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Get a Signature of a File

 Keywords:  checksum md5 CRC12 CRC32 signature

;===== Function    :  F_GetFileChecksum
;===== Description :  Retrieves a MD5, CRC16 or CRC32 from a file
;===== Release     :  1.1
;===== Programmer  :  TC
;===== Input       :  FileName : The file name without path
;=====                Method =
;=====                Specifies the type of digest or CRC to generate, and can be one of the following values:
;=====                Return String Format (x=hex character)
;=====                0 = MD5 digest "xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx"
;=====                1 = 16-bit CRC "xxxx"
;=====                2 = 32-bit CRC "xxxxxxxx"
;=====                verbose =  @TRUE or verbose = @FALSE for messages
;===== Returns     :  Hex Value MD5,CRC16 or CRC32 or -1 when error,
;===== CATAGORY    :
;===== STATUS      :
#DefineFunction F_GetFileChkSum(str_Filename, Method, Verbose)

   If Verbose Then Message (str_FileName,"%method%  %verbose%")
   str_Currentdir  = "nothing"
   int_FileSize    = 0
   int_BinBuf      = 0
   int_Info        = 0
   int_CheckForDir = 0
   result          = 0

   str_CurrentDir  = DirGet()

   ;0 = not found otherwise pos of substr
   int_CheckForDir = StrIndex(str_FileName, "\", 1, @FWDSCAN) ; Check if str_filename contains a path
   If int_CheckForDir == 0
      str_FileName   = StrCat(str_CurrentDir, str_FileName) ; Append the full path when no path is found

   If verbose Then Message("",str_filename)

   If FileExist(str_FileName) ; check if file exist
      int_FileSize   = FileSize(str_FileName)
      int_BinBuf = BinaryAlloc(Int_FileSize+100) ; Allocate a buffer the size of your file + 100 bytes.
      If int_BinBuf == 0
      If Verbose Then Message("Error", "BinaryAlloc Failed")
         Result = -1
         BinaryRead(int_binbuf, str_FileName) ; Read the file into the buffer.
         str_info   = BinaryChecksum(int_binbuf, method)
         If Verbose Then Message("test ",str_info)
         int_binbuf = BinaryFree(int_binbuf)
         Result     = str_info
      Result = -1
   Return Result

;===== End of function: F_GetFileChkSum(str_Filename, Method, Verbose)

FileName    = "f_getfilechksum.wbt"
MD5digest   = 0
CRC16       = 0
CRC32       = 0
;verbose     = @FALSE
verbose     = @TRUE

MD5digest   = F_GetFileChkSum(ileName,0,verbose)
CRC16       = F_GetFileChkSum(FileName,1,verbose)
CRC32       = F_GetFileChkSum(FileName,2,verbose)


Article ID:   W17476
File Created: 2008:04:10:15:11:22
Last Updated: 2008:04:10:15:11:22