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 Keywords:  EnumDisplayMonitors udfEnumDisplayMonitors Enumerate List Display Dual Monitor Multi-Monitor Device DllCallbackCreate DllCallbackDestroy IntControl 32 Pointer Binary Buffer

; DllCall with Callback example.
; Requires WinBatch 2011B or newer
#DefineFunction udfMonitorEnumProc(hMonitor,hdcMonitor,lprcMonitor,dwData)
   ; udfMonitorEnumProc : Callback function that is called by the
   ;                      udfEnumDisplayMonitors function.
   ; parm1       : hMonitor
   ; parm2       : hdcMonitor
   ; parm3       : lprcMonitor
   ; parm4       : dwData
   ; returns    : @TRUE/@FALSE. This callback will run until: Callback returns FALSE
   ; Deana Falk
   ; 2011.11.30  Initial Release
   ;BOOL CALLBACK MonitorEnumProc(
   ;  __in  HMONITOR hMonitor,
   ;  __in  HDC hdcMonitor,
   ;  __in  LPRECT lprcMonitor,
   ;  __in  LPARAM dwData

   left   = IntControl(32,lprcMonitor   ,"LONG",0,0)
   top    = IntControl(32,lprcMonitor+4 ,"LONG",0,0)
   right  = IntControl(32,lprcMonitor+8 ,"LONG",0,0)
   bottom = IntControl(32,lprcMonitor+12,"LONG",0,0)
   Pause('LPRECT: left,top,right,bottom', left:@CR:top:@CR:right:@CR:bottom)

   Return @TRUE

#DefineFunction udfEnumDisplayMonitors(cbhandle)
   ; EnumDisplayMonitors : enumerates display monitors (including invisible
   ;                         pseudo-monitors associated with the mirroring drivers)
   ;                         that intersect a region formed by the intersection of
   ;                         a specified clipping rectangle and the visible region
   ;                         of a device context.
   ; parm1       : NA
   ; returns    :
   ; Deana Falk
   ; 2011.11.30  Initial Release
   ;  BOOL EnumDisplayMonitors(
   ;  __in  HDC hdc,
   ;  __in  LPCRECT lprcClip,
   ;  __in  MONITORENUMPROC lpfnEnum,
   ;  __in  LPARAM dwData

   ; EnumDisplayMonitors calls an application-defined MonitorEnumProc callback function once
   ; for each monitor that is enumerated. Note that GetSystemMetrics (SM_CMONITORS) counts
   ; only the display monitors.
   userdll = StrCat(DirWindows(1),"USER32.DLL")
   returnvalue = DllCall(userdll,long:"EnumDisplayMonitors",lpnull,lpnull,callback:cbhandle,long:0)
   If returnvalue == 0
      Pause('EnumDisplayMonitors Failed',DllLastError())
      Return 0
   Return 1

cbhandle = DllCallbackCreate('udfMonitorEnumProc','LONG','LONG LONG LONG LONG')

Article ID:   W18419
Filename:   udfEnumDisplayMonitors.txt
File Created: 2011:12:01:12:23:24
Last Updated: 2011:12:01:12:23:24