemInsert(Rec, -1, Recs, rSep)
   Next  ; Row

   Return Recs

   Return ''

   wError = LastError()
   wErrStr     = IntControl(34,wError,0,0,0)
   wErrLine    = wberrorhandlerline
   wErrOffset  = wberrorhandleroffset
   wErrAssign  = wberrorhandlerassignment
   wErrMsg = StrCat(`wError = `, wError, @CRLF, `wErrStr = `, wErrStr, @CRLF, `wErrLine = `, wErrLine, @CRLF, `wErrAssign = `, wErrAssign)
   Pause(`Error in udfLAListSort`, wErrMsg)

#EndFunction   ;udfLAListSort

#DefineFunction wbsWellFormedDlg(Defs)
   If Defs=='' Then Return 0

   User32 = StrCat(DirWindows(1), 'User32.dll')
   Tol    = 3                                   ; Tolerance for row match.

   Var = StrTrim(ItemExtract(1, Defs, '='))
   Var = StrSub(Var, 1, StrLen(Var)-3)

   ; Remove trailing @CRLFs.
   While StrIndex(Defs, @CRLF, 0, @BACKSCAN)==StrLen(Defs)-1
      Defs = StrSub(Defs, 1, StrLen(Defs)-2)
   Defs = StrReplace(StrReplace(Defs, '=`', '=`,'), @CRLF, @LF)
   Defs = udfLAListSort(Defs, ',', @LF, '2,3')
   Cnts = ItemCount(Defs, @LF)

   GoSub CheckTolerance
   GoSub CheckGroupbox
   GoSub CheckOptions

   Indent = StrFill(' ', StrLen(ItemExtract(1, Defs, ','))-StrLen(StrTrim(ItemExtract(1, Defs, ','))))
   For Cnt = 1 To Cnts
      Def = ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, @LF)
      Def= ItemReplace(StrCat(Indent, Var, StrFixLeft(Cnt, '0', 3), '=`'), 1, Def, ',')
      Def= ItemReplace(Cnt, 10, Def, ',')
      Defs = ItemReplace(Def, Cnt, Defs, @LF)
   Next ;Cnt
   Defs = StrCat(StrReplace(StrReplace(Defs, @LF, @CRLF), '=`,', '=`'), @CRLF)

   Return Defs

   ; Check controls in tolerance range.
   For Cnt = 1 To Cnts-1
      Swap = @FALSE
      Def  = ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, @LF)
      Ctl  = StrUpper(ItemExtract(6, Def, ','))
      y    = ItemExtract(3, Def, ',')+Tol
      x    = ItemExtract(2, Def, ',')
      Chk  = Cnt+1

      While y>=ItemExtract(3, ItemExtract(Chk, Defs, @LF), ',') && x>ItemExtract(2, ItemExtract(Chk, Defs, @LF), ',')
         Swap = @TRUE
         Defs = ItemRemove(Chk-1, Defs, @LF)
         Defs = ItemInsert(Def, Chk-1, Defs, @LF)
         Chk  = Chk+1
      If Swap Then Cnt = Cnt-1
   Next ;Cnt

   grpNdx = 0
   RECT = BinaryAlloc(16)
   Start = 1
   While 1
      grpNdx = StrIndexNC(Defs, 'GROUPBOX', grpNdx, @FWDSCAN)
      If grpNdx==0 Then Break

      For Cnt = Start To Cnts-1
         Def  = ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, @LF)
         If StrUpper(ItemExtract(6, Def, ','))=='GROUPBOX' Then Break
      Next ;Cnt
      If Cnt>Cnts Then Break    ; False flag.

      BinaryPoke4(RECT, 0, ItemExtract(2, Def, ','))
      BinaryPoke4(RECT, 4, ItemExtract(3, Def, ','))
      BinaryPoke4(RECT, 8, ItemExtract(2, Def, ',')+ItemExtract(4, Def, ','))
      BinaryPoke4(RECT, 12, ItemExtract(3, Def, ',')+ItemExtract(5, Def, ','))

      Start = Cnt+1
      Chk = Cnt
      grpRow = Cnt
      For Cnt = grpRow+1 To Cnts
         Def  = ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, @LF)
         x    = ItemExtract(2, Def, ',')
         y    = ItemExtract(3, Def, ',')
         If DllCall(User32, long:"PtInRect", lpbinary:RECT, long:x, long:y)!=0
            Defs = ItemRemove(Cnt, Defs, @LF)
            Defs = ItemInsert(Def, Chk, Defs, @LF)
            Chk = Chk+1
      Next ;Cnt

      grpNdx = grpNdx+1


   optNdx = 0
   Start = 1
   While 1
      optNdx = StrIndexNC(Defs, 'RADIOBUTTON', optNdx, @FWDSCAN)
      If optNdx==0 Then Return

      For Cnt = Start To Cnts-1
         Def  = ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, @LF)
         If StrUpper(ItemExtract(6, Def, ','))=='RADIOBUTTON' Then Break
      Next ;Cnt
      If Cnt>Cnts Then Return    ; False flag.

      optNdx = StrIndex(Defs, @LF, optNdx, @FWDSCAN)+2    ; Move past the last good definition.
      optVar = StrLower(ItemExtract(7, Def, ','))
      Start = Cnt+1
      Chk = Cnt
      optRow = Cnt
      For Cnt = optRow+1 To Cnts
         Def  = ItemExtract(Cnt, Defs, @LF)
         f00Var = StrLower(ItemExtract(7, Def, ','))

         If f00Var==optVar
            Start = Start+1
            optNdx = StrIndex(Defs, @LF, optNdx, @FWDSCAN)+2
            Defs = ItemRemove(Cnt, Defs, @LF)
            Defs = ItemInsert(Def, Chk, Defs, @LF)
            Chk = Chk+1
      Next ;Cnt


#EndFunction   ;wbsWellFormedDlg
Return   ;LoadUPs

Article ID:   W17249
File Created: 2007:07:03:14:29:00
Last Updated: 2007:07:03:14:29:00