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Convert Date Format

I have written 2 UDF's that convert the output string from TimeYmdHms() to any format and from any format back to TimeYmdHms() format.

#DefineFunction udfConvertTimeDate( ts, format )
   YYYY = ItemExtract(1, ts, ":")
   YY = StrSub(YYYY, 3, 2)
   MM = ItemExtract(2, ts, ":")
   DD = ItemExtract(3, ts, ":")
   HH = ItemExtract(4, ts, ":")
   NN = ItemExtract(5, ts, ":")
   SS = ItemExtract(6, ts, ":")

   NewFormat = format
   If StrIndex(format, "YYYY", 0, @FWDSCAN) Then
      NewFormat = StrReplace(NewFormat, "YYYY", YYYY)
   End If
   If StrIndex(format, "YY", 0, @FWDSCAN) Then
      NewFormat = StrReplace(NewFormat, "YY", YY)
   End If
   If StrIndex(format, "MM", 0, @FWDSCAN) Then
      NewFormat = StrReplace(NewFormat, "MM", MM)
   End If
   If StrIndex(format, "DD", 0, @FWDSCAN) Then
      NewFormat = StrReplace(NewFormat, "DD", DD)
   End If
   If StrIndex(format, "HH", 0, @FWDSCAN) Then
      NewFormat = StrReplace(NewFormat, "HH", HH)
   End If
   If StrIndex(format, "NN", 0, @FWDSCAN) Then
      NewFormat = StrReplace(NewFormat, "NN", NN)
   End If
   If StrIndex(format, "SS", 0, @FWDSCAN) Then
      NewFormat = StrReplace(NewFormat, "SS", SS)
   End If
   Return NewFormat

#DefineFunction udfConvertTimeDateToYmdHms ( ts, format )
   iYYYY = StrIndex(format, "YYYY", 1, @FWDSCAN)
   YYYY = StrSub(ts, iYYYY, 4)

   If iYYYY == "0" Then
      iYY = StrIndex(format, "YY", 1, @FWDSCAN)
      YY = StrSub(ts, iYY, 2)
      If YY < 80 Then
         YYYY = (2000 + YY)
         YYYY = (1900 + YY)
      End If
   End If

   iMM = StrIndex(format, "MM", 1, @FWDSCAN)
   MM = StrSub(ts, iMM, 2)
   iDD = StrIndex(format, "DD", 1, @FWDSCAN)
   DD = StrSub(ts, iDD, 2)
   iHH = StrIndex(format, "HH", 1, @FWDSCAN)
   HH = StrSub(ts, iHH, 2)
   iNN = StrIndex(format, "NN", 1, @FWDSCAN)
   NN = StrSub(ts, iNN, 2)
   iSS = StrIndex(format, "SS", 1, @FWDSCAN)
   SS = StrSub(ts, iSS, 2)

   NewFormat = StrCat(YYYY, ":", MM, ":", DD, ":", HH, ":", NN, ":", SS)

   Return NewFormat

Article ID:   W16222
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:43:28
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:43:28