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Find Line Number of Keyword in a Text File

 Keywords:  Find Locate Search Line Number String Keyword Text File udfGetLineOfStringInFile


Hi I have a directory of text files (100 - 200) and would like to traverse each file looking for a key word. If found the text file name and line location of the key word would be output to a "search results" text file. I suspect this has already been created in the Tech Database but I could not locate a solution. Could you point me in the right direction or direct me toward the WinBatch procedures that would best accomplish this task? Thanks.


The file search extender can be used to quickly locate any files that contain your keyword.

path         = "C:\Temp\"
searchstring = "wsrch34i.dll"

filelist = ''
While 1
   If a=="" Then Break
   filelist = ItemInsert(a, -1, filelist, @LF)

This code could be used to then locate the line numbers:
#DefineFunction udfGetLineOfStringInFile (strFilename, strSearch, intStart, intDirection, blnMatchCase) ; The FileGet version.
If strSearch == "" Then Return 0
intFileSize = FileSize (strFilename)
If intFileSize == 0 Then Return 0
If intStart < 1 Then Return 0
If intStart > intFileSize Then Return 0
strFile = FileGet (strFilename)
If !!blnMatchCase
   intPos = StrIndex (strFile, strSearch, intStart, intDirection)
   intPos = StrIndexNC (strFile, strSearch, intStart, intDirection)
If !!intPos Then Return 1 + StrCnt (strFile, @CRLF, 1, intPos, 1)
Return 0
; Detlev Dalitz.20110716.

; Test.

DirChange (DirScript ())

strFilename = IntControl (1004, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; We use this file as test input.

strMsgTitle = "Demo: udfGetLineOfStringInFile"

; Test1.
strSearch = "Test"
intStart = 1
intLine = udfGetLineOfStringInFile (strFilename, strSearch, intStart, @FWDSCAN, @TRUE)
If !!intLine
   strMsgText = StrCat ("String found: ", strSearch : @LF : "Line: ", intLine)
   strMsgText = StrCat ("String not found: ", strSearch)
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)

; Test2.
strSearch = "Test" : 3
intStart = 1
intLine = udfGetLineOfStringInFile (strFilename, strSearch, intStart, @FWDSCAN, @TRUE)
If !!intLine
   strMsgText = StrCat ("String found: ", strSearch : @LF : "Line: ", intLine)
   strMsgText = StrCat ("String not found: ", strSearch)
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)


Article ID:   W18363
Filename:   Find Line Number of Keyword in a Text File.txt
File Created: 2011:07:18:07:24:52
Last Updated: 2011:07:18:07:24:52