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Check for Window Containing Specific Text

Check for existence of window containing specific text
#DefineFunction udfWinExistText( WindowTitle, WindowText )
   ; Check for existence of window containing specific text
   If !WinExist(WindowTitle) Then Return @FALSE
   If WindowText=="" Then Return @TRUE
   If StrIndexNC(WinItemChild(WindowTitle),WindowText,1,@FWDSCAN)>0 Then Return @TRUE
   Return @FALSE

ret = udfWinExistText( WindowTitle, WindowText )
If ret == @FALSE
    Pause( 'udfWinExistText', 'Window containing that text was NOT found')
    Pause( 'udfWinExistText', 'Window containing that text was found' )


Article ID:   W18418
Filename:   Check for Window Containing Specific Text.txt
File Created: 2008:11:25:12:13:58
Last Updated: 2008:11:25:12:13:58