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Convert UTC Time

Time conversion routines...
;  Convert Local time to Universal time.                           
; Input is the local time in YmdHms format.                        
; Output is also YmdHms, but converted to Universal time.
#DefineFunction TimeLocalToUniversal(Time)
   ST  = BinaryAlloc(16)
   FT1 = BinaryAlloc(8)
   FT2 = BinaryAlloc(8)

   Yr = Int(ItemExtract(1,Time,":"))     ; We must have 4 digit years.
   if Yr < 100 then Yr = 2000 + Yr       ; so assume 2 digit years are 20xx.

   BinaryPoke2(ST, 0,Yr)                 ; Fill a SYSTEMTIME structure
   BinaryPoke2(ST, 2,Int(ItemExtract(2,Time,":")))
   BinaryPoke2(ST, 6,Int(ItemExtract(3,Time,":")))
   BinaryPoke2(ST, 8,Int(ItemExtract(4,Time,":")))

                                          ; Do the time conversion
   kernel32 = DllLoad(strcat(dirwindows(1),"Kernel32.DLL"))
   DllCall(kernel32,lpstr:"SystemTimeToFileTime",lpbinary:ST, lpbinary:FT1)
   DllCall(kernel32,lpstr:"LocalFileTimeToFileTime",lpbinary:FT1, lpbinary:FT2)
   DllCall(kernel32,lpstr:"FileTimeToSystemTime",lpbinary:FT2, lpbinary:ST)

   Local = Strcat(BinaryPeek2(ST,0),":")
   Local = StrCat(Local,StrFixLeft(BinaryPeek2(ST,2),"0",2),":")
   Local = StrCat(Local,StrFixLeft(BinaryPeek2(ST,6),"0",2),":")
   Local = StrCat(Local,StrFixLeft(BinaryPeek2(ST,8),"0",2),":")
   Local = StrCat(Local,StrFixLeft(BinaryPeek2(ST,10),"0",2),":")
   Local = StrCat(Local,StrFixLeft(BinaryPeek2(ST,12),"0",2))
   return Local

;  Convert Universal time to local time.                           
; Input is universal time in YmdHms format.                        
; Output is also YmdHms, but converted to local time.
#DefineFunction TimeUniversalToLocal(Time)
   ST  = BinaryAlloc(16)
   FT1 = BinaryAlloc(8)
   FT2 = BinaryAlloc(8)

   Yr = Int(ItemExtract(1,Time,":"))     ; We must have 4 digit years.
   if Yr < 100 then Yr = 2000 + Yr       ; So assume 2 digit years are 20xx.

   BinaryPoke2(ST, 0,Yr)                 ; Fill a SYSTEMTIME structure
   BinaryPoke2(ST, 2,Int(ItemExtract(2,Time,":")))
   BinaryPoke2(ST, 6,Int(ItemExtract(3,Time,":")))
   BinaryPoke2(ST, 8,Int(ItemExtract(4,Time,":")))

                                          ; Do the time conversion
   kernel32 = DllLoad(strcat(dirwindows(1),"Kernel32.DLL"))
   DllCall(kernel32,lpstr:"SystemTimeToFileTime",lpbinary:ST, lpbinary:FT1)
   DllCall(kernel32,lpstr:"FileTimeToLocalFileTime",lpbinary:FT1, lpbinary:FT2)
   DllCall(kernel32,lpstr:"FileTimeToSystemTime",lpbinary:FT2, lpbinary:ST)

   Local = Strcat(BinaryPeek2(ST,0),":")
   Local = StrCat(Local,StrFixLeft(BinaryPeek2(ST,2),"0",2),":")
   Local = StrCat(Local,StrFixLeft(BinaryPeek2(ST,6),"0",2),":")
   Local = StrCat(Local,StrFixLeft(BinaryPeek2(ST,8),"0",2),":")
   Local = StrCat(Local,StrFixLeft(BinaryPeek2(ST,10),"0",2),":")
   Local = StrCat(Local,StrFixLeft(BinaryPeek2(ST,12),"0",2))
   return Local

;  Test the routines
TimeNow = TimeYmdHms()
UTC = TimeLocalToUniversal(TimeNow)
Local = TimeUniversalToLocal(UTC)

Text = StrCat("Original:",@Tab,@Tab,@TAB,TimeNow,@CRLF,"Converted To Universal:",@TAB,UTC,@CRLF,"Converted to Local:",@Tab,@Tab,Local)
NOTE: Under Windows NT/2000/XP, the time zone bias (the differential between UTC and local time) is stored in the Windows Registry in the following value.
Here is some code to get the GMT Offset
activebias = RegQueryDWORD( @REGMACHINE,'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation[ActiveTimeBias]') 
machinegmtoffset = int ( ( activebias / 60 ) * ( -1 ) ) ;

Article ID:   W16729
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:22:04
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:22:04